InnoSetup - Private Edition
Project: InnoSetup - Private Edition Based on: v6.4.0-dev (latest) Changes by: BLACKFIRE69 What's New: Code:
* Added Setup Directives: - Cursor - ResourceFiles - StorePrivateKey - StyleFile - EnableTaskbarPreview - AlphaBlendValue * Added Script Functions: - File Extraction: - procedure ExtractTemporaryFileEx(const BaseName: String; const DestDir: string); - function ExtractTemporaryFilesEx(const Pattern: String; const DestDir: string): Integer; - function ExtractTemporaryFileSize(const BaseName: String): Cardinal; - function ExtractTemporaryFileToBuffer(const BaseName: String; Buffer: Integer): Boolean; - function ExtractTemporaryFileToStream(const BaseName: String; const Stream: TStream): Boolean; - function ExtractResourceFile(const ResourceName: string; const OutFile: String): Boolean; - function ExtractResourceFileSize(const ResourceName: String): Cardinal; - function ExtractResourceFileToBuffer(const ResourceName: String; Buffer: Integer): Boolean; - function ExtractResourceFileToStream(const ResourceName: String; const Stream: TStream): Boolean; - Type Casting: - function CastAnsiStringToInteger(var S: AnsiString): LongInt; - function CastIntegerToAnsiString(const L: LongInt): AnsiString; - function wBufferToFile(const Buffer: Integer; const Count: Cardinal; const OutFile: WideString): Boolean; - Private Key Handling: - function GetStoredPrivateKey(const TheRealKey: Boolean): String; Code:
- Installation Control: - procedure BeginInstallProcPause; - procedure EndInstallProcPause; - function IsInstallProcPaused: Boolean; - Audio Playback: - function PlayWavFile1(const WavFileName: WideString): Boolean; - function PlayWavFile2(const WavFileName: WideString; Flags: Cardinal): Boolean; - function PlayWavFile3(const WavFileName: WideString; Handle, Flags: Cardinal): Boolean; - System Icon Retrieval: - function wGetSysDefaultIcons(const Src: WideString; SHLIcoSize: Cardinal; const Buffer: Integer; var Count: Cardinal): Integer; - function wGetSysDefaultIcons2(const Src, OutImgFile: WideString; SHLIcoSize: Cardinal): Boolean; - function wGetSysDefaultIconsSize(const Src: WideString; SHLIcoSize: Cardinal): Integer; - function wGetSysDefaultIconsFromResLib(const AModule: WideString; AIndex, RISIcoSize: Cardinal; const Buffer: Integer; var Count: Cardinal): Integer; - function wGetSysDefaultIconsFromResLib2(const AModule, AOutFile: WideString; AIndex, RISIcoSize: Cardinal): Boolean; - function wGetSysDefaultIconsSizeFromResLib(const AModule: WideString; AIndex, RISIcoSize: Cardinal): Integer; * Added Setup Event Functions: - procedure CurInstallProgressChangedEx(CurProgress, MaxProgress, iPercentage: Integer; sElapsed, sRemaining: String); - procedure InitializeWizardEve(); Code:
* Added Classes: - TApplication - TMemoryStream - TResourceStream - TImgSlideshow → SlideShow - TSplashImage → SplashScreen - TSplashImageAnimated → SplashScreenAnimated - TWaterRipples → WaterRipples * Added Class Variables: - Application: TApplication * Added Properties and Functions: - WizardForm: - WizardForm.AlphaBlendValue: Byte; - WizardForm.DoubleBuffered: Boolean; - WizardForm.BlendOnMoveEnable(const AllowOnDeactive: Boolean); - WizardForm.BlendOnMovePause(const Paused: Boolean); - WizardForm.BlendOnMoveOpacity(const AlphaValue: Byte); - WizardForm.BlendOnMoveIsPaused: Boolean; - WizardForm.CreateRgn(const sMaskBmp: WideString; iTrRGBColor: Integer): Integer; - WizardForm.CreateRgnFromBuffer(const Buffer: PAnsiChar; const Count: Cardinal; iTrRGBColor: Integer): Integer; - WizardForm.CreateFormFromBmp(const sBmpFile: WideString; bACPremultiplied, bDraggableForm: Boolean; iOpacityPct: Byte): Integer; - WizardForm.CreateFormFromBmpBuffer(const Buffer: PAnsiChar; const Count: Cardinal; bACPremultiplied, bDraggableForm: Boolean; iOpacityPct: Byte): Integer; - WizardForm.JumpToPage(const NewPageID: Integer); - UninstallProgressForm: - UninstallProgressForm.DoubleBuffered: Boolean; Code:
* Added Preprocessor (ISPP) Predefined Variable: - IS_PRIVATE_EDITION * New Built-in Support for Partially Encrypted Scripts: - Ability to encrypt portions of the code for sharing scripts, while leaving the rest as plain text. - I already explained what partially encrypted scripts mean here. * Changes: - IDE: - Minor syntax highlighting adjustments. * All the changes in the Private Edition are documented, so you can easily find help. InnoSetup - Private Edition Documentation
