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Old 02-12-2001, 08:57
JustDumb JustDumb is offline
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Escape From Monkey Island backup not working despite using files from this site...Anybody?

I have Escape From Monkey Island, it's the PC English version 1.0. This is the situation so far:

I first of all copied the two CD's without coming to this site which was silly of me. When I tried to install the game from the backup CD's I'd made, I found that when asked for CD2 at the beginning of the installation there is no problem, I insert the CD and the installation continues up to around 48%, at this point it asks for CD1 again. I insert CD1 but the installation will not recognise it and just continues to ask for CD1 to be inserted into the CDROM drive.

I then came to this website and did a search for info on this game. I found a thing about doing a backup copy of the game and how to achieve it, using a compilation of files available from here. Monkey.exe, Monkey4.exe and a reg file. These files have to be put into the relevant folders in the game files that you copy from the original CD to the hard drive, you then burn the game files from the hard drive to a CDR. CD2 apparently needs nothing doing to it, and that seems right, as my CD2 works fine during the installation. After reading this I threw away the CD1 I'd made and did exactly what it said to do on the CD Copy page on this site for the game.

I replaced the files I mentioned before with the files downloaded from here, I then burnt the game files to a CDR and tried once again, only to find I still had exactly the same problem, it won't recognise CD1 when it asks for it to be re-inserted around half-way through the installation. I copied this site's instructions precisely, I made sure to replace the files correctly and I made sure the CDR I had burnt had the correct name: MONKEY4_CD1. So what could be the problem?

I have checked the readme files for the game again and it is indeed Version 1.0, I double-checked this, as Version 1.1 has an entirely different procedure for making a working backup of the game. I now have 2 CD1's that the installation just will not accept. Am I just dumb or is there a known problem with this?

If anybody can help at all I will appreciate it greatly, I will even buy them a beer or six. I've now got myself a CDRW so I don't keep wasting disc's trying to get a working CD1, but it's still very disappointing after doing all the work only to find the stupid game will not recognise the backup of CD1...

Thanks in anxious anticipation,

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Old 03-12-2001, 05:56
Morglum007 Morglum007 is offline
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Firstly,what cd-r backup program do you use?
Secondly....this game should't give you more headache than necessary using nero.......a lot of people think cloneCd is the best for do it but in some ways and some "protection" nero can success while cloneCD crashes.
Other thing....what cd-r and what firmware are you using?
Try to update......www.ahead.de (nero homepage) and use newest firmware and try to re-burn.

Good luck!
Morglum007 out
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