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Old 21-03-2004, 12:17
Miles_McCloud Miles_McCloud is offline
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Hacking, and booting SA2

I recentally downloaded Sonic Adventure 2 from Suprnova with the express purpose hacking it. It was in nrg format, so I burned it with Nero. I extracted all the files from the disc and put them on my hard drive, and used a hexeditor to extract the ip.bin from the image.

I don't care about selfbooting it, so I changed the lba to 0 on the 1st_read.bin. I copied the ip.bin to the data directory in the same place as 1st_read.bin. I burnt it all using nero.

When I tried to boot it with the Utopia disc, it would go to 96% and then freeze. I have tried xeal's tutorial to turn a self-boot into a non-selfboot, and failed many times. Always crashing at 96%

After several coasters, I decided to try and selfboot it. Set the lba in 1st_read.bin to 11700 and burnt the appropriate amount of audio to the disc. I used ipins to insert my ip.bin to the data track.
I burnt it using cdrecord.

When I put it in my DC it booted to the Produced by or under License from Sega screen and then reset.

I have burned a good 40 coasters trying to get DC games to boot. It's not my Dreamcast, as I have a decent collection of pirated games that work perfectly. It's just when I try to reburn them in order to edit them That I have a hard time. I would very much like to hack SA2 or Shenmue but have been stopped cold due to being unable to produce a bootable CD.

If anyone can help me burn a bootable CD (through utopia or selfboot), I would be very appreciative.

Thanks in Advance!
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Old 21-03-2004, 20:21
hrb2k hrb2k is offline
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are you following the exact steps of the echelon method? di you burn the audio tack, then use -msinfo to get the lba?

anyway, maybe other bins need to be binhacked too.??
YAY.!! i can post messages here with DP3 browsers on Dreamcast..!! :)
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