#ifndef IS_PRIVATE_EDITION #error InnoSetup 'Private Edition' is required to compile this script #endif 1). Cursor
[Setup] Cursor=.\Cursor\Dark.Ani
function ExtractResourceFile(const ResourceName: string; const OutFile: string): Boolean; function ExtractResourceFileSize(const ResourceName: string): Cardinal; function ExtractResourceFileToBuffer(const ResourceName: string; Buffer: Integer): Boolean; function ExtractResourceFileToStream(const BaseName: string; const Stream: TStream): Boolean; Code:
[Setup] ResourceFiles=Resource1:".\File1.ext"|Resource2:".\File2.ext"
procedure ExtractTemporaryFileEx(const BaseName: string; const DestDir: string); function ExtractTemporaryFilesEx(const Pattern: string; const DestDir: string): Integer; function ExtractTemporaryFileSize(const BaseName: string): Cardinal; function ExtractTemporaryFileToBuffer(const BaseName: string; Buffer: Integer): Boolean; function ExtractTemporaryFileToStream(const BaseName: string; const Stream: TStream): Boolean;
* Using `ExtractTemporaryFile`: Code:
[Files] Source: ".\XBass\{#MusicFileOnly}"; DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: dontcopy; [Code} procedure InitializeWizard(); var Buffer: AnsiString; Count: Cardinal; begin Count := ExtractTemporaryFileSize('{#MusicFileOnly}'); SetLength(Buffer, Count); ExtractTemporaryFileToBuffer('{#MusicFileOnly}', CastAnsiStringToInteger(Buffer)); if not xbassCreateFromMem(WizardForm.Handle, Buffer, Count, C_XBASS_OGG, 1, True, @MusicCallback) then MsgBox('XBass - error(s) occured while creating.', mbError, MB_OK); SetLength(Buffer, 0); end; Code:
[Setup] ResourceFiles=MusicX:".\XBass\{#MusicFileOnly}" [Code} procedure InitializeWizard(); var Buffer: AnsiString; Count: Cardinal; begin // InnoSetup-Private: ( Don't forget the prefix: "_IS_" ) Count := ExtractResourceFileSize('_IS_MUSICX'); SetLength(Buffer, Count); ExtractResourceFileToBuffer('_IS_MUSICX', CastAnsiStringToInteger(Buffer)); if not xbassCreateFromMem(WizardForm.Handle, Buffer, Count, C_XBASS_OGG, 1, True, @MusicCallback) then MsgBox('XBass - error(s) occured while creating.', mbError, MB_OK); SetLength(Buffer, 0); end;
[Setup] // Encryption Encryption=True Password=HelloPwd_123 StorePrivateKey=HelloPwd_123 // [Code} var IsPwdPg: Boolean; // function GetStoredPrivateKey(const TheRealKey: Boolean): String; // - TheRealKey: If False, the function returns garbage instead of real key. procedure CurPageChanged(CurPageID: Integer); begin if CurPageID = wpPassword then begin IsPwdPg := True; WizardForm.PasswordEdit.Text := GetStoredPrivateKey(IsPwdPg); end else begin IsPwdPg := False; WizardForm.PasswordEdit.Text := 'wrng_pwd'; end; end;
[Setup] StyleFile=".\Styles\AquaGraphite.vsf" Code:
[Setup] EnableTaskbarPreview=True // 0 - 255 AlphaBlendValue=200
procedure CurInstallProgressChangedEx(CurProgress, MaxProgress, iPercentage: Integer; sElapsed, sRemaining: String); begin WzdProgressLbs[1].Vl.Caption := IntToStr(iPercentage) + '%'; WzdProgressLbs[2].Vl.Caption := sElapsed; WzdProgressLbs[3].Vl.Caption := sRemaining; WzdProgressLbs[4].Vl.Caption := sElapsed; end;
[Code} var Btn: array [1..2] of TNewButton; procedure CommonBtnOnClick(Sender: TObject); begin case Sender of Btn[1] : WizardForm.JumpToPage(wpWelcome); Btn[2] : WizardForm.JumpToPage(wpReady); end; end;
procedure InitializeWizardEve(); begin WizardForm.JumpToPage(wpReady); end; 1). TImgSlideshow Code:
[Files] Source: ".\Wallpapers\*.jpg"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: dontcopy; [Code} var ImgSlideshow: TImgSlideshow; procedure InitializeWizard(); var sFile: String; ImgEffectsArray: TIntEffectArray; Buffer: AnsiString; i, Count: Cardinal; begin SetLength(ImgEffectsArray, 3); ImgEffectsArray[0] := IMG_ANIM_RANDOM_SQUARES_APPEAR; ImgEffectsArray[1] := IMG_ANIM_SPECKLE_APPEAR_FROM_LEFT; ImgEffectsArray[2] := IMG_ANIM_SPIRAL_RECTANGLE; ImgSlideshow := TImgSlideshow.Create(WizardForm, IMG_ANIM_DIAGONAL_BOX_OUT); ImgSlideshow.SetBounds(0, 0, WizardForm.Width + ScaleX(85), ScaleY(269)); ImgSlideshow.PlayCustom(ImgEffectsArray, False); ImgSlideshow.Interval(1000, 50, 5); for i:= 1 to 5 do begin sFile := 'wallpapers' + IntToStr(i) + '.jpg'; Count := ExtractTemporaryFileSize(sFile); SetLength(Buffer, Count); ExtractTemporaryFileToBuffer(sFile, CastAnsiStringToInteger(Buffer)); ImgSlideshow.AddImageFromBuffer(Buffer, Count); SetLength(Buffer, 0); Count := 0; end; ImgSlideshow.Start(True); end; Code:
