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Old 03-03-2006, 15:57
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Sims 2 MegaPack v3 (Original + 3 expansions) - Incl. Fix for Official Patches

The Sims 2 MegaPack (TS2 + UNI + NL + OFB in 2xDVD-5)

For people that have bought the original The Sims 2 along with its expansions but can't bother with 9(?!) CDs, here is a nice solution on how to put them altogether in two single-layer DVDs.

IMPORTANT: This new updated version does not have the patching problem of the previous Megapack and allows you to use all future official patches and expansions. Below is a note for users that have used the previous Megapack on what was wrong.

Current testing status: Fully Working
Future Plans: New improved version on the works in cooperation with getaway.


1. Install the original Sims 2 and all expansions on your hard disk.
2. Download and install Inno Setup and ISTool (http://www.innosetup.com)
3. Download my Sims 2 MegaPack Inno Setup file from here (http://www.geocities.com/yleftos/sims2mpv3.zip)
4. Open the script file, and change to the Script tab on the left, I have included the instructions on the few lines that need to be changed inside the Script as comments, it's really, really easy. You just have to change the paths to the ones you've installed the game.
5. After you've compiled the Setup, go to the folder you've selected to save it and you'll find a "Sims 2 MegaPack v3 Setup.exe" (if you hadn't changed the setup name parameter) as well as some BIN ones with the same name.
6. In the same folder create a "OFB Image" folder and include Daemon Tools or Alcohol as well as your full Sims 2 Open For Business CD1 Image (you’ll have to make that in Alcohol, I won’t provide information about that here.)
7. In the same folder create a "Post-Install" folder and include the Sims 2 Start Menu package which can be downloaded from here (http://www.geocities.com/yleftos/sims2startmenu.zip). This package has the shortcuts needed by the game's installer whenever you patch the game or install a new expansion. This is an important step. You'll have to extract the contents of the zip in every computer you install this MegaPack to, in the "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs" folder. Without doing this you won't be able to install any patches or expansions. Note also that these shortcuts are only dummy shortcuts and won't work to play the game.
8. Burn all the contents of the folder to two DVDs, fitting the “Sims 2 MegaPack v3 Setup.exe” and as many BINs as you can on the first DVD (each BIN is about 1GB), and put the rest of the BINs as well as any extras (OFB Image, Post-Install, etc.) on the second DVD! You're done!

Approximate size of all the folder's contents: 5.39GB

The how-to-install part is quite easy to guess. You install the game from the custom installer, mount the mini-image on Daemon or Alcohol and you're good to go. I remind you again that this updated version of the MegaPack is fully compatible with all future official patches and expansions, but you still need to have the 4th CD from the original Sims 2 with you whenever installing a new expansion.


If you’d like to correct the script file instead of downloading the new one (which requires Sims 2 Open For Business too), I have found that the problem that didn’t allow the game to be patched with official patches (a “The Sims 2 is not properly installed” error popped-up) is that I had set the wrong parameters for the Start Menu folders in the Registry section. So, find the following line…

Root: HKLM; SubKey: SOFTWARE\EA GAMES\The Sims 2; ValueType: string; ValueName: Folder; ValueData: {commonstartmenu}\Προγράμματα\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\; Flags: uninsdeletekey

...and replace it with…

Root: HKLM; SubKey: SOFTWARE\EA GAMES\The Sims 2; ValueType: string; ValueName: Folder; ValueData: {commonprograms}\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\; Flags: uninsdeletekey

Do the same for the Sims 2 University and Sims 2 Nightlife subkeys.

Also, correct the following lines (add the words in bold)…

Root: HKLM; SubKey: SOFTWARE\EA GAMES\The Sims 2; ValueType: string; ValueName: EPsInstalled; ValueData: Sims2EP1.exe,Sims2EP2.exe; Flags: uninsdeletekey


Root: HKLM; SubKey: SOFTWARE\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 University; ValueType: string; ValueName: Suppression Exe; ValueData: Sims2.exe; Flags: uninsdeletekey

That’s it for here. Now you'll have to download the Start Menu package (http://www.geocities.com/yleftos/sims2startmenu.zip) and extract the contents to your
"C:\Documents And Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs" folder after you compile the setup and install the megapack (obviously you'll have to include it on the DVDs as it has to be extracted on every computer the megapack's installed. You're done.

