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Old 10-11-2024, 11:45
Doomman2008 Doomman2008 is offline
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Ok, my problem is solved:

Components are defined in records.ini, too.

in case anyone else has this problem at some point:

Size=386.315.748 bytes

Size=712.924.910 bytes

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Old 13-11-2024, 13:02
audy audy is offline
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Hello, I have been registered for years, and this is my first post.
I have yet conceptual doubts.

1. It is assumed that if I use a codec (or method) from a compressor (example: zlib of xtool), it is because the group of files that I want to compress, most of them have the codec zlib (right?), But in practice, how can I recognize what codecs are used in those files? maybe a scanner?

2. I have seen statements of compression method like:
5rzm = rep:300mb+delta+rzm/$wav=tta/$bmp=bmp/$jpg=jpg/$jpgsolid=precomp+rep:32

What do the characters /$ mean, what function does it meet? I have an idea, but I prefer an explanation.

3. How do we know what size of chunk set in the parameters of a precompressor (or SREP)? or what is the most advisable to use? For example, I want to compress 100 files and each of them weigh between 8 and 64 MB.
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Old 13-11-2024, 14:30
wareck wareck is offline
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Hello, I'm not a very good repacker, but I know some basis...

1 for finding codec:
-experience (after a while you will know that game made by unreal, or by this other kind of editor use the same compression template)
-hexeditor (you can find some signature or some indications like ogg, wave, mpeg ect)
-game scanner tool (you can find it on this forum)
-"monkey test" test this parameter or this and compare results. For some game it takes me days to find the right setup to gain some %

2 masked compression:
$xxx is mean a group
for example $bmp is for "all file in the bmp group"
It can be .bmp .gif . bitmap (you can setup this group in arc.group)
then the method
in you example $wav=tta it means that all file in the "$wav" group will be processed with TTA method
at the begining of the mask you have rzm
It mean that the files who are not in a group or if the method for this file will fail, it will processed by the main method rzm

3. srep
if you use a normal process like diskspangui or similar
the process will first do a solid chunk (like is you use 7zip with store option and 0 compression)
file1+file2+file3+file4... => bigfile
the srep will work on the bigfille
file1+file2+file3+file4=>bigfile=>srep>=bigfile.sr ep
then bigfile processed by srep will be processed by the final compressor

file1+fille2+file3+file4...=> bifile=>srep => bigfile.srep=>lzma2= > archive
In your question, 64mb is the chunk srep will work with.
it's not the size of the final files, its how many partial chunk of "bigfile" it will work in the same time.
big chunk give better results, but slower compression/decompression.
and less computer compatibility (if you decompress this file on a slow computer with low memory it may fail)
lower chunk size lower the deduplication results, faster compression and decompression but bigger final files.
it's more or less a