Why make a patch for the server if it doesn't do its job?
I was just wondering why there is a server patch(fix) and what it is suppose to patch(fix). Is it so you can play the game with multi players?, with the different keys (is that not what the nwserver.exe in its original form is to do) why make a patch or(fix)? I could run my backup with the 1.18 patch and fix for the server in order to play multi player games without cdkey checks. No w i have a game that I have started and farly into that I can not play because i can't run without having legit keys that I can't get with the 1.19 patch and fix on the server. I find this confusing does anyone else find this confusing too? Is there anyone out there working on a remedy for this?
Just wondering if anyone else is wondering too please post reply to the thread..
Last edited by Nomaders; 03-07-2002 at 21:55.