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Old 28-02-2001, 21:26
gamble007 gamble007 is offline
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Need some RELIABLE DJ3 settings! Or should I give up and use DJ2?

If anyone could please give me a clue as to what some reliable settings for my Iomega ZipCD 12/10/32, I'd be way appreciative. In the past I've successfully burned Quake 1 (w/DJ3), Tony Hawk 2 (w/DJ3 but it freezes up after awhile...so whether that's a success or not is arguable) and Snow Surfers (w/CDRWin). The settings I used with DJ3 on those were:

Mode 1
Offset: 0
RAW write: checked
Post gap to 3rd Party Images: checked

Recently I've tried to burn Cannon Spike, Charge N' Blast, and Marvel vs. Capcom 2. The first two reset themselves (to the bouncing file screen) after the initial startup (Sega tm) screen and MVC2 started up just fine, let me navigate through all the menu's just fine, but when you go to start a game, it never loads the info and just freezes up.

Shouldn't there be just one set of settings that you can consistantly use or is it different for every game? Is it my drive? Do I need patches? Should I be using DJ2 or are other burning progs. better? Inquiring minds (and anxious gamers) want to know! Again any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Old 01-03-2001, 09:09
webber webber is offline
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yes you really only need one set of settings to get it right, in my opinion the settings that you use are wrong but others would disagree which brings the point up that different settings for different burners.
in my opinion mode 1 should only be used if it is non self boot again there may be disagreements so here goes on what i use and what has given me zero coasters always,

now these are what i have used for all self boots--->use dj
for non self boots they are usually bin/cue -------->use fireburner

for dj3 with the jinxter ghost driver (this driver made all the world of difference for my burner)
check the write raw
check the karaoke
uncheck the pregap one

do a test to see if no red flags pop up if none just change it to write
burn at 1x or whatever you want i always burn at 1x i just set my computer up and do other work on it or use my laptop while it is burning (it usually takes about 1 hour 15 min)

the key is to make sure that the software can handle multisession

regards to H SULLIVEN
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Old 04-03-2001, 13:25
gamble007 gamble007 is offline
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Thanks Webber, but now I've run into a new problem...I installed the Jinxter driver and ever since, I haven't been able to check the RAW write without it giving me an error message about "Command sequence error or program area is or is not empty" when I test before writing. Needless to say, I have no idea what this means. I tested without the RAW checked and it tested fine, but when I tried burning I ended up with another coaster. Any suggestions? I used to be able to write with the RAW checked previous to installing Jinxter, should I reinstall my original CD-R drivers?
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