Use this function instead.
¤ Life good be a Dream ¤ Last edited by Lord.Freddy; 17-09-2023 at 07:06. |
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hi !
Need a little help here... I tried many combinations ,googled for it ,but no solution. (Standard ISDone) I want to include/extract some files (XTool-BIK compressor) in my installer and extract them to a sub-folder in {tmp} but the subfolder is not created. Simply all files extracted to the same place ( {tmp} ) ,and it is not good.... Here comes a snippet : #ifdef xBIK Source: Include\XToolbpk\_libraries\bik.ini; DestDir: "{tmp}\xBIK\_libraries"; Flags: dontcopy recursesubdirs createallsubdirs Source: Include\XToolbpk\_libraries\bk2.ini; DestDir: "{tmp}\xBIK\_libraries"; Flags: dontcopy recursesubdirs createallsubdirs ....... #ifdef xBIK ExtractTemporaryFile('bik.ini'); ExtractTemporaryFile('bk2.ini'); Whats wrong with my script ? |
CreateDir(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\xBIK')); ==or== if not DirExists(ExpandConstant('{%temp}\xBIK')) then CreateDir(ExpandConstant('{%temp}\xBIK')); ==or== if not DirExists(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\xBIK')) then ForceDirectories(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\xBIK')); ==check== if DirExists(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\Utilities\SDK')) then Log('Temp\xBIK\Folder Has Been Created.') else Log('Temp\xBIK\Folder ERROR : NOT Created.'); source
https://t.me/FMXInno |
The Following User Says Thank You to audiofeel For This Useful Post: | ||
shazzla (23-09-2023) |
Thanks,but it only creates folders.
How to implement it in my script? (Above) (Atm im away from my comp,btw tomorrow will try something with it) |
tried. i still cant extract the files there.. ( {tmp}\xBIK )
Any solution ? Anyone ? |
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Hello, yesterday I attempted to create a function in Inno Setup to gather file names and their respective sizes, but only a few files were returned. I am currently at a standstill and unsure of how to proceed. Does anyone know where i went wrong?
[Setup] AppName=FindFiles AppVerName=FindFiles CreateAppDir=no OutputDir=.\OutPut OutputBaseFilename=FindFiles [_Code] type TAutoString = {#defined(UNICODE) ? "Wide" : ""}String; TFileList = array of record FileName, FileSize: TAutoString; end; var FileList: TFileList; function Size64(const Hi, Lo: Integer): Extended; begin Result := Lo; if (Lo < 0) then Result := (Result + $7FFFFFFF + $7FFFFFFF + 2); for Hi := (Hi - 1) downto 0 do Result := (Result + $7FFFFFFF + $7FFFFFFF + 2); end; function FloatToStrEx(const value: Extended): TAutoString; begin Result := FloatToStr(value); while ((Result[Length(Result)] = '0') or (Result[Length(Result)] = '.')) and (Pos('.', Result) > 0) do SetLength(Result, (Length(Result) - 1)); end; function FindFilesEx(FolderPath: TAutoString; var FilesList, FileSize: array of TAutoString): Integer; var FindRec: TFindRec; begin Result := 0; if FindFirst(ExpandConstant(AddBackslash(FolderPath)) + '*', FindRec) then begin repeat if (FindRec.Attributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY = 0) or (FindRec.Attributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN <> 0) then begin SetArrayLength(FilesList, Result + 1); SetArrayLength(FileSize, Result + 1); FilesList[GetArrayLength(FilesList) - 1] := ExpandConstant(AddBackslash(FolderPath)) + FindRec.Name; FileSize[GetArrayLength(FileSize) - 1] := FloatToStrEx(Size64(FindRec.SizeHigh, FindRec.SizeLow)); Result := Result + 1; end; if FindRec.Attributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY <> 0 then begin if (FindRec.Name <> '.') and (FindRec.Name <> '..') then Result := Result + FindFilesEx(AddBackslash(FolderPath) + FindRec.Name, FilesList, FileSize); end; until not FindNext(FindRec); FindClose(FindRec); end; end; procedure FindFiles(Dir: TAutoString; var FilesFound: Integer); var TotalFilesFound, Y, S: Integer; FilesNameList, FileNameSize: array of TAutoString; begin TotalFilesFound := FindFilesEx(ExpandConstant(Dir), FilesNameList, FileNameSize); FilesFound := TotalFilesFound; for Y := 0 to totalFilesFound - 1 do begin