Thanks goes to prudislav for information & files posted here. Thought be better place then in requests topic.
Originally Posted by prudislav
Originally Posted by pakrat2k2
hey do you still have the info for shortcuts for the UWP
games ?
you posted in requests but it got cleaned out, & i didnt have chance to C/P it in notepad for later conversion...
I did read that you can also drag the start menu item for game to desktop & create a shortcut to it on desktop & it will play that way ??
Gonna be a real pain in the ass to figure out how to NOT create desktop shortcut & only start menu item, unless I can implement the info for desktop shortcut for those 3 UWP games.
drag and dropping from startmenu works but its not really something that can be automated and put to desktop
... so it has to be done the otherway aka using batchscript with launch command conveted to exe ;-)
so parameters i know so far are
Zoo Tycoon: explorer.exe shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.ZooTycoon.136d332137_8w ekyb3d8bbwe!
AoE:DEs: explorer.exe shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.MSDallas.136d332137_8we kyb3d8bbwe!App
ForzaHorizon3 explorer.exe shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.OpusPG_8wekyb3d8bbwe!Op usReleaseFinal
ForzaMotorsport7 explorer.exe shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.ApolloBaseGame_8wekyb3d 8bbwe!forzamotorsport7
in general its explorer.exe shell:AppsFolder\APP_FAMILY_NAME!AppId
- AppId is taken from <Application Id> tag from AppxManifest.xml
- APP_FAMILY_NAME is taken rom "PackageFamilyName" you get from Get-AppxPackage powershell comand when the game is installed
As for actuall UWP un/instalaltions ..... you need two powershell commands where the parameter is PackageFullName from Get-AppxPackage
for example
install: Add-AppxPackage -Package "Microsoft.ZooTycoon.136d332137_1.1711.52116.2_x64 __8wekyb3d8bbwe"
uninstall: Remove-AppxPackage -Package "Microsoft.ZooTycoon.136d332137_1.1711.52116.2_x64 __8wekyb3d8bbwe"
BTW: Currently i am tryin to code some kind of UWP launcher that just reads the needed info automatically and launches the game based on appmanifest file in the folder, but might take a while
Originally Posted by prudislav
ok fixed commands:
Batch Install: (must be run from root)
powershell -Command "Add-AppxPackage -Register "AppxManifest.xml""
powershell -Command "get-appxpackage NAME | remove-appxpackage"
NAME = Package.Identity.Name from AppxManifest.xml
explorer.exe shell:AppsFolder\PackageFamilyName!AppId
AppId = Package.Applications.Application.ID from AppxManifest.xml
PackageFamilyName = powershell -Command "get-appxpackage NAME" and its the PackageFamilyName result
(game must be istalled for this command to work)
(NAME is same as above)
In the attachment I created basic universal scripts thar should work for all unpacked UWP apps (Run one needs to be improved ... for example catches if the game is installed or if appmanifest.xml exists or other checks)
So batch should be run from game root folder (where AppxManifest.xml is located)?
Originally Posted by KaktoR
So batch should be run from game root folder (where AppxManifest.xml is located)?
if you use the Batch commands specified to selected title like in case of ZooTycoon
powershell -Command "Add-AppxPackage -Register "AppxManifest.xml"" (install)
powershell -Command "get-appxpackage Microsoft.ZooTycoon | remove-appxpackage" (uninstall)
explorer.exe shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.ZooTycoon_8w ekyb3d8bbwe! (run)
only install one needs to be in root as it reads AppInfo from AppManifest.xml
From what i read i even should work like that even if in that root is game packed in *.appx (but havent properly tested that)
Personally for desktop shortcut, i will probably just convert the RUN command to exe , add icon to it, put it to root and link deskop shortcut do this new exe
BTW: If you use my universal script , they all read from the file (you can check the code).
Also in attachment i improved the universal RUN script that now checks for appmanifest and if app is installed (with alternative one that autoinstalls when finds that app is not installed)
EDIT 2: added exe forms of the universal scripts (launcher v2 has the autoinstall included)