[Setup] ResourceFiles=SplshImg:".\Splash\Splash.png"|SplshWav:".\Splash\Splash.wav" [Code} var SplashScreen: TSplashImage; procedure InitializeWizard(); var Buffer1, Buffer2: AnsiString; Count1, Count2: Cardinal; begin // Image Count1 := ExtractResourceFileSize('_IS_SplshImg'); SetLength(Buffer1, Count1); ExtractResourceFileToBuffer('_IS_SplshImg', CastAnsiStringToInteger(Buffer1)); // Sound Count2 := ExtractResourceFileSize('_IS_SplshWav'); SetLength(Buffer2, Count2); ExtractResourceFileToBuffer('_IS_SplshWav', CastAnsiStringToInteger(Buffer2)); SplashScreen := TSplashImage.CreateFromBuffer(WizardForm, Buffer1, Count1, Buffer2, Count2, 1500); SplashScreen.Play; // Freeup SetLength(Buffer1, 0); SetLength(Buffer2, 0); end; Code:
[Setup] ResourceFiles=Img1:".\WaterRipple\Img.bmp" [Code} var WaterRipples: TWaterRipples; procedure InitializeWizard(); var Buffer: AnsiString; Count: Cardinal; begin WizardForm.DoubleBuffered := True; Count := ExtractResourceFileSize('_IS_Img1'); SetLength(Buffer, Count); ExtractResourceFileToBuffer('_IS_Img1', CastAnsiStringToInteger(Buffer)); WaterRipples := TWaterRipples.CreateFromBuffer(WizardForm, 0, 0, WizardForm.Width + ScaleX(85), ScaleY(269), Buffer, Count); if not WaterRipples.IsStarted then WaterRipples.Start; if not WaterRipples.IsRaining then WaterRipples.StartRainDrops; SetLength(Buffer, 0); end; 1). Blend OnMove Code:
procedure InitializeWizard(); begin WizardForm.BlendOnMoveEnable(True); end; Code:
[Files] Source: ".\MaskImg\*.bmp"; DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: dontcopy; [Code} procedure InitializeWizard(); var Buffer: AnsiString; Count: Cardinal; begin { Custom Shape } // Rgn Count := ExtractTemporaryFileSize('mask.bmp'); SetLength(Buffer, Count); ExtractTemporaryFileToBuffer('mask.bmp', CastAnsiStringToInteger(Buffer)); WizardForm.CreateRgnFromBuffer(Buffer, Count, clBlack); SetLength(Buffer, 0); // Form Count := ExtractTemporaryFileSize('base.bmp'); SetLength(Buffer, Count); ExtractTemporaryFileToBuffer('base.bmp', CastAnsiStringToInteger(Buffer)); WizardForm.CreateFormFromBmpBuffer(Buffer, Count, False, True, 100); SetLength(Buffer, 0); end; . |
The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to BLACKFIRE69 For This Useful Post: | ||
audiofeel (19-09-2024), Behnam2018 (28-09-2024), Cesar82 (13-09-2024), Ele (17-09-2024), hitman797 (24-09-2024), Lord.Freddy (13-09-2024), mausschieber (13-09-2024), ScOOt3r (13-09-2024), shazzla (14-09-2024), Valtus (14-09-2024) |
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Great project. Thanks!
However, what everyone needs is an improved IDE interface with code completion like the one in version 5.5.1 ENHANCED by RESTOOL and also including all the additional classes. In fact, it would be great to have a remake of version 5.5.1ee2 updated to the current version but without a different IDE, just complementing the official IDE with extra features. I believe if this remake were done, a large number of people would start using it, because I think that until today the RESTOOL version is the most used among the modified versions of Inno Setup. |
The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to Cesar82 For This Useful Post: | ||
Dario06 (26-09-2024), Fak Eid (15-09-2024), Lord.Freddy (14-09-2024), mausschieber (13-09-2024), Tihiy_Don (13-09-2024) |
3. StorePrivateKey
its protecting script codes from decompile ? |
for me the ee2 version doesn't beat the interface, too bad it's old, I can't even read this one, it looks like a rainbow of colors in the code and very dull, you need an oled monitor to read
you could add this option like in the screenshot like nsis, it would be an orgasm Thanks mr. blackfire Last edited by Dario06; 29-09-2024 at 05:51. |
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Dario06 For This Useful Post: | ||
Behnam2018 (27-09-2024), Cesar82 (27-09-2024) |
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