she's a comepulsive gambler I would not take her to a casino
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Hahahaha! that would depend on if that casino was a strip casino lol.
My wife is proly the worst casino customer you could get lol, she would stay on the 1 & 2c machines, then go and watch the strippers lol. woop's - duck - weave - cover head - ouch! - another spoon dent in da back of my head. But back to the topic' er wot wast he topic lol oh yeh, kids! - kill em all lol! woops wrong forum, kids! gotta luv em' and give em some more violent video games to play so they stay at home and kill 'time' not people. L8rz FlyBlown_Jester, hic' more booze please, its easter.
L8rz Flyblown_Jester Last edited by TylerDurden; 11-04-2004 at 10:41. |
NEW YORK - All those years on the couch playing Nintendo and PlayStation appear to be paying off for surgeons. Researchers found that doctors who spent at least three hours a week playing video games made about 37 percent fewer mistakes in laparoscopic surgery and performed the task 27 percent faster than their counterparts who did not play video games.
Ide feel stupid asking my surgeon about video games
huhh maybe if I need surgeury I shuold challinge them to a little mortal conbat before I choose who will do it Hay I bet ide make am exsallant surgeon im willing to give it a try if anyone need something removed come talk to me Last edited by gamesmell; 14-04-2004 at 02:31. |
now thats just stupid, even if its true, its just simply stupid lol
I didn't ban you, BW did! [URL="http://www.cd-2-dvd.com"]cd-2-dvd.com[/URL] [QUOTE]Are you by chance a poet or writer ? Just wondering, your writing style is quite a shock to those of us who are used to illiterate warez kiddies going "OMG WT!F whErEz Da CRACKS !" all the time. You should bundle your signatures and get them published :D[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Ever though that you never got viruses because... ... Norton didn't find them?[/QUOTE] |
It has nothing to do with wheither or not he can beat you in a console game. It's just the way of handling with the analog buttons is about the same as the tools they use. I just wanted to point it out that it's usefull for surgeons too.
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I think getting married is one of the biggest hits your gaming life takes, even if you get a wife who likes games. You have less time to do everything, you have a certain kind of duty to your family, etc... if your wife likes games and you have one PC (or console), you have a sort of power-struggle whenever you can't play together.
Now my wife hated computers (and i'm a software developer, heh) but gradually started using them and thus liking them. Getting her into playing games was tricky at first, as she would consider the huge amount of time I sat there playing games was like "watching the game" i.e. ignoring her and concentrating in something so much that you can barely have a conversation. But then I got her into adventure games through licensed games - took her to a game store with me and she spotted this Law & Order game and I was all like "Licensed games usually stink" and we eventually bought it. See, I grew up playing with my sister, with my sister sitting on the passenger seat, spotting things, linking facts, being my "navigator" etc. My wife on the other hand is just like me, someone who wants to be in control. Control struggles ensue. But I digress. We then played some games that I knew were great adventure games, Longest Journey and Runaway. The point was to get her into games that didn't make her feel like she was pressed for time or anything, and that would not be frowned upon as being too "mindless", and hey .. adventure games are a dying genre now, but I grew up playing Sierra's "quest" games. So anyway, the next step was for her to play Rayman 3, and this was VERY hard for someone who never played a videogame before (no hand-eye coordination yet) and she got halfway through it and then it got too hard, BUT she wanted ME to play so that she can see the rest of the story. The WHOLE point I'm trying to make is that if you've lost interest in games, feel like you don't wanna play games, or think that games arent what they used to be, then you're playing some kind of games that you don't like. There is a kind of game for EVERYONE. I hated strategy games without realizing it (i used to love dune2 when it first came out and thus C&C afterwards) and at one point I just didn't wanna play these kinds of games anymore. But then I decided that I hate strategy games and will not even try to play because I don't have fun playing them. It's that simple. Find something you have fun playing, don't feel pressured to play a certain kind of game or a game everyone likes. Just try to have fun. If you already thought about it and you think there's any kind of game you like then you haven't tried the one you like yet. Talk to mature people, someone who actually plays a lot of different kinds of games about what you hate in a certain game and they will guide you to the exact opposite. Example I like story