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Old 03-12-2017, 07:11
doofoo24 doofoo24 is offline
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ztool info

thank to Hunter Hunter from krinkels...
here all the parameter for ztool :

pzlib codec help:
Encoding presets:
fast, normal, high, max, ultra

Encoding options:
m#: detection method
1, detects zlib streams
2, detects deflate streams
3, detects deflate streams in-depth
c#: chunk size (default 16mb)
t#: number of threads
st#: number of scanning threads
ct#: number of precompressing threads
cm#: cache memory size (default 64mb)
b#: buffer size (default 64kb)
f: fast mode (may break crc)
f#: fast mode size (default 1kb)
sd#: stream detection size (default 4096)
w#: window bits (default -15)
v: skip verification
r#: reflate level
0, estimated (default)
1-9, user specified
x, brute method
s#: cutoff streams block count (default 16)
x: combine reflate with zlib (ultra method)

Decoding options:
t#: number of threads
cm#: cache memory size (default 64mb)
b#: buffer size (default 64kb)
f: fast mode
ZTool.exe hlz4
plz4 codec help:

Encoding options:
l#: recompression level (default 0)
c#: chunk size (default 16mb)
t#: number of threads
st#: number of scanning threads
ct#: number of precompressing threads
cm#: cache memory size (default 64mb)
b#: buffer size (default 64kb)
v: skip verification

Decoding options:
t#: number of threads
cm#: cache memory size (default 64mb)
b#: buffer size (default 64kb)
f: fast mode
ZTool.exe hlzo
plzo codec help:

Encoding options:
c#: chunk size (default 16mb)
t#: number of threads
st#: number of scanning threads
ct#: number of precompressing threads
cm#: cache memory size (default 64mb)
b#: buffer size (default 64kb)
v: skip verification
z: intentionally break crc

Decoding options:
t#: number of threads
cm#: cache memory size (default 64mb)
b#: buffer size (default 64kb)
f: fast mode
ZTool.exe hzstd
pzstd codec help:

Encoding options:
c#: chunk size (default 16mb)
t#: number of threads
st#: number of scanning threads
ct#: number of precompressing threads
cm#: cache memory size (default 64mb)
b#: buffer size (default 64kb)
v: skip verification

Decoding options:
t#: number of threads
cm#: cache memory size (default 64mb)
b#: buffer size (default 64kb)
f: fast mode
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-NORO- (03-12-2017), JRD! (27-12-2017), N30Sniip3r (07-12-2017), oltjon (03-12-2017), st0rm (06-12-2017)
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Old 03-12-2017, 08:31
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oltjon oltjon is offline
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simple bat files to get information on ztool resources
Attached Files
File Type: rar ztool info.rar (1.92 MB, 235 views)
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Old 24-12-2017, 22:08
doofoo24 doofoo24 is offline
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so i am testing ztool with plzo it great for tfc file game like THEIF/xcom the bureau/dishonored...
but you need to use z option like plzo:cm0:z it break the checksum of the file if you get bad crc but the same size as the original then you can replace them with the new file and game will work without problem...

*note that you need to use for the first time only plzo:cm0:z on each file separately and then decompress them one by one and make sure you get bad crc only and the same size as the original file...
replace the original file with the new file.
you may get different error while decompression try to compress the file agian it work for me.

now you can use plzo:cm0:z+srep+lzma to compress all of the file of tfc and it will decompress all file wihout problem...

Last edited by doofoo24; 24-12-2017 at 22:41.
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