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Old 01-03-2024, 02:29
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FMXInno features

HI, @BLACKFIRE69, can you add Radiant Shapes to the FMXInno.
  • Radiant Parallelogram.
  • Radiant Hexagon.
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Old 05-03-2024, 11:21
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Auto Update Directory Space on Directory Edit

Code for Edit Box
  Page2Edit.SetBounds(NSSX(100), NSSY(190), NSSX(520), NSSY(35));
  Page2Edit.FontSetting('{#FontName}', VCLFontSizeToFMX2(13), ALGainsBoro);
  Page2Edit.Text(MinimizePathName(WizardForm.DirEdit.Text, WizardForm.DirEdit.Font, WizardForm.DirEdit.Width));

Logic for procedure
procedure BrowseEditOnChange(Sender: TObject);
  PrevDrive, CurrentDrive: String;
  PrevDrive := ExtractFileDrive(WizardForm.DirEdit.Text);
  CurrentDrive := ExtractFileDrive(Page2Edit.GetText);

  // Set the installation path to the edited text value
  WizardForm.DirEdit.Text := Page2Edit.GetText;

  if PrevDrive <> CurrentDrive then
Logic for Directory Update Procedure:
procedure DirUpdateProc(Sender: TObject);
  SelectDirLabel[3].Text('Total Space - ' + MbOrTb(DiskUsage.TotalSpace, 1) + #13 +
                         'Available Space - '+ MbOrTb(DiskUsage.FreeSpace, 1) + #13 +
                         'Repack Size - ' + MbOrTb({#RepackSize}, 1));
  if Round(DiskUsage.FreeSpace) > StrToInt('{#RequiredSpace}') then
    WizardBtn[4].Enabled(True);  //Install Button enabled if there is space
  end else
    WizardBtn[4].Enabled(False); //Install Button disabled if no space
    ShowMessage('Not Enough Space', 'Selected Directory does not have required space. Please select a different directory location.');
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Old 05-03-2024, 11:34
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Common Code to extract Data/Component Files

Declare a global variable DiskSkip in the top
DiskSkip: Boolean;
Updated changes here:
procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep);
  i: Integer;
  DiskSkip:= False;
  if CurStep = ssInstall then begin
    ISArcExCancel := 0;
    ISArcExDiskCount := 0;
    ISArcDiskAddingSuccess := False;
    ISArcExError := True;

    #include "Game/UnpackTools_Init.iss"
      {< Main Archives >}
      #ifdef Data1
        if DiskSkip then break;
      #ifdef Data2
        if DiskSkip then break;

      {< Components >}
      #ifdef Component1
        if Checkbox[8].ISChecked then
      #ifdef Component2
        if Checkbox[9].ISChecked then
      until true;
    { - ADDING DISKS: END -}

      if ISArcExError then
        ShowMessage('Installation was interrupted', 'Either the installation has been cancelled by the user,' +#13+ 'or the files are corrupted.');
      end else if not (ISArcDiskAddingSuccess) and (DiskSkip) then
        ShowMessage('Installation is corrupted', 'Required disks could not be located.');

Common procedure to handle all Data files
procedure VerifyFileExist(FilePath: WideString);
  sPath, sFile: WideString;
  sExt: String;
  sPAth := AddBackslash(ExpandConstant('{src}'));
  if FileExists(sPAth + FilePath) then begin
    ISArcDiskAddingSuccess:= ISArcExAddDisks(sPAth + FilePath, '{#DiskPassword}', ExpandConstant('{app}'));
    if not ISArcDiskAddingSuccess then begin
      DiskSkip:= True;
    ISArcExDiskCount := ISArcExDiskCount + 1;
  end else
    ShowMessage('Setup Needs the Next Disk', 'Please browse Disk: [ ' + FilePath +  ' ] after closing this prompt'#13#10'If this disk can be found in another folder, browse to the correct path.');
    sExt:= ExtractFileExt(FilePath); StringChange(sExt, '.', '');
    if OpenFileModern(FMXForm.HandleHWND, sExt, FilePath,  sPAth, 'Please specify the location of the next disk', sFile) then
      sPAth := ExtractFilePath(sFile);
      ISArcDiskAddingSuccess:= ISArcExAddDisks(sPAth + FilePath, '{#DiskPassword}', ExpandConstant('{app}'));
      if not ISArcDiskAddingSuccess then begin
        DiskSkip:= True;
      ISArcExDiskCount := ISArcExDiskCount + 1;
    end else begin
      ISArcDiskAddingSuccess := False;
      DiskSkip:= True;
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Old 08-03-2024, 03:09
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Issue with FCustomFluentWindow

