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Old 28-02-2006, 14:56
Xophile Xophile is offline
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Smile Age Of Empires III - Patch 1.05 is out! *Major* fixes!


Just found out that ES have released the 1.05 patch.


================================================== ========== ======
Age of Empires(R) III v1.05
The Complete Patch Release Notes
Feb. 27, 2006
Patch 1.05 – The Complete Patch Notes
================================================== ========== ======

__________NEW FEATURES__________

* Added beta version of the new rating system to ESO, Power RatingFor more information please refer to this post.
* Added Stand Ground Formation to the game
Units in Stand Ground formation will not move from their position, even when under attack, but will fire upon or attack anything within their range. Stand Ground formation has been added in response to fan feedback and will give players a new level in control over their armies.
* Attack move button and hotkey added
In response to fan feedback, official support for Attack Move has been added. Military units will now have a new Attack Move button in the interface. Attack Move also has a hotkey which defaults to X but can be changed via the hotkey editor.
* Hispaniola map has been added
This new map is a land mass, surrounded by water, with a large bay on the west side of the island. The bay always contains several whales, so it can be a strategically valuable to control as a source of coin. At the center of the island is a large mountain which provides an obstacle which creates walling options.
* Recorded game playback interface improved significantly
During playback of recorded games you can now see the technologies a player is researching and units they are creating. As well you can see each player’s home city and the cards they are sending.
* Added Option for minimized multiplayer chat
At the Options screen under UI Options you can select a new option, Enable Minimized Chat UI. This option is for expert players that want to save on screen space.
* Added games list filtering options
New filtering options added to the custom games list on ESO.
* Added Option to save games list filter settings
At the Options screen under Game Options you can select a new option, Save Game List Filter Settings. If you select this any changes to the custom games list filter will be saved.

__________CLIENT FIXES__________

* Numerous fixes made to the original attack move command
* Deathmatch games have reveal map on by default
* Deathmatch starting crates were removed from most maps
* Fixed an issue where watching a recorded game overwrote home cities
* Fixed an issue where playing an old saved single player game would revert your home city to the older state
* Ranged Cavalry Caracole tech fixed so it now applies to all ranged cavalry
* Added support for removing the new larger game pause box, implemented in the previous patch; add “hidepopups” to your user.cfg to get the original game paused art
* Fixed an issue where a player could not unpause when the chat box was open
* Fixed an issue with pausing during playback of a recorded game
* Changed text in the unpause box from Cancel to Unpause
* Unpause box will now appear during playback of a recorded game
* Fixed an issue where you could age-up in multiple Town Centers
* Added default banner art for numerous units
* Exiting playback of a recorded game now takes you to the main menu
* When playback of a record game finishes a message is displayed stating the record game has finished
* Fixed art for Ottoman Galley card
* Fixed German Native American Warriors card; now makes Natives less expensive
* Fixed a display issue where mercenaries would appear to have no cost upon reaching the Imperial Age
* Added support for modifying user created custom random map names:
  • * In the custom random map’s xml file if you use a stringID, it will still use the stringID (takes preference over the raw text version.)
    * To change the tooltip description you get when you mouse over the level name in the list, add detailsText="here is my description"
    * To change the text on the load screen, add loadDetailsText="here is some more stuff"
* Fixed a number of issues where a sentence would appear in English in a non-English version of the game
* Fixed an issue where an old victory condition would sometimes fire upon reaching the Industrial Age
* Fixed an issue where a fort or outpost could get in an unbuildable state
* Portuguese Ten Musketeer card rollover fixed
* Fixed bug with Ranged Cavalry hand attack bonus vs Cavalry

