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Old 17-08-2024, 00:21
Fak Eid Fak Eid is offline
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I wouldn't mind.. It is always more convenient to customize. I already have some ideas. My new work can wait to have it. Can you also include these in the update too?
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Old 17-08-2024, 02:00
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Originally Posted by Fak Eid View Post
Can you also include these in the update too?

FireMonkey is a different story.

while working with FireMonkey (FMX), especially when integrating with native components like WebView2, there're certain limitations due to how FMX and the underlying platform handle windows and rendering. FMX is designed to be cross-platform, with a focus on vector-based, hardware-accelerated graphics, while traditional controls like WebView2 rely on native Windows-specific window handles (HWND) to be embedded.

to embed WebView2 within a FireMonkey form, we use 'FMXForm.Handle', which provides the necessary window handle (HWND) for WebView2 to render its content. this works because a form in FMX has an associated native window, and we can retrieve its handle.

however, FMX objects like 'TRectangle', 'TPanel', and other 'TFMXObject' descendants don't have an underlying native window (HWND). they're drawn directly onto the GPU and managed by the FireMonkey rendering engine, which makes them platform-agnostic but without any native window handle. since WebView2 requires an actual window handle to render its content, it isn't possible to use a 'TFMXObject' like 'TRectangle' as the parent window for WebView2.

in essence, FireMonkey objects and native components like WebView2 operate in fundamentally different ways. while you can embed WebView2 inside a FireMonkey form by setting the parent window to the form handle, using a 'TFMXObject' as a parent isn't feasible due to the lack of a native window handle in FireMonkey controls.

not only the ones you mentioned, but i also want to add more. however, it isn’t possible due to compatibility limitations.

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Old 18-08-2024, 14:17
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Originally Posted by BLACKFIRE69 View Post
FMXInno - Updates
* Let me know if you would like to have the FCustomMemo in future updates. it's an advanced Memo component i used previously in the Avalon Installer, and it originally comes with FMXInno v1.0.0.3.
I'm joining you
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Old 18-08-2024, 14:20
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Exclamation auto-change the theme from dark to light in FCustomFluentWindow

Is it possible to auto-change the theme from dark to light in FCustomFluentWindow?
FMXInno - Auto Dark-Light Mode
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Old 19-08-2024, 11:05
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Can you help me with ini? you need to install files directly from the installer and not from the archives

Name: "program1"; Description: "Program 1"
Name: "program2"; Description: "Program 2"
Name: "program3"; Description: "Program 3"
Name: "program4"; Description: "Program 4"
Name: "program5"; Description: "Program 5"

Source: "program1.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Components: program1
Source: "program2.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Components: program2
Source: "program3.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Components: program3
Source: "program4.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Components: program4
Source: "program5.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Components: program5


i've provided two examples below: one uses regular Checkboxes, and the other uses CheckboxTree. you can use them as a reference.


i discovered unexpected behavior in MInI. it's a generic issue, not an error on my part. however, i applied a hotfix for it. you can download MInI and FMXInno [June-10] below.

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Attached Files
File Type: rar FMXInno [June-10] [Hotfix] Only.rar (5.09 MB, 29 views)
File Type: rar MInI - [2024-08-19].rar (330.3 KB, 18 views)
File Type: rar FMXInno + MInI - Examples.rar (5.74 MB, 35 views)
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Old 27-08-2024, 11:53
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Arrow FMXInno - Updates

[ FMXInno Cumulative Update - 2024/Aug/28 ]

--- Changelog

* Added Custom Blueprints:
  1. 'FAdvancedMemo'
  2. 'FAdvancedShape'
  3. 'FAdvancedNotification'

* Deprecated:
  - 'pWinNotification' has been removed.
  - The example 'Example_WinNotifications.iss' has been removed.

* Enhancements:
  - Auto-Dark Mode: Added support for auto-dark mode in 'FCustomFluentWindow'.
  - Updated Components:
    - Updated all classes and custom blueprints.
    - Updated gradient color settings.
    - Updated 'MInI'.
    - Updated 'xBass' plugin to the latest version.
    - Updated 'WebView2' to the latest version.

  - Error Handling: Improved error handling and messages.
  - FMXInnoShutdown Function: Enhanced for a smoother exit.
  - FMXInnoShutDownUn: Now defined by default in 'FMXInnoHandle.iss'. 
    You need to remove it from your scripts.

* Fixes:
  - Fixed null pointer access errors.
  - Fixed runtime errors reported by users and discovered during debugging.
  - Fixed memory deallocation issues at exit.

* Future Updates:
  - Advanced 3D objects and 3D animations are planned for future releases.

* Miscellaneous:
  - Various other improvements and bug fixes.

Advanced Notification:

* Refer to the attached examples for guidance on creating notifications with items, interacting with them, and updating them in real-time.