Hi @BlackFire,

I have identified that in 1080p the Form doesn't pop-up at the center of the screen, it is slightly to the left. This is not happening with everyone.

Another issue with FCustomFluentWindow is if once triggered it keeps on popping-up repeatedly and cannot be closed.

MessageForm.FCreate(FMXForm.HandleHWND, True, False, 0.56, 0);
Temporary fix where it doesn't happen
MessageForm.FCreateBlankForm(FMXForm.HandleHWND, ALBlack, '');
This is also happening for few people. I'm using a gaming mouse but macro is not enabled. Can you please take a look or let me know the reason or fix?

I've created two videos associated to this. Copy-paste the link after 'youtube.com/' as I'm unable to post the link because they get automatically parsed.
Issue notified at 00:40 - 1:30
Edit : Added GIF to display the issue
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File Type: gif Recording 2024-03-08 162211.gif (917.8 KB, 163 views)
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Old 08-03-2024, 03:37
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Originally Posted by Fak Eid View Post
Hi @BlackFire,
I have identified that in 1080p the Form doesn't pop-up at the center of the screen, it is slightly to the left. This is not happening with everyone.
Another issue with FCustomFluentWindow is if once triggered it keeps on popping-up repeatedly and cannot be closed.
MessageForm.FCreate(FMXForm.HandleHWND, True, False, 0.56, 0);
Temporary fix where it doesn't happen
MessageForm.FCreateBlankForm(FMXForm.HandleHWND, ALBlack, '');
This is also happening for few people. I'm using a gaming mouse but macro is not enabled. Can you please take a look or let me know the reason or fix?
I've created two videos associated to this. Copy-paste the link after 'youtube.com/' as I'm unable to post the link because they get automatically parsed.
Issue notified at 00:40 - 1:30
Edit : Added GIF to display the issue
1080p is not the main thing here. The main thing here is the recommended scale -100%. Do you use the theme files that are in the example (OrageStyle-Dark.style)? or are you adding your own?
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Old 08-03-2024, 06:48
Fak Eid Fak Eid is offline
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Yes the issue is the resolution scale. In 100%, it comes completely in the center of the screen, but in 125%, it is slightly to the left.

I'm not using any custom theme file here. No code changes here, just the default template shared by @Blackfire for WPI Corepack and the issue is happening for FCustomFluentWindow for me.
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Old 12-03-2024, 03:52
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Arrow FMXInno Dev

Hola everyone,

This is the FMXInno official development library, encompassing all features. my intention with this update is to address known issues so far. therefore, i need your assistance in testing it, especially in this development build. i intend to ensure the correct behavior of forms, including proper scaling and positioning.

1. Note: This is in the development stage and not recommended for use in production.

2. Don't forget to share your feedback and feel free to report any bugs you discover.

* Information:

1. Rewrote some core/fundamental code, including forms, etc.:

-- Ensures correct scaling and positioning of forms and FMX objects.
-- All forms will now be centered on the screen.

-- Disabled file size reduction tricks and temporary memory management.
-- Replaced all animations with TAnimator for better performance.

