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Old 13-12-2012, 09:45
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Game Installer Designer by altef_4

Hi, forum users, here you can get my project, that called Game Installer Designer (or simply GID)

about project:

this project allow easy create backup installer for your favorite (or not very) game,
this is not new idea, to make program like this, something like this you see in yener90's Designer or Razor12911's Conversion Designer.
Its designed for my Game Installer (simple name , i decide to rename my previous Layered Installer, it's idea by Grumpy)
and i try to make designer very easy to use,
with current version you can create conversion based on Inno Setup (Internal) or FreeArc|7z|WinRAR|Srep|Precomp|XDelta (External).

about Game Installer:

used Inno Setup 5.5.5u by Jordan Russell,
internal and external compression,
based on exclusive libraries created by me (pckr.dll - user data protection, lui.dll work with graphics),
playing music during installation, playing sounds on events of buttons(mouse enter, click),
using png images with half transparent regions without bmp mask as background,
animated or/and simple splash screen before installation,
slideshow during installation(.jpg),
video during installation(.bik)

supported languages:


-Albanian (translated by tonet666 and oLtJoN)
-Bosnian (translated by JustFun)
-Brazilian Portuguese (translated by kassane)
-English (translated by me)
-German (translated by mausschieber)
-Hungarian (translated by georg1136)
-Italian (translated by oLtJoN)
-Polish (translated by arkantos7)
-Russian (translated by me)
-Spanish (translated by Logrim)
-Ukrainian (translated by me)

not completed:

Bulgarian, Belarusian, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Greek,
Croatian, Indonesian, Icelandic, Japanese, Korean (North), Korean (South), Lithuanian, Luxemburgish, Latvian, Montenegrian,
Macedonian, Mongolian, Malaysian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian Cyrillic, Swedish, Slovenian, Slovak,
Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese.

all of this translations are based on original Inno Setup language files, so, thanks to all autors of this translations.
- if you want to complete some of this translations - just open language file of desired language with any text editor, and change it.

Q/A, Tutorials

Information about current changes, change log, plans for future

All previous versions of GID (MEGA link)

if you want something to change/add in/to designer or installer - write in comments and i see what i can to do

Some screenshots:

Attached Files
File Type: 7z !Game_Installer_Designer_Skins.7z (6.03 MB, 7584 views)
File Type: 7z !Game_Installer_Designer_1.6.7z (4.20 MB, 8201 views)

Last edited by altef_4; 30-11-2014 at 06:22. Reason: v1.6
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Old 13-12-2012, 23:06
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v1.0(553 views)
-designer can edit ~95% of all installer configs.
-few changes in Game Installer (Dyrectory, Program Group, Information, License pages).

v1.1(73 views)
-fixed issue, when continues creating Data.db after appear an error, in compiling stage. (thanks Inge for info).
-added ability to design splash screens.
-added ability to change time, for automatic background change.
-added ability to "add, edit or remove" shortcuts.
-"Images" section is divided into three - "Background Images", "Button Images" and "Progress Bar Images".
-Game Installer: reworked Directory, Program Group, License and Information pages.
-Game Installer: checkboxes of desktop and start menu icons, was moved to Tasks page.
-added ability to edit music and sounds in designer (enable or disable music/sounds during install, and change it also).
-added ability to change checkboxes in designer (for tasks, a little buggy).
-many small fixes/visual changes in designer.
-added "Import" function to designer (imports Data.db for compilation).
-added "Export" function to designer (exports Data.db for compilation).
-added "New" function to designer (creates new project).
-added "Open" function to designer (opens saved project).
-added "Save" function to designer (saves current project).
-added "Save As" function to designer (saves current project with custom name).
-added ability to associate GID Saved File with Designer
-Checkboxes and Music buttons now has own section for image change.
-fixed checkboxes in designer.
-Game Installer: added Win7|8 taskbar preview to installer (without wintb.dll or any other).
-Game Installer: added slideshow.
-Game Installer: added info panel (author of script and editor).
-fixed issue with password.
-Game Installer: added ability to change slides, depending on the progress of the installation (set auto change value to 0).
-Game Installer: Inno Setup updated to 5.5.5u version.
-Game Installer: updated pckr.dll to v1.2.0.2 (speed up decompression).
-fixed issue with imports Data.db if any project is opened.
-fixed and optimized compilation progress(now, one progress bar show a total progress, and another show a current file progress).
-Game Installer: pckr.dll updated again to (added .bik video support).
-Game Installer: added binkw32.dll for Video support (v1.9.3.0 compressed).
-Game Installer: added video (.bik video, now video will be played on every Windows system without any additional codecs, processor usege ~5-15%).
-Game Installer: changed work with License and ReadMe files.
-added Licanse|ReadMe section to designer.
-added ability to change position of small installer (TopLeft, Top, TopRight, Left, Center, Right, BottomLeft, Bottom, BottomRight, DontChange).
-Game Installer: Bosnian translation status - 100% thanks to JustFun

