21-06-2004, 19:16
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Space Channel 5 Part 2 Translation Project
There has been a request for assistance to a very ambitious translation project of Space Channel 5 Part 2 for DC started. Needed are voice actors (both female and male). So if you'd like to see the game translated and wish to help out, please get in contact with these people. Here's the complete info:
Greetings! We are putting together a small group for a fan based translation of Space Channel 5 Part 2. The goal is to give the game the attention it deserves on it's native console, the Sega Dreamcast. The project is under translation and some scripts will be ready shortly. Initial hacks have been processed, and are working, however, for legal reasons new tools must be developed, and are essentially complete but untested as of this moment. Lead programmer and Hacker Purge (For the time being) heads the duet of 2, the second being U-la-la-la of bakanalia, who is the lead translator and leader of quality assurance. The team is lacking voice actors for the rolls of the game. Please note many roles require a large sense of rhythm and some involve singing. Others are simply extras, and there are ALOT of extras. Your effort is needed in order to ensure this project succeeds. To audition please send a 15-30 second mp3, ogg, etc (NO WAVE, sorry it is too big) of yourself saying your name, and a few lines of anything you want to [email protected] (please get rid of the two instances of NOSPAM for the correct email address). A plethora of both Males and Females are needed, all kinds too including butch females and femmy guys as well. Questions, comments, and offers to help
are also welcome to the above address. Its a large undertaking but if you want to contribute to the community and have another localized game please give the project your support! No offical web page will be given at this time however there is a thread on the Space Channel 5 Glooboard under the Space channel 5 Part 2 Discussion thread: http://www.glooboard.com/dcg.php?cID=SpaceChannel5
Last edited by Christuserloeser; 21-06-2004 at 19:18.