-- Some features (e.g., MinimizeWindowCustomAnimated) have been deprecated due to issues; they can still be called but will have no effect.
-- NewScaller is no longer part of FMXInno, so make sure to remove all related functions (NS, NSS, etc.) from your scripts.

-- The new FForm will be slightly shorter in width/height as the extra frame width is not added to it.
-- When testing with higher DPI values and using .style files, ensure the .style file is HigherDPI-Aware.

-- Some features may not function properly on older systems like Windows 7. Since many developers, including Microsoft, have ceased support for outdated systems, my priority is to ensure compatibility with currently active systems such as Windows 10 and Windows 11.

-- Additionally, there's no guarantee that any issues encountered through virtual machines (VMware, etc.) will be resolved.

-- For 'FCustomPage', use 'Page#.Visible(False)' in 'FMXDesigning' to avoid visibility of all pages at setup startup.

procedure FMXDesigning;

2. Rewrote some fluent effects code:

-- Ensures FluentForms react only to system color mode (light/dark) changes.
-- 'SetActiveThemeModeAwareness' will be ignored if the form is minimized.

3. Download the attachment below and perform tests under the following conditions:


- Windows 11
- Windows 10
- Windows 8 / 8.1 ( Optional )
- Windows 7 ( Optional )


- 100%
- 125%
- 150%, etc.

4. Also, test with your own scripts:
-- Replace your current 'FMXInno.dll' and 'FMXInnoHandle.iss' with the provided ones.

5. Some users have reported that it takes a bit of time to compile their scripts. this is because it takes time to read the default 'FMXInnoHandle.iss', which contains declarations of all features. if you have enough experience to deal with it, you can remove unused code from it for your specific script, which may help.

* FMXInno Form Types:

1. Normal Form:
   -- This is just an FMX layer; you can create any FMX object over it.
   -- You can still see through and access every InnoSetup object as this is a layer.

2. Blank Form:
   -- A standard FMX form filled with a solid color or an image by default.

3. Fluent Form / Fluent Color Form / Fluent Null (no-color) Form:
   -- FMX forms that have enabled Windows Fluent (or Acrylic/Aero) effects by default.

4. Gradient Form:
   -- A standard FMX form filled with a gradient color by default.

5. Image Form:
   -- An FMX form based on an image (form has the same shape as the image).

6. Background image scrolling Form:
   -- An FMX form that has a scrolling image background according to mouse movements.

* Scaling:

1. Note that there's no guarantee for any custom scaling value for correct scaling (see first screenshot).
2. Make sure to use only the values supported by your display (see second screenshot).

Attached Images
File Type: jpg 01.jpg (34.1 KB, 133 views)
File Type: jpg 02.jpg (20.0 KB, 135 views)

Last edited by BLACKFIRE69; 11-05-2024 at 09:02.
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Old 12-03-2024, 20:01
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If you compile the script on Inno Setup version 6.2.2, start the installation and then cancel it, the uninstallation form moves to the upper left corner of the desktop.
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Old 15-03-2024, 00:32
Fak Eid Fak Eid is offline
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Help with Animation of FCustomPage

Can someone help me in animating this section down on the click of 'i' (info button) ? Check the gif:
Page[1]: FCustomPage;
PageContent[1]: FRectangle;


  PageContent[1].SetBounds(20, 70, 780, 150);
  PageContent[1].CornerStyle(2, 2, [tcTopLeft, tcTopRight, tcBottomLeft, tcBottomRight], ctRound);
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Old 15-03-2024, 05:34
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Originally Posted by Fak Eid View Post
Can someone help me in animating this section down on the click of 'i' (info button) ? Check the gif:
Page[1]: FCustomPage;
PageContent[1]: FRectangle;


