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Old 01-11-2005, 13:11
Cueball Cueball is offline
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SOF2 CD to DVD almost ready.. BUT

nevermind, sorted it out, will be passing the tester onto certain ppl before release

Last edited by Cueball; 01-11-2005 at 14:33.
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Old 01-11-2005, 13:14
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From cd-2-dvd.com :

Soldier Of Fortune 2: Double Helix

1) Create a Temp folder on your harddrive.
Name this folder: sofii_2. This will be the name (Label) of our DVD.
2) Copy all the contents from CD1 to the Temp folder.
3) Copy all the contents from CD2 to the same Temp folder. Overwrite any files if prompted.
4) Download my Sof2 Batch file and my Autorun.inf RAR file from here and extract it to the Temp folder.
(Overwrite the original Autorun.inf file with the one from the RAR file!)

5) Create another folder/s for any Updates, Serial, Patches and or Cracks etc.
NOTE: Name this/these folder/s whatever you want.
6) If you want to update the game to the ‘Gold’ version then make sure you included the ‘sof2goldfull.exe (version 1.06) patch’ in the Updates folder!
Also include the v1.06 NoCD in the Cracks folder!

7) Burn the contents of the Temp folder to a DVD with the Label: sofii_2

NOTE: When the DVD is inserted the Batch file will automatically start the installer.
During the install you will be prompted to insert CD2, just hit OK and the install will continue.
Near the end of the install you will be prompted to again insert CD1, but if you hit Cancel, Exit Setup and then choose NOT to rollback after the installation, the game will be installed, except for the shortcuts on the Desktop and in the start menu.
NOTE: Thanks go to ‘Njaydg’ for letting me know to choose ‘NOT to rollback the installation’.

8) Once the game is installed you can then apply the sof2goldfull.exe (version 1.06) patch and then replace SoF2.exe file with the v1.06 NoCD.

9) If you want the Desktop and Start Menu shortcuts then you need to create them manually! Go into the folder where you installed the game, right click (and hold the right click) the ‘SoF2.exe’ and drag it to Desktop folder (or the actual Desktop) and release the Right Mouse button. Then choose ‘Create Shortcut Here’.

10) You can do the same for the Start Menu folder! Go into your C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs folder and create a folder named ‘Soldier of Fortune 2’. In this folder create a shortcut to the ‘Sof2.exe’. (Use the same method as I described for the Desktop Shortcut!) Also in this folder create a shortcut to the ‘UNWISE.EXE’. This is so you can uninstall the game from the start menu!
To do this, go into the SOF2 game folder (where you installed the game), then into the ‘Uninstall’ folder and create a shortcut to the ‘UNWISE.EXE’ for the Start Menu.
After the shortcuts have been created you can rename them to remove the “Shortcut to….” from the name!

NOTE: I am still working on this conversion! I want the install to automatically complete the full install, including creating all the relevant shortcuts! I will hopefully achieve this using a different ‘Batch’ file and also a ‘Script’. I just need to do a bit more homework on it.
The only problem with the current Batch file is every time you insert the DVD it will start the installer!! Just choose cancel! I figure once you have installed the game there should be no need to re-insert the DVD.
It's already been done as you can see.
I didn't ban you, BW did!

[QUOTE]Are you by chance a poet or writer ? Just wondering, your writing style is quite a shock to those of us who are used to illiterate warez kiddies going "OMG WT!F whErEz Da CRACKS !" all the time. You should bundle your signatures and get them published :D[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE]Ever though that you never got viruses because...
... Norton didn't find them?[/QUOTE]
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Old 01-11-2005, 13:18
Cueball Cueball is offline
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maybe so, but not with shortcuts on desktop and with no running batch files or having prompts for disks, mine has neither, but I am not sure how to add this final reg entry...
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Old 01-11-2005, 15:40
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its ok Luciel, I am testing Cueballs MSI for SOF2 and he is definately on the right track. Just a few more little tweaks and it will be better than the SOF2 conversion already posted.
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Old 01-11-2005, 18:08
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Then go for it
I didn't ban you, BW did!

[QUOTE]Are you by chance a poet or writer ? Just wondering, your writing style is quite a shock to those of us who are used to illiterate warez kiddies going "OMG WT!F whErEz Da CRACKS !" all the time. You should bundle your signatures and get them published :D[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE]Ever though that you never got viruses because...
... Norton didn't find them?[/QUOTE]
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