1. Created MTX2023 from scratch and optimized for speed and efficiency.
- As a result, it isn't compatible with any previous versions.
2. The bugs experienced in previous versions have been addressed and fixed.
3. MTX can handle scenarios where the #userThreads > #compressionThreads.
4. Simultaneous reading and writing of data takes place.
- Previous versions required extra waiting time that's no longer necessary in this version.
- Make sure to specify the '-ds' parameter with the 'arc.exe a'. (arc.exe a -ds ...)
1. '--TempPath=' parameter has been removed.
- Tmp files will now be created in the freearc temp dir instead.
2. '%' sign has been removed from threads (100%).
3. Support for "MTX32.ini" and "MTX64.ini" files has been discontinued.
4. There won't be a 32-bit version of MTX.
1. Recommended setting (stdio mode) but no info will be displayed.
packcmd = MTX64.exe a -mNz64 -c32m {options} - - <stdin> <stdout>
unpackcmd = MTX64.exe x -mNz64 {options} - - <stdin> <stdout>
2. Info will only be displayed for packing.
packcmd = MTX64.exe a -mNz64 -c32m {options} - $$arcpackedfile$$.tmp <stdin>
unpackcmd = MTX64.exe x -mNz64 {options} - - <stdin> <stdout>
3. Info will only be displayed for unpacking.
packcmd = MTX64.exe a -mNz64 -c32m {options} - - <stdin> <stdout>
unpackcmd = MTX64.exe x -mNz64 {options} - $$arcdatafile$$.tmp <stdin>
4. Info will be displayed for both packing and unpacking.
packcmd = MTX64.exe a -mNz64 -c32m {options} - $$arcpackedfile$$.tmp <stdin>
unpackcmd = MTX64.exe x -mNz64 {options} - $$arcdatafile$$.tmp <stdin>