v1.2(57 views)
-added "Select All" and "Unselect All" buttons to language section. (thanks HATE for info).
-added configs to designer (+ main information about program and some information about users who helped me with program or installer).
-fixed Redist section. (thanks Inge for info).
-Game Installer: fixed issue when slideshow doesn't start, after ending of video(also, because of this, music stays disabled). (thanks Inge for info).
-added skin pack for Deigner.
-added ability to set output path in compilation stage (where Setup.exe and Data.db will be placed after compilation).
-few visual changes.

v1.21(372 views)
-Game Installer: Polish translation status - 100% thanks to arkantos7.
-Game Installer: fixed issue when users couldn't manipulate with small installer (thanks Inge for info).
-added ability to choosing some of components in conversion (simple splash, animated splash, sounds, music, slideshow or video in any combination, if it present in conversion) (thanks Inge for idea).
-improved compilation speed (creating an Data.db) now it's extremely fast.
-updated and changed configuration form.
-Game Installer: Brazilian Portuguese translation status - 100% thanks to kassane.

v1.3(185 views)
-added multi language support for designer(currently English and Ukrainian, becouse i don't have enough time to do more).
-fixed default project (caption indent and alignment of buttons).
-fixed visual bug on interface tab (does not shown correctly in a first show)(thanks HATE for info).
-fixed bug in background image loading, information about incorrect image is left (thanks Adonix and HATE for info).
-fixed open/save system (confirmation dialogs).
-fixed text of some labels (auto change depending of game name, version, size).
-splash screens was moved to "Media" tab.

v1.4(153 views)
-added Polish translation to designer (thanks pan3o).
-fixed two cosmetic problems(thanks arkantos7 for info).
-changed wrong Polish translation file (thanks arkantos7 for info).
-Game Installer: changed a language selection method (now if OS language not present in installer - will be selected English, if enabled, in other way - first available in installer) (thanks mystikal242 and prudislav for info and suggestion).
-fixed bug when files on first DVD(CD,BD) not fit on DVD(CD,BD) (thanks Inge for info).
-added External compression (thanks Inge and y_thelastknight for testing).
-fixed bug with editing an Shortcuts (thanks y_thelastknight for info).
-added Russian translation for designer (translated by me).

v1.5(1176 views)
-updated Polish translation (designer) (thanks to pan3o and arkantos7).
-speedup language selection ("select all" and "unselect all" buttons now works very fast).
-Game Installer: added "Browse DVD" and "Web" buttons to autorun page.
-Game Installer: fixed "Unnstall" button caption indent.
-Game Installer: now uninstaller can delete all files and folders that was created during installation (if using external compression).
-added German translation to Designer (thanks to mausschieber).
-added French translation to Designer (thanks to jamel2013 and Google translate ).
-fixed Slideshow and Video during installation, when used external compression (thanks Inge for info).
-fixed bug with importing of db file.
-reworked save project process.

v1.6(current version)
-added Croatian and Serbian translations to designer and installer (thanks to JustFun).
-reworked language bar in designer.
-fixed issue with "Browse DVD" and "Web" buttons images (not shows in installer) (thanks to arkantos7 for info).
-visual changes in "Interface" and "Media" tabs, now more compact.
-added ability to use simple buttons (4 images to 1 button).
-added ability to use color skin for buttons and backgrounds instead of images (metro style).
-fixed bug with external compression tab (user can't setfew type of archives, thanks Inge for info).
-added Spanish translation to Designer (thanks to ChronoCross).
-complited Spanish translation in autorun (thanks to Logrim).
-License and Info buttons now will be showed only if present license and information text files (thanks to skype123 for idea).
-System detection now can be turned off (and System button as well, thanks to skype123 for idea).
-#disabled in this version added ability to choose Setup Style (curently can be choosed between two styles, default and with Additional Panel, probably more styles will be added later).
-IsUtils.dll removed, now installer use my own method for system hardware detection.

To Do:
-add registry import.
-add GDF support.
-add more than one simple splashscreen.
Version 1.6 Released.

Last edited by altef_4; 30-11-2014 at 06:04.
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Old 11-07-2014, 04:52
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Q/A and Tutorials

Q: How to compile my saved|new project?
1: open your project (if olready open and change something - save it againe)
2: click Export and remember name of .db file (same as name of your project)
3: click Import and choose .db file from previous step.
4: click Compile and wait.

