So i might have found a long standing bug (or maybe im just too dumb to make it work xD). It's about the [CustomIniFile] section. To make it simple, i've used a copy paste from the CIU Documentation to test it out and the Value entry never got applied to the .ini file, it always put into Value the path and .ini name instead.
{app}\IniFile3.ini; Section: Settings; Key: Language; Create: 1; Value: EN=english|ES=Spanish|FR=French|DE=German
After installation the IniFile3.ini is created, the section also is created inside the .ini and the Key also works too. But the Value returns the path instead of the value.
IniFile3.ini created by CIU after install:
I've tried out a few diff ways on the .ini but none worked, so i took a look into the .iss file and found this:
if FileExists(IniName) or (StrToIntDef(LineDecode(TmpStr, 'Create', '0'), 0) = 1) then
IniValue := LineDecode(TmpStr, '', '');
And changed it to this:
IniValue := LineDecode(TmpStr, 'Value', '');
On the setup.ini now its working fine, just needs to remove the spacing between Value: and the value, like this:
{app}\IniFile3.ini; Section: Settings; Key: Language; Create: 1; Value:EN=english|ES=Spanish|FR=French|DE=German
Not sure if this was intended on the .iss and i'm just using a wrong string on the setup.ini. I just leave it here if you want to take a look into it.
Regards !!!