Strategy games can get too "concentrate-y" RPGs can get boring (especially ones that don't have a story, read: diablo) Shooters are ok because I am good at them (multiplayer) Platformers are ... well .. it has to be funny for me to enjoy it (Conker's Bad Fur Day.. ) Adventure games are all about story, I mean the old-skool adventure games, not puzzle-games like Myst. Too bad they don't make them as much as they used to. (if at all) Sports games are weird in that good games are good and bad games will make you hate all games that are based on the same sport. I didn't even watch football and wasn't interested in sports, but then I played Madden NFL 2003 and suddenly I'm watching Packers games. Needless to say I got 2004 even though it's an 80% waste of money (should be VERY cheap if you have the last game since it's almost like an expansion) Tony Hawk 2 gave me my childhood dream of skateboarding. (also got 3 and 4 .. less of a waste of money) This post is too long. (I respect other people's tastes in game genres and if you feel offended in any way at my comments on what games I like or don't like, PM me with your abuse, don't start a flame war, thanks)
Playing games is not the same after getting married. |
Yah know I think that was the longest post that was ever in this forum with no pics
as for flamers heres what I think about them (ant to meny that will get offended cause nobadys ganna read the hole thing I know I wont) all I know is that it better not say that we should all worship ****** Edit:huh did you know we cant post the name ****** Last edited by gamesmell; 14-04-2004 at 13:31. |
well i read through all of it and though it was a great post, i had a similar expierence, my dad always though games were a waste of time although he recognised some of them as a piece of art, so i thouhg id get him into it, so he loves hes weakest link, university challenge and who wants to be a millionair so i bough him the last one for his bday pressie, and hey he got hooked and then he saw me play mafia and he got tottally hooked as hes a 1930s1940s replica car collector, so eventually he wanted me to finish the game so he could drive any car through the city without complications, so yeah
I didn't ban you, BW did! [URL="http://www.cd-2-dvd.com"]cd-2-dvd.com[/URL] [QUOTE]Are you by chance a poet or writer ? Just wondering, your writing style is quite a shock to those of us who are used to illiterate warez kiddies going "OMG WT!F whErEz Da CRACKS !" all the time. You should bundle your signatures and get them published :D[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Ever though that you never got viruses because... ... Norton didn't find them?[/QUOTE] |
from the jist of what im assuming your post was about I say dont bother trying to forse your hobbies on outhers
Thanks Luciel.
Here's somthing I forgot to say (mods: or do I edit to make the post longer than it already is). My wife actually said that playing Rayman 3 actually made her hand-eye coordination better. If you've been to a country where driving resembles walking on a big-city-downtown-sidewalk (no lanes, no order, ok to pass on whichever side, ok to go faster no matter where in the road you're in, no speed limit except on highways, jaywalking is ok, CHAOS) You'll know why she said so while we're driving in Cairo, Egypt and some guy (pedestrian) pops outta nowhere.
Playing games is not the same after getting married. Last edited by tbaher; 14-04-2004 at 15:42. |
a lot of girls seem to like Rayman for some reason I wonder why
Hahahahahaha! Gamesmell lmao!! that looked like me running from the bouncers at my local lol.
My eyes realy hurt now, nice post tbaher but surely you could have broke it up into 2 or so posts man lol, by the way, I would luv to bring my beast of a car to your country and just drive up and down da street lol, I could put that bumper sticker on my car that says; "If you don't like the way I drive, get off the sidewalk" ![]() But on a serious note, I don't fully agree with your marriage view that you get less time for gaming, not all of us fall under the thumb after the knot is tied. I play like a little child, even stamp my feet lol and my wifey just looks at me and pisses her self laughing, calls me a twit and walks away lol. She plays computer games now but very few, and still can't use the pc properly, but she knows its my thing and is happy to let me be. I would not have married a woman that chained me down, I don't cheat, do drugs, drink heavy or abuse her and that my friends makes her a very happy lady. - Happiness leads to Horniness lol. L8rz Flyblown_Jester
L8rz Flyblown_Jester Last edited by Flyblown_Jester; 15-04-2004 at 07:16. |
Excellent post, tbaher. You have been 'regged' since Nov 2002 and barely been active, What Gives?
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#FileForums on EFNET
Thanks BountyWarrior, it's just that I used to find all my answers here without even asking and then I decided to answer a few, then one thing led to another ..
Playing games is not the same after getting married. |
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