Q: How to add game files into installer?
1: open your project
1: go to compression tab, click on Internall tab and set 'Use internall compression=yes' and save it
2: click Export and remember name of .db file (same as name of your project)
3: click Import and choose .db file from previous step.
4: click Compile and you will be able to choose game folder for compression .

Q: What graphic format i can use
All Pictures have to be .png except Slideshow (.jpg), theres no need for a Image Mask (.bmp).
Q: What sound format i can use
Music and Button Sounds files have to be .mp3.
Q: What video format i can use
Video file have to be .bik. To convert video to this format use Rad Video Tool.

Uploading conversion

1: make sure that you do everything in your project and save it with this changes (set: use Internal Compression and set Compression method, all sizes, positions, images, license and readme files, shortcuts, redist and create Registry.iss if necessary).
2: click export and remember name and folder your exported project.
3: click import and select file from step#2 (it's only for checking if all work).
4: now you can upload file from step#2 and Registry.iss(if used) as your conversion, users must have same version of Designer as you, to compile it.

Using registry

1: download attachment.
2: now with this tool you can easy convert .reg to .iss
3: open end edit your converted .iss.
4: rename it to Registry.iss
5. put it into folder with designer and compile your project.

Unpack external compressed files

1: open your project and go to compression tab, click on External tab and set 'Use External compression=yes'
2a: freearc archive with precompressors (precomp inside, srep inside):
1: use FreeArc tab.
2: input: your archive name (e.g. {src}\YourArchiveName.arc).
3: output: destination folder (e.g. {app}).
4: extracted path: path to extract from archive (e.g. Languages\INT will extract folder Languages\INT from archive).
5: password: password for archive (no comments).
6: delete input: delete input archive after extraction.
7: extract PCF: extract PCF files "OnFly".
8: disk: disk namber for current archive.
9: percent of total: size in percent of current archive (max 100).
2b: 7z archive:
1: use 7z tab.
2: input: your archive name (e.g. {src}\YourArchiveName.7z).
3: output: destination folder (e.g. {app}).
4: password: password for archive (no comments).
5: delete input: delete input archive after extraction.
6: disk: disk namber for current archive.
7: percent of total: size in percent of current archive (max 100).
2c: WinRar archive:
1: use WinRar tab.
2: input: your archive name (e.g. {src}\YourArchiveName.rar).
3: output: destination folder (e.g. {app}).
4: password: password for archive (no comments).
5: delete input: delete input archive after extraction.
6: disk: disk namber for current archive.
7: percent of total: size in percent of current archive (max 100).
2d: SRP file (Srep):
1: use SRP(Srep) tab.
2: input: your SREP file name (e.g. {src}\YourArchiveName.SRP).
3: output: destination folder (e.g. {app}).
4: delete input: delete input archive after extraction.
5: disk: disk namber for current archive.
6: percent of total: size in percent of current archive (max 100).
2e: PCF file (Precomp):
1: use PCF(Precomp) tab.
2: input: your PCF file name (e.g. {src}\YourArchiveName.PCF).
3: output: destination folder (e.g. {app}).
4: delete input: delete input archive after extraction.
5: disk: disk namber for current archive.
6: percent of total: size in percent of current archive (max 100).
2f: Zip achive (Only for Packing):
1: use ZIp(Pack) tab.
2: input: path|file for compression (e.g. {src}\YourSelectedPath).
3: output: destination archive name (e.g. {app}\PackedData.zip).
4: delete input: delete input archive after extraction.
5: disk: disk namber for current archive.
6: percent of total: size in percent of current archive (max 100).
7: compression: compression level.
2g: XDelta file:
1: use XDelta tab.
2: input: your archive name (e.g. {src}\YourArchiveName.PCF).
3: input diff: your diff file name (e.g. {src}\YourdiffName.diff).
4: output: destination (e.g. {app}\difffff.diff).
5: delete input: delete input archive after extraction.
6: delete diff file: delete input diff after extraction.
7: disk: disk namber for current archive.
8: percent of total: size in percent of current archive (max 100).
9: min ram: minimum ram size (>64 mb).
10: max ram: maximum ram size (<2048).
4. save your project.
5: click Export and remember name of .db file (same as name of your project)
6: click Import and choose .db file from previous step.
7: click Compile.
8: then try to install, if all success - you will find records.inf in folder with setup.exe move it to ISDone folder (in folder with designer), and compile project again (with slider Records.inf=yes).
Jpg Recompression - used when archive was compressed with -t-j parameters.
Records.inf - use records.inf from ISDone folder (for normal progress).
Min RAM - minimum size of memory to begin unpack.
Precomp - version of precomp to use.
Attached Files
File Type: 7z IS_Reg.7z (20.2 KB, 909 views)

Last edited by altef_4; 07-09-2014 at 04:07.
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Old 11-07-2014, 07:33
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Good work till now . But there seems to be a Bug with Compiling after Designing.
If I Change anything theres a Error in Compile Window for a bit of second (not readable) and compile won't work. If I close the Designer and open again Compiling works, but all Button Sizes, Positions and Fonts are on Standard. Also the Main Options exept the Icon. It goes all back to Borderlands...

