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Old 26-02-2009, 06:31
HamatoYoshi HamatoYoshi is offline
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Color issue VLC, GOMplayer, WMP


I have a strange issue with VLC-player, GOMplayer, WMP and basically all other media players I've tried except SMplayer and PowerDVD. The problem is that black looks washed out and white doesn't look quite white in the players first mentioned. This is not an issue with SMplayer and PowerDVD though, where black is black and white is white. It should also be noted that all the first players mentioned shows black and white in the exact same washed out way, so the players fall into two categories; Perfect black and white or crappy black and white with no scaling between those.

It's not a monitor issue as the same problem occurs on dirrerent monitors. Any thoughts on why some media players have different values for black and white than others

My PC is a HP dv9000ea notebook.
NVIDIAŽ GeForce™ Go 7600
2 GB ram
Vista 32
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