* The code snippet is provided below:
procedure CsNotifyOnActivated(Sender: INotification; nArguments: WideString; nUserInput: INotificationUserInput);

  if Sender = csNotification1.Handle then
    case nArguments of
      'send'    : MemLog.AddLine('* Send button clicked!'#13#10);
      'ok'      : MemLog.AddLine('* Ok button clicked!'#13#10);
      'cancel'  : MemLog.AddLine('* Cancel button clicked!'#13#10);
      ''        : MemLog.AddLine('* Clicked on the content!'#13#10);
        MemLog.AddLine('Args:'#9 + nArguments + #13#10);

    // Textbox input
    if csNotifyBuilder1.IsUserInputValueExist(nUserInput, 'txtbx_id1') then   
      MemLog.AddLine('> Input Text:'#9#9'[' + csNotifyBuilder1.GetUserInputValueStr(nUserInput, 'txtbx_id1') + ']');

    // Selectbox input
    if csNotifyBuilder1.IsUserInputValueExist(nUserInput, 'selbx_id1') then   
      MemLog.AddLine('> Shutdown Timer:'#9'[' + csNotifyBuilder1.GetUserInputValueStr(nUserInput, 'selbx_id1') + ' Minutes]');
  // Content
  csNotifyContent1.UseButtonStyle(True);                          // For Ok, Cancel button style.
  csNotifyContent1.Duration(ndLong);                              // Duration: [Short == 2 sec | Default == 5 sec | Long == 25 sec]
  csNotifyContent1.AddInputTextBox(csContentTextBox1.Handle);     // Textbox
  csNotifyContent1.AddSelectionBox(csContentSelectBox1.Handle);   // Selectbox
  csNotifyContent1.AddButton(csContentBtnSend.Handle);            // Send Button
  csNotifyContent1.AddButton(csContentBtnCancel.Handle);          // Cancel Button
  csNotifyContent1.AddButton(csContentBtnOk.Handle);              // Ok Button

  csNotifyContent1.AddImage(csContentHeaderImage.Handle);         // Header Image
  csNotifyContent1.AddImage(csContentAppImage.Handle);            // App Image
  csNotifyContent1.AddText(csContentCaption1.Handle);             // Caption
  csNotifyContent1.AddText(csContentDesc1.Handle);                // Description
  csNotifyContent1.AddAudio(csContentAudio.Handle);               // Audio

    // Notification
  csNotification1.FCreate(csNotifyContent1.Handle, csNotifyBuilder1.Handle);

  if not csNotification1.ParamIsValueExists('my_desc') then
    csNotification1.ParamSetValue('my_desc', sDesc);

  csNotification1.OnActivated(@CsNotifyOnActivated);  // OnActivate
  csNotification1.OnDismissed(@CsNotifyOnDismissed);  // OnDismissed
  csNotification1.OnFailed(@CsNotifyOnFailed);        // OnFailed

    // Show Notification

Advanced Shapes:

* To create advanced graphic shapes, you'll need the corresponding SVG data for the shapes you wish to design. There're various methods to obtain SVG data, but i won't go into detail on that here.
* Ensure that you adjust and resize the SVG data to match your intended dimensions, as advanced shapes do not automatically handle this for you.
* You can use the simple tool 'TxtToDelphiStr.exe' to easily convert SVG data into Delphi/Inno strings.

* For more information on SVG data, refer to the following links:

1. w3.org/SVG
2. css-tricks.com/SVG-Syntax

* Below is a code snippet:
  { AdvancedShape }
  csShapeData := 'M 249.2615 123.1455' +#13#10+
    'c 18.9705 -33.9615 -4.257 -74.7495 -42.94 -78.602 l -14.116 -1.4065' +#13#10+
    'c -10.295 -1.0265 -19.491 -5.487 -27.1315 -14.064' +#13#10+
    'c -26.5925 -29.8475 -76.1095 -22.477 -92.41 13.382' +#13#10+
    'c -3.97 8.733 -11.149 15.719 -20.214 19.672 l -19.8865 8.67' +#13#10+
    'c -31.6995 13.82 -42.447 52.167 -22.424 79.5915 l 12.618 17.2815' +#13#10+
    'c 2.7405 3.754 4.741 7.9035 5.9465 12.333 l 6.266 23.0365' +#13#10+
    'c 8.5835 31.5575 44.3775 48.61 75.6205 35.3465 l 2.675 -1.1355' +#13#10+
    'c 7.9505 -3.3755 16.996 -4.1935 25.466 -2.308 l 41.024 9.1345' +#13#10+
    'c 39.9665 8.899 75.195 -25.787 66.27 -63.9125 l -5.192 -22.1755' +#13#10+
    'c -2.1015 -8.9765 -0.762 -18.39 3.772 -26.506 l 4.656 -8.3375 z';

  csShape.SetBounds(65, 80, 265, 260);
  csShape.FillGradient($FF69EACB, $FF6654F1, gsLinear);

The first post has been updated—check it out!