You only need to do this if you’re still using the v2 of the MegaPack (that is, if you don’t have Open For Business yet.)

[I]"Mr. Worf, scan that ship." "Aye, Captain... 300 DPI?"[/I]

[SIZE=1]ALBATRON PX865PE PRO - Chieftec ATX 420W - Intel Celeron D 2.93GHz - 1GB DDR (333 MHz) - CHAINTECH GeForce FX 6800 128MB - Realtek AC'97 onBoard - Seagate 80GB (SATA) + WD 80GB (IDE) + WD 20 GB (IDE) - Windows XP Professional SP2[/SIZE]

[B]Want to convert your WAVs, MP3s and OGGs fast and easy? Newbie to audio encoding? Use [URL=http://wav2mp3lame.sourceforge.net]Wav2MP3 Wizard[/URL]![/B]

Last edited by DarkLeftos; 09-03-2006 at 14:28.
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Old 09-03-2006, 09:04
BeetleJuice BeetleJuice is offline
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I couldn't find the "ISTool" when i d/led inno setup. Is it required or located at another site? Or do you mean one of the two "Toolbar's" listed there?

sims2mpv3.zip did not include any instructions ????

Adjust your inner download link there's a "typo" from "http://www.geocities.com/yleftos/sims2startmenu.zip)"



How does the install know that there will be two dvds and know to ask for dvd #2 when the install runs out of files at the end of dvd #1?

Could this be done on a single dual layer dvd?
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Old 09-03-2006, 14:23
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I couldn't find the "ISTool" when i d/led inno setup. Is it required or located at another site? Or do you mean one of the two "Toolbar's" listed there?
You should download the QuickStart Pack.
sims2mpv3.zip did not include any instructions ????
The file inside the archive if opened with Inno Setup or ISTool has all the instructions needed in the Script section.
Adjust your inner download link there's a "typo" from "http://www.geocities.com/yleftos/sims2startmenu.zip)"


Problem fixed.
How does the install know that there will be two dvds and know to ask for dvd #2 when the install runs out of files at the end of dvd #1?
It just doesn't find the next bin file needed on the CD/DVD, so it asks for the next disc. The same thing happens if you install it from your hard drive, and it doesn't find the next bin file in the same folder, so it just asks you to browse for the folder that has the needed file.
Could this be done on a single dual layer dvd?
Sure, it can be done, if you change the line that says...
Note however, that using LZMA/Ultra compression will take almost a whole night to compress. Just FYI, took a bit above 3 hours on an AMD 64 3400+ processor.

Hope I've answered all your questions.

[I]"Mr. Worf, scan that ship." "Aye, Captain... 300 DPI?"[/I]

[SIZE=1]ALBATRON PX865PE PRO - Chieftec ATX 420W - Intel Celeron D 2.93GHz - 1GB DDR (333 MHz) - CHAINTECH GeForce FX 6800 128MB - Realtek AC'97 onBoard - Seagate 80GB (SATA) + WD 80GB (IDE) + WD 20 GB (IDE) - Windows XP Professional SP2[/SIZE]

[B]Want to convert your WAVs, MP3s and OGGs fast and easy? Newbie to audio encoding? Use [URL=http://wav2mp3lame.sourceforge.net]Wav2MP3 Wizard[/URL]![/B]
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Old 10-03-2006, 07:56
BeetleJuice BeetleJuice is offline
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You should download the QuickStart Pack.
Where is this located I wasn't able to find it?
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Old 14-03-2006, 12:45
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Sorry for the late reply. I thought it was easy enough to find...