SetArrayLength(FileList, GetArrayLength(FileList) + 1); S := GetArrayLength(FileList) - 1; with FileList[S] do begin FileList[S].FileName := FilesNameList[Y]; Delete(FileList[S].FileName, Pos(AddBackslash(Dir), FileList[S].FileName), Length(AddBackslash(Dir))); FileList[S].FileSize := FileNameSize[Y]; end; end; end; function InitializeSetup: Boolean; var TotalFilesFound, I: Integer; Dir: TAutoString; begin Dir := ExpandConstant('{src}\..'); FindFiles(Dir, TotalFilesFound); for I := 0 to GetArrayLength(FileList) - 1 do begin msgbox('FileName: ' + FileList[I].FileName + #13#10 + 'FileSize: ' + FileList[I].FileSize + ' bytes', mbInformation, MB_OK); end; Result := False; end; I found a solution for the above code, which is as follows. Code:
[Setup] AppName=FindFiles AppVerName=FindFiles CreateAppDir=no OutputDir=.\OutPut OutputBaseFilename=FindFiles [_Code] type TAutoString = {#defined(UNICODE) ? "Wide" : ""}String; TFileList = array of record FileName, FileExt, FileSize, FilePath: TAutoString; end; function Size64(const Hi, Lo: Integer): Extended; begin Result := Lo; if (Lo < 0) then Result := (Result + $7FFFFFFF + $7FFFFFFF + 2); for Hi := (Hi - 1) downto 0 do Result := (Result + $7FFFFFFF + $7FFFFFFF + 2); end; function FloatToStrEx(const value: Extended): TAutoString; begin Result := FloatToStr(value); while ((Result[Length(Result)] = '0') or (Result[Length(Result)] = '.')) and (Pos('.', Result) > 0) do SetLength(Result, (Length(Result) - 1)); end; function pFindFiles(const BaseDir, DestDir, FileMask: TAutoString; var OutFileList: TFileList): Integer; var FSR, DSR: TFindRec; FindResult: Boolean; APath: TAutoString; nCount: Integer; begin APath := ExpandConstant(AddBackslash(DestDir)); FindResult := FindFirst(APath + '*.*', DSR); try while FindResult do begin if ((DSR.Attributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) and not ((DSR.Name = '.') or (DSR.Name = '..')) then begin pFindFiles(BaseDir, APath + DSR.Name, FileMask, OutFileList); end; FindResult := FindNext(DSR); end; FindResult := FindFirst(APath + FileMask, FSR); while FindResult do begin if (FSR.Attributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY = 0) then begin SetArrayLength(OutFileList, GetArrayLength(OutFileList) + 1); OutFileList[GetArrayLength(OutFileList) - 1].FileName := FSR.Name; OutFileList[GetArrayLength(OutFileList) - 1].FileExt := ExtractFileExt(FSR.Name); OutFileList[GetArrayLength(OutFileList) - 1].FileSize := FloatToStrEx(Size64(FSR.SizeHigh, FSR.SizeLow)); OutFileList[GetArrayLength(OutFileList) - 1].FilePath := ExtractFilePath(ExtractRelativePath(AddBackslash(BaseDir), APath + FSR.Name)); nCount := nCount + 1; end; FindResult := FindNext(FSR); end; finally FindClose(FSR); FindClose(DSR); end; Result := nCount; end; function InitializeSetup: Boolean; var TotalFilesFound, I: Integer; Dir: TAutoString; FileList: TFileList; OutList: TAutoString; begin Dir := ExpandConstant('{src}\..'); TotalFilesFound := pFindFiles(Dir, Dir, '*.*', FileList); for I := 0 to GetArrayLength(FileList) - 1 do begin OutList := OutList + 'FileName: ' + FileList[I].FileName + #13#10 + 'FileSize: ' + FileList[I].FileSize + ' bytes' + #13#10 + 'FileExt: ' + FileList[I].FileExt + #13#10 + 'FilePath: ' + FileList[I].FilePath + #13#10 + #13#10; end; msgbox(OutList, mbInformation, MB_OK); Result := False; end;
¤ Life good be a Dream ¤ Last edited by Lord.Freddy; 27-06-2024 at 08:57. |
Root: "HKLM"; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\KONAMI\PES2013"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "installdir"; ValueData: "{app}{#MyAppExeName}"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
I added this code to my script, but it duplicates Wow6432Node the folder in regedit. It should be: SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\KONAMI\PES2013 But it shows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Wow6432Nod e\KONAMI\PES2013 |
Hello, i have a problem. When i want to do some repacks it normaly works. But when i want to start the wizard the problem starts. It Normally installs, But not really... It just corrupts the file. Please help me with it
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