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Old 08-12-2024, 13:16
almazCrystal almazCrystal is offline
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Cool SNESticle compatibility list. PS2 2024

Long time reader, first time writer. Cliché I know.
This is a fantastic emulator and I wanted to give something back, so this is an updated game compatibility list as of 6th of December 2024.

My testbench: Playstation 2 FAT, Blue/Aqua,SCPH-50004. Running SNESticlePS2 v0.3.4.
All roms are NTSC roms in .smc format. Roms were ripped in 2004. I have Snesticle running in mc1:/ as an elf file while roms, are in mc0:/ in a seperate folder separate an 128MB PS2 Aliexpress memory card. My personal opinion is that running from a memory card is a superior way as you can add/remove roms more easily than writing on DVD. But to each their own. I have not tested the SIO2SD/MX4SIO solutions with this emulator,but they show some promise. As you can read the roms from an SD card that is connected to an adapter.
I have not 100% played through every game,but I have tested enough to give my full and honest opinion.

Confirmed Working -
ActRaiser (1991)
ActRaiser 2 (1992)
Alien 3 (1992)
Alien VS Predator (1993)
Alladin (1993)
Battletoads & Double Dragon - The Ultimate Team (1993)
Battletoads in Battlemaniacs (1993)
Boogerman: A Pick and Flick Adventure (1995)
Castlevania: Dracula X (1995)
Chrono Trigger (1995)
Contra III: The Alien Wars (1992)
Donkey Kong Country (1994)
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest (1995)
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! (1996)
EarthBound (1994)
Earthworm Jim (1994)
Earthworm Jim 2 (1995)
F-Zero (1990)
Fatal Fury 2 (Hungry Wolf Legend 2: The New Battle) [1994]
Fatal Fury: King of Fighters (1991)
Final Fantasy II (IV) [1991]
Final Fantasy III (VI) [1994]
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (1992)
Final Fight (1991)
Final Fight 3 (Final Fight Tough) [1996]
Gradius III (1991)
Harvest Moon (1997)
Illusion of Gaia (1994)
Mega Man VII (1995)
Mega Man X (-1) [1994]
Mortal Kombat 3 (1995)
Mortal Kombat I (1993)
NBA Jam (1994)
NBA Jam Tournament Edition (1995)
R-Type III: The Third Lightning (1994)
Rock' n' Roll Racing (1993)
Samurai Shodown (Samurai Spirits) [1994]
Skyblazer (1994)
Soul Blazer (1992)
Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting (1993)
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (1992)
Super Bomberman 2 (1994)
Super Bomberman 3 (PAL) [1995]
Super Bomberman 4 (JPN) [1996]
Super Bomberman 5 (JPN) [Gold Cartridge] {1997}
Super Castlevania IV (1991)
Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts (1991)
Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World (1994)
Super Mario World (Super Mario World: Super Mario Bros. 4) [1991]
Super Metroid (1994)
Super Punch-Out!! (1994)
Super R-Type (1991)
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (1994)
Super Turrican (1993)
Super Turrican 2 (1995)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time (1992)
Tetris Attack (1996)
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (1993)
The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare (1992)
Uniracers (Unirally) (1994)
Wolfenstein 3D (1994)
Ys III: Wanderers from Ys (1994)
Zombies Ate My Neighbors (1993)

Confirmed not working -
Blackthorne (BlackHawk) (1994)
Kirby Super Star (1996)
Kirby's Dream Course (1994)
Mega Man X2 (1995)
Mega Man X3 (1996)
Mortal Kombat II (1994) – Graphical glitches, the main menu starts up and then goes to the black screen
Secret of Mana (1993)
Star Fox (Starwing) (1993)
Street Fighter Alpha 2 (1996) – Error loading rom.
Super Mario Kart (1992)
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (1996)
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (1995).
Tales of Phantasia (1995)
Wolverine: Adamantium Rage (1994) – Starts up, shows logo and then black screens.

I also had issues running old IPS patched roms.Mainly early JPN translations and Zsnes, early Snes9x era romhacks.

Graphical Glitches-
Final Fight 2 (1993) – Graphical glitches.
First Samurai (1993) – Graphical Glitches
The 7th Saga (1993) – Graphical glitches
Uncharted Waters (1992) -Graphical glitches
Uncharted Waters (2): New Horizons [1994] – Graphical glitches

Slowdowns -
Top Gear (1992)
Top Gear 2 (1993)

Yet again, this is a fantastic emulator. Most games I tried worked at full speed. FX and special FX chip games do not work. Some games had some graphical glitches. I would rate the overall compatibility high, as you can see from this list. Some quirks, noting to the emulator. No USB support which is a bummer. Savestate support lacks as well. Though it does have SRAM save so you can still save and continue with your games.
I feel like there is a huge potential in porting this emulator to lower tiered hardware. PSP etc.Similar to as picodrive is.

Special Thanks to – megamandev,clouds97 for the original compatibility list.iaddis for programming the emulator.
Please feel free to copy/share/edit/note this list,but as the testing did take some, I would appreciate to be credited when you do so.

A bit about SNESticle:
SNESticle appeared for the first time in 2005 in EA's Fight Night Round 2. Exclusive to the GameCube version is an emulated version of the SNES Super Punch-Out!! game, and within the game's code is a reference to the term "SNESticle." The name "SNESticle" is no coincidence—Icer Addis, aka "Sardu, is probably best known as the author of the NESticle emulator, a relatively early and wildly popular NES emulator. "Sardu" later went on to work on several EA Sports titles, including this one. A reverse engineering project was on the way to get the emulator out from the game, but in 2022, seeing the community work to reverse the emulator, he himself released the SNESticle's source code, including some PS2 binaries with an MIT license. - By Hugostoso

Vice article:


PSX-Palace forum post:

Last edited by almazCrystal; 08-12-2024 at 13:18.
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