[I]"Mr. Worf, scan that ship." "Aye, Captain... 300 DPI?"[/I]

[SIZE=1]ALBATRON PX865PE PRO - Chieftec ATX 420W - Intel Celeron D 2.93GHz - 1GB DDR (333 MHz) - CHAINTECH GeForce FX 6800 128MB - Realtek AC'97 onBoard - Seagate 80GB (SATA) + WD 80GB (IDE) + WD 20 GB (IDE) - Windows XP Professional SP2[/SIZE]

[B]Want to convert your WAVs, MP3s and OGGs fast and easy? Newbie to audio encoding? Use [URL=http://wav2mp3lame.sourceforge.net]Wav2MP3 Wizard[/URL]![/B]
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Old 14-03-2006, 15:20
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Originally Posted by DarkLeftos
I remind you again that this updated version of the MegaPack is fully compatible with all future official patches and expansions, but you still need to have the 4th CD from the original Sims 2 with you whenever installing a new expansion.
i think that i have wrote a conversion that doesn't need the 4th cd;you can use your home-made dvd instead.but i can't find it anymore in the forum...probably deleted...
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Old 14-03-2006, 19:45
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i have wrote a conversion that doesn't need the 4th cd..............but i can't find it anymore in the forum.
Things were shifted around a bit but your conversion is still here.
(Its post #3)
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Old 15-03-2006, 05:06
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Ok man! i needed my own conversion because i didn't remember how i did it...
no problem.
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Old 15-03-2006, 05:07
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Can't find a Game Conversion? Check the 'Conversion INDEX'
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Old 27-03-2006, 00:08
robo989 robo989 is offline
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I seem to be having some problems with this guide

I'm sure its just me but...

Before I was using the Sims 2 Megapack V2, which works fine...

I got open for business the other day and wanted to do a V3 megapack from it so followed all the steps...

but when I got to play, after copying over the crack from reloaded (same thing happens without the crack using original)...

I get a dialogue box coming up that says "Some installation files were corrupted during install, please reinstall" or something like that...

When I then just reinstall open for buisness over the top of the megapack the game then works fine!!!

Any ideas?

Thanx Rob
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Old 07-04-2006, 04:24
Yonsi Yonsi is offline
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How can I make this setup for a Spanish version? Is it too hard to do? Thanks!
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Old 27-07-2006, 11:09
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Exclamation The Sims 2 Megapack FIX!!!!

As You May Know, If You Install The Sims 2 Megapack v2, You Cannot Add Expansion Packs Or Patch The Game. I Managed To Fix This Problem Without Using What 'DarkLeftos' Said. E-Mail Me On ongy2k3**********com And I Can Send U The Files And INstructions Or I May Later POst Them ON Here
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Old 27-07-2006, 18:27
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As You May Know, If You Install The Sims 2 Megapack v2, You Cannot Add Expansion Packs Or Patch The Game. I Managed To Fix This Problem Without Using What 'DarkLeftos' Said. E-Mail Me On ongy2k3**********com And I Can Send U The Files And INstructions Or I May Later POst Them ON Here
Hmm nothing special, you probably got the answer from cd-2-dvd.com as it has been posted on there for many many months now on what to do!
Or I May Later POst Them ON Here
That would have been your better option right from the start instead of asking people to email you. If you have something to share then share it.
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Old 28-07-2006, 07:22
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Talking Sims 2 Megapack Fix


Firstly, No I Did Not Get Anyhelp From The Site You Mentioned.

Secondly, Was Going To Post Them But I Just Needed To Write Instruction Files. I Have Now Don The So You Can Download Then From http://thesims2fix.50webs.com

Last edited by ongy2k3; 28-07-2006 at 07:30.
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Old 28-07-2006, 08:15
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Now now dont get 'Grumpy'

What you have posted is not the same information I believed was on the other site.
It looks like a job well done btw.
Not that I have any of the Sims games to be able to test them.
Can't find a Game Conversion? Check the 'Conversion INDEX'

Last edited by Grumpy; 28-07-2006 at 08:21.
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