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Old 18-07-2001, 02:03
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Dreamcast makes bad ticking sound until i HIT it! (self-boot copy problem)... HELP!

I've made a copy of Shenmue (self boot), using CloneCD and my copy, when loaded in the Dreamcast, spins and the dreamcast makes a ticking sound and sits on the Dreamcast logo screen until i hit the top of my dreamcast with my hand, and THEN it loads properly!?!

My dreamcast can load self boot discs fine, just not if i make them myself!

Can anyone tell me whats happening, and how do i fix it?

Also, my CD Burner loaths self boot disks. Is there a way to remove the self boot track and modify the ip.bin file so i can use it with the Utopia Boot Disk (all of those copys work fine on my cd burner!)
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Old 18-07-2001, 06:56
segaplayer segaplayer is offline
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You need to burn any selfbot games with Discjuggler!
Settings: CDXA, Mode 2!!!
Bye saiz tAz
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Old 18-07-2001, 21:30
BrAvO_BoY BrAvO_BoY is offline
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segaplayer (18-07-2001 13:56):
You need to burn any selfbot games with Discjuggler!
Settings: CDXA, Mode 2!!!
Bye saiz tAz
Bollocks !! you don't have to use diskjuggler, clonecd and nero will also burn a selfbooting game. Also you don't have to touch any settings in Diskjuggler just stick to the standard ones and everything will work fine.
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Old 18-07-2001, 21:34
BrAvO_BoY BrAvO_BoY is offline
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jordanheywood (18-07-2001 09:03):
I've made a copy of Shenmue (self boot), using CloneCD and my copy, when loaded in the Dreamcast, spins and the dreamcast makes a ticking sound and sits on the Dreamcast logo screen until i hit the top of my dreamcast with my hand, and THEN it loads properly!?!

My dreamcast can load self boot discs fine, just not if i make them myself!

Can anyone tell me whats happening, and how do i fix it?

Also, my CD Burner loaths self boot disks. Is there a way to remove the self boot track and modify the ip.bin file so i can use it with the Utopia Boot Disk (all of those copys work fine on my cd burner!)
Try using diskjuggler to copy your games. As for making a selfbooting game non-selfbooting a guide can be found here h**p://xeal.cjb.net/
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Old 19-07-2001, 06:35
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