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Old 29-11-2001, 07:36
RedsunsFD RedsunsFD is offline
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New burning method (the one using bin2boot) won't work with all games? Please read and help

First of all I have to say that I'm using an unusual burning method to burn my dc games (this method was posted previously by CpTarpals), because discjuggler only produces coasters for me and other methods I've tried don't work (believe me I've tried so many ways to burn dc games even you can't imagine!). So this is what I do:

1. Extract the IP.BIN from the cdi image by using cdirip and isofix. Then I will get a file called bootfile.bin: Just rename it to IP.BIN
2. I use cdmage and extracted all files from the second session of the cdi into a selfboot\data directory
3. I copied ip.bin and 1st_read.bin into selfoot directory (root directory).
4. Then I use binhack: type in "binhack" without quotes. It will prompt me for the name of binary. type in "1st_read.bin" It will then prompt me for bootsector: type in "ip.bin" Then it will prompt me for msinfo value: type in 0.
5. Then I copied ip.bin and 1st_read.bin back into data directory. Overwrite if necessary.
6. After that I'm using mkisofs, type: "mkisofs -C 0,0 -V XXXXX -l -o data.iso data" without quotes, to get an iso image out of the data folder.
7. I then used bin2boot: From the dos prompt, type "bin2boot data.iso". After that I will get back a selfbootable cdi image.
8. Then I use cdi2nero and burn the game with nero.

That's the only way to get my dc games work without problems. The basic idea behind all this is to get the audio session behind the data session (bin2boot). With this method I've burned successfully around 40 games! But unfortunally 2 games won't work with this method: Sonic Adventure 2 and ######## Star Online Version 2: Sonic2 get past the sega license screen and rebbot itself load up again to the license screen and reboot...
###V2 gets past the license screen too and try to load the game but end up to the menue screen with the 4 icons. Can someone tell what I'm doing wrong? Why my method doesn't work with this two games? Do I have to change some points im my burning method in order to get these 2 games work?
I really need help on it cause I already wasted 22 CDs only for these 2 games?
Wayne I hope you read this, maybe you know the answer!
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Old 29-11-2001, 08:54
segaplayer segaplayer is offline
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What the hell are you doing???
Take CloneCD or another burning tool, if you can't copy games with dicjuggler!!!
And you have forgotten one step in you tutorial.
After you have "cdiripped" the game.cdi you have to use isofix!!!!
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Old 29-11-2001, 09:53
Areku Areku is offline
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Yeah, or just convert CDI images to Nero images. Nero is as simple as hell!
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Old 30-11-2001, 04:06
RedsunsFD RedsunsFD is offline
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I do this cuz I got a dreamcast, which won't boot games that easy like the older ones. An one more thing: I have mentioned isofix in the first step. But the purpose of the first step is only to get the ip.bin

for Nero: IF I burn the game with Nero the game only boot in my dc randomly like 2 out of 10 times (sometimes my dc won't boot the game at all). But If I use the burning method I mentioned the game boots every time!
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