I know you still work on Designer but I have little wishes:

Please make a real Save file (like .icp savefile) and add a Load Project Button.
Please add Slideshow and Video to Layered Installer (I was thinking the Designer was made for Enhanced Installer ??)
Please add Simple Buttons Option, I'm not familiar with Buttons like in Example
Please fix the Bugs!


Last edited by Inge; 11-07-2014 at 08:08.
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Old 11-07-2014, 08:48
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Originally Posted by Inge View Post
Good work till now . But there seems to be a Bug with Compiling after Designing.
If I Change anything theres a Error in Compile Window for a bit of second (not readable) and compile won't work. If I close the Designer and open again Compiling works, but all Button Sizes, Positions and Fonts are on Standard. Also the Main Options exept the Icon. It goes all back to Borderlands...

I know you still work on Designer but I have little wishes:

Please make a real Save file (like .icp savefile) and add a Load Project Button.
Please add Slideshow and Video to Layered Installer (I was thinking the Designer was made for Enhanced Installer ??)
Please add Simple Buttons Option, I'm not familiar with Buttons like in Example
Please fix the Bugs!

1: do you clicked save project before compiling? i am try to repeat your instructions and this works fine for me.
2. .icp is simple zip archive, i wil add this future but i can do this only when designer will be able to edit all configs(current version cant change splash, redist section and few small things)
3. slideshow and video will be added later (designer was made for Game installer because Enhanced Installer is toooo hard to design)
4.i will do this.

P.S. as you can see, i rename Layered Installer to Game Installer, because it's more informative
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Old 11-07-2014, 09:10
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do you clicked save project before compiling? i am try to repeat your instructions and this works fine for me.
Yes I've clicked saved project, will try again later without doing this. But before I upload any Conversion with your Designer/Installer I'll wait for better working or more complete version.

But till yet Designer is REALLY EASY to use! Go on!
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Old 11-07-2014, 09:18
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10+ mr altef_4

yor system use layered by rocco? Good!
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Old 11-07-2014, 14:52
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Yea, Thanks, remove thanks, do it again, and again, over again. Nice one bro thumbs up. I can see it but I can't believe it. On VCL moving and resizing components, sweet, I could only do that in FMX and not in VCL.
Altef, Altef, Altef!!!
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Old 14-07-2014, 16:04
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Can you try to add a Tab for Shortcuts? If People (like me) forgot to change the Option in Installer.ini before Compile a Game, we got no Shortcuts.
For redists would also be good.
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Old 15-07-2014, 01:13
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Originally Posted by Inge View Post
Can you try to add a Tab for Shortcuts? If People (like me) forgot to change the Option in Installer.ini before Compile a Game, we got no Shortcuts.
For redists would also be good.
i already wrote that i want 100% editable installer.

Last edited by altef_4; 08-08-2014 at 05:56.
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Old 06-08-2014, 12:47
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Cool Info About New Version

version 1.1 is almost finished, current progress and changes here, i update info sometimes (when something is ready), so you can always know what currently done , i think i upload it in one-two days.
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Old 07-08-2014, 12:09
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Version 1.1 Uploaded

GID 1.1 uploaded:
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Old 07-08-2014, 13:19
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Greetings altef 4, I have a problem: I can not compile the resulting project!
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Old 07-08-2014, 13:41
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Originally Posted by Andrey167 View Post
Greetings altef 4, I have a problem: I can not compile the resulting project!
for compile new (or old saved) project first you must do few steps:
1: save it.
2: click export.
3: click import and select YourSevadProjectName.db file.
4: only then you will be able to compile it.
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Old 08-08-2014, 14:04
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I’ve tested v.1.1 of your Designer and I think I’ve found a few Problems/Bugs.

1: I’ve got no clue how to add Redists to Designer I found no ‘add’ Button like ‘add Shortcut’

2: I’ve Enabled all Options in Media Task, but got Problems with Slideshow and Background Music during Installation.
The Installation starts with Video, Problemless (Good Idea using .bik Video b.t.w.), but the Slideshow won’t Start after the Video and the Background Music is complete Disabled. Also I have a Text on Small Installer who should not be there (red marked).

At the End of Installation I get a Out Of Stack Range Error

If this are Bugs, please fix it.
If I have made something wrong, please tell me.
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