Attached Images
File Type: png a1.png (73.9 KB, 257 views)
File Type: png a2.png (75.1 KB, 261 views)
File Type: png a3.png (70.6 KB, 256 views)
File Type: png a4.png (69.9 KB, 249 views)
File Type: png a5.png (68.5 KB, 255 views)
File Type: png b1.png (52.3 KB, 260 views)
File Type: png c1.png (77.0 KB, 257 views)
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File Type: gif c5.gif (1.46 MB, 264 views)
File Type: gif c6.gif (68.6 KB, 259 views)
Attached Files
File Type: rar FMXInno - New Examples [Aug-28].rar (10.42 MB, 60 views)
File Type: rar Verify FMXInno [2024-Aug-28] RAR Archive.rar (146.0 KB, 31 views)
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Old 03-09-2024, 14:01
Fak Eid Fak Eid is offline
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Urgent Upgrades

When trying to create an .ini file for setting config of my installer using:
INI_Maker: FNewINI;
INI_Maker.FCreate(ExpandConstant('{src}\Game\Insta ller.ini'));

it is creating the file in UTF-8 with BOM which is messing with Inno Compiler and not producing the desired result. How can I have FNewINI to create the file in UTF-8 format.

In case when the main section say [Execs] doesn't exists and we create the SubSection using FNewINI:
INI_Maker.WriteSubString('Execs', 'AppExe'+IntToStr(j), 'Name', ExeEdit[i].GetText);
INI_Maker.WriteSubString('Execs', 'AppExe'+IntToStr(j), 'Filepath', ExeEdit[i+1].GetText);
INI_Maker.WriteSubString('Execs', 'AppExe'+IntToStr(j), 'Parameters', ExeEdit[i+2].GetText);
It does not create the main section.
Desired output should be:
Name=Horizon Forbidden West
It is like this instead:
Name=Horizon Forbidden West
No Mouse Actions like: OnMouseEnter, OnMouseLeave, OnClick are working
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Old 04-09-2024, 00:03
Tihiy_Don Tihiy_Don is offline
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- 'pWinNotification' has been removed.
Very sorry. I've just used Windows-style notifications in my latest releases.
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Old 10-09-2024, 22:02
Tihiy_Don Tihiy_Don is offline
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Please add methods:
onMouseEnter(Event: TNotifyEvent); procedure onMouseLeave(Event: TNotifyEvent);

For the checkboxtree component (checkbox, radiobutton).

Last edited by Tihiy_Don; 10-09-2024 at 22:10.
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Old 12-09-2024, 02:38
Qirashi Qirashi is offline
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There is a problem with the RemoveObject2 method for FCombobox. It does not work properly and does not delete the specified element.
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Old 16-09-2024, 13:06
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Hi everyone
hi BLACKFIRE69, I want to remove all the button mods and leave them original anthem, browse, back, next, cancel and pause, can we do that?
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Old 27-10-2024, 07:19
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Arrow FMXInno - Update

FMXInno Quality Update - [October 27, 2024]

1. Updated `FNewINI` class and `MINI.exe`  
   - Now reads and saves INI files in UTF-8 without BOM.

2. Updated `FCheckboxTree` class  
   - Added new properties; you may need to adjust your current scripts.

3. Compatibility with the Latest Windows Version  
   - Optimized for Windows 11 24H2.
   - Compiled in RadStudio 12.2 (latest update).

4. Font Functions for Windows 11 24H2  
   * The following functions are incompatible with 24H2:
     - `InstallFMXFont`
     - `InvalidateFMXFont`
     - `DeleteFMXFont`

   * Use these alternative functions:
     - `AddFontResource2`
     - `RemoveFontResource2`

5. New Color Picker App Added

6. General Improvements and Bug Fixes.

- For Members -

1. Source Code Reorganization  
  - Now uses unit scope names.
  - Various units have been renamed for clarity.
2. The latest source code will be available in the coming days for members.

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File Type: rar FMXInno Update - [2024-Oct-27].rar (7.46 MB, 56 views)
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Old 18-11-2024, 14:20
Qirashi Qirashi is offline
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I had a question and a suggestion on "FCheckboxTree". I hope the difficulties of translation allow me to get my point across.

When using FCheckboxTree, the logic of the Checkbox is slightly different than in the original inno setup. In the original, when selecting 1 of the components in the Checkbox tree, all those that are somehow related to the selected one are selected. I hope you understand me. In FMX, this is implemented a little differently. They are not always marked, which looks strange from the 1st side. It would be cool to see similar logic to the original inno setup.

Even in FCheckboxTree, you cannot select and remove Radiobutton, they are in FCheckboxTree, but it is problematic to combine them with regular Checkboxes.
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