  PageContent[1].SetBounds(20, 70, 780, 150);
  PageContent[1].CornerStyle(2, 2, [tcTopLeft, tcTopRight, tcBottomLeft, tcBottomRight], ctRound);
if you need to change the height, then set the initial height to 0, and set the animation type to "height".
and all objects that you place on page animation must have = Align(Client, Center, Left, Right, Bottom...etc)
Because it doesn’t just move around the form, but changes ITS size. you can also try placing this object on a FScrollBox
Page1.AnimType(atInOut, 2, 0, False, False);
if Page1.GetHeight = 0 then
Page1.AnimSetValues(0, 180);
end else
Page1.AnimSetValues(180, 0);

Last edited by audiofeel; 16-03-2024 at 07:47.
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Old 15-03-2024, 12:39
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Issue resurfaced with FCreateBlankForm

Hi @Blackfire

The earlier issue with FCreateBlankForm, where it loads with a blank image before load, has resurfaced. When running for the first time it is for more time, it subsequently gets faster (depending upon SSD/HDD, I suppose). Can you please look into it?

I'm not sure if there is already a fix for it, as I lost track of some recent changes in FMXInno. If there is a fix, let me know.

Image and gif added for review.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Screenshot 2024-03-16 020237.jpg (72.3 KB, 102 views)
File Type: gif Recording 2024-03-16 020144.gif (248.4 KB, 97 views)
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Old 15-03-2024, 14:18
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Originally Posted by Fak Eid View Post
Hi @Blackfire

The earlier issue with FCreateBlankForm, where it loads with a blank image before load, has resurfaced. When running for the first time it is for more time, it subsequently gets faster (depending upon SSD/HDD, I suppose). Can you please look into it?

I'm not sure if there is already a fix for it, as I lost track of some recent changes in FMXInno. If there is a fix, let me know.

Image and gif added for review.
add this to the code.
procedure InitializeWizard();
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Old 15-03-2024, 16:36
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Originally Posted by Fak Eid View Post
Hi @Blackfire

The earlier issue with FCreateBlankForm, where it loads with a blank image before load, has resurfaced. When running for the first time it is for more time, it subsequently gets faster (depending upon SSD/HDD, I suppose). Can you please look into it?

I'm not sure if there is already a fix for it, as I lost track of some recent changes in FMXInno. If there is a fix, let me know.

Image and gif added for review.
This is a slightly false indicator, do not run it in debug mode, that is, separately from the inno setup
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Old 15-03-2024, 22:45
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Arrow FMXInno - Cumulative Update

FMXInno: Cumulative Update - [2024-Mar-15]

What's New:

* Merged FMXInno Dev into this.
* Updated ISArcEx to the latest version.
* Made some improvements and bug fixes.
* This update addresses most of the previous issues.
* Added Radiant Shapes.
* Introduced new properties to classes.
* WinTitleBar will now display the application icon by default.
* Not compressed by default.
  - No Exe compressor or file reduction tricks were used.
* Implemented new functions.
- function MbOrTbEx(Float: Extended; Decimal: Integer; sMb, sGb, sTb: WideString): WideString;
- function MHzOrGHzEx(Float: Extended; Decimal: Integer; sMz, sGz, sTz: WideString): WideString;



Last edited by BLACKFIRE69; 14-07-2024 at 02:18.
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Old 16-03-2024, 04:43
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Originally Posted by Fak Eid View Post
Can someone help me in animating this section down on the click of 'i' (info button) ? Check the gif:
Page[1]: FCustomPage;
PageContent[1]: FRectangle;


  PageContent[1].SetBounds(20, 70, 780, 150);
  PageContent[1].CornerStyle(2, 2, [tcTopLeft, tcTopRight, tcBottomLeft, tcBottomRight], ctRound);
you didn’t start this work with the most important thing, which is why you came up with it. Start with the animation first and then add everything else later. On the contrary, you have created two pages - but the animation has not been checked. so it's easier to do everything all over again. (which is what I did). The script is still private, so I sent it to PM.
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Last edited by audiofeel; 16-03-2024 at 07:47.
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