Break for post two

Patch 1.05 – The Complete Patch Notes – Page 2

__________NETWORK AND ESO FIXES__________

* Game lobby now shows if a game is rated or unrated, as well as showing if no experience will be gained from playing the game
* Added , , mouse wheel scroll and double click functionality to numerous spots in ESO
* Changing #players will unready everyone
* Typing text in chat box and switching to a different ESO window no longer erases the text
* Many Clan chat fixes
* Change to clan functionality such that you may only demote someone that is below your rank, you may only promote someone that is two ranks below you
* When two players computers can not communicate they can no longer join the same game lobby
* Fixed numerous issues with joining and creating a clan
* Confirmation now required when removing someone from a clan
* Fixed an issue where a player could join a non-existent chat channel
* Added cancel button to games list filter
* Fixed an issue where a chat channel would have be password protected after unchecking password protection
* Added ability to remember nickname at login screen
* Games that go out of sync no longer create a save game
* Fixed art for clan message error box
* Fixed an issue where an error message was displayed when trying to add a valid user to your friends list after trying to add an invalid name
* Many text improvements made to the Home City Tab in ESO
* When trying to create a new account, the interface now states only one username per cdkey
* Fixed an issue where a user would not see their home city experience after finishing a game until they restarted Age3
* Fixed an exploit that would let a user see the post-game screen during the game
* Games list now sorts All Maps and Standard Maps correctly
* Fixed a bug where you could enter a password answer that exceeded the maximum character limit of the actual password
* Statistics section at Home City tab in ESO can now scroll
* No longer able to delete Home city that you are current viewing on ESO
* Fixed an issue where the wrong avatar would be displayed in the game lobby
* No longer able to attempt to invite offline players to a game using the friends list
* First line of chat in a chat room should no longer be obscured
* Fixed an issue where a game would go out of sync when a user tried to join the game after it had launched
* Fixed an issue where some characters would not appear in the add friends box
* Player Rank Title shown at map loading splash screen
* Fixed an issue where a person receiving multiple invites was unable to accept any of them
* Games list now grays out games the user is illegible to play

__________BALANCE CHANGES__________

* Abbasid Market upgrade now reduces prices appropriately
* Skirmisher speed reduced by 1
* Jaeger speed reduced by 1
* Town Center hit points increased by 1000
* All Villagers maximum range set to 12
* Engineering school has less effect on cannons created from the factory
* Portuguese start with 1 more Villager
* French start with 1 less Coureur
* Cassadore cost changed to 80 food 35 gold
* Cassadore line of sight increased
* Quarter Master Politician now delivers 400 wood instead of 500
* Abus Gun range decreased to 18 and line of sight decreased to 22
* Mercenaries now take 60 seconds to send from the Home City
* Crossbows cost changed to 40 food 40 wood
* Janissary attack reduced
* Livestock Pen cost reduced to 200 wood
* Wallenstiens Contracts tech cost increased to 4000 gold
* Envoy build limit increased to 5
* No longer allowed to build trade posts near opponents’ starting Town Centers
* Culverin range and line of sight increased
* Russians start with 1 extra food crate
* Dutch start with 1 extra gold crate

__________HOME CITY CARDS__________

* Native American Treaties card now sends 600 resources worth of units
* Cards that sent sheep now send more sheep
* Card that sent cows now send more cows
* Northwest Passage card coureur bonus vs treasure guardians boosted
* Explorer Cards for all civilizations now give increased hitpoints and damage for explorers
* 20 Pikemen card now sends 24 Pikemen
* 20 Crossbowmen card now sends 24 Crossbowmen
* Fencing School card further decreases infantry train time
* Riding School card further decreases cavalry train time
* Improved Buildings card boosted from 30 to 40% bonus hitpoints to buildings
* Extensive Fortifications now also increases tower hitpoints
* Stonemasons card increases building speed of buildings by 65%
* Stockyards card boosted livestock fatten rate
* Fulling mills card increased livestock gather rate
* Royal Mint card boosted mine and plantation rate from 1.15 to 1.2
* Rum Distillery card boosted Plantation gather rate
* Textile Mills card boosted Plantation gather rate
* Rendering Plant card boosted Fishing boat gather rate
* Team Envoy card now sends more envoys per player
* Advanced Frontier Defenses card now sends 4 tower wagons
* Team Cheap Market card effect increased
* Medicine card makes villagers train even faster
* Dutch Raiding Fleet now delivers an extra Fluyt
* Spanish Riding School card (a German card) bonus changed; now affects cavalry speed and no longer effects cavalry train time
* Team Fatter Sheep card effect increased
* Team Fast Houses card effect doubled
* Cheap Manors card makes manors even cheaper now
* Native Warriors card for Germans now affects the cost of native units correctly
* Advanced Trading Post card now drops wood cost of trade posts by 40%
* Recruit Privateer Armada card now sends 5 ships but the cost is also reduced
* Schooners card effect increased
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Old 28-02-2006, 16:30
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who cares?
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Old 28-02-2006, 18:38
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Wouldn't this be considered General Gaming?
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Old 28-02-2006, 23:19
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Wouldn't this be considered General Gaming?
Yes. Moved to General Gaming Forum.
Can't find a Game Conversion? Check the 'Conversion INDEX'
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Old 01-03-2006, 13:35
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Looking for No-CD for aoe3.exe v1.05

Anyone seen one?
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Old 01-03-2006, 15:55
Xophile Xophile is offline
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Nope, I haven't even been able to download the patch at all yet. Servers are overloaded.

The stand-alone patchwillbe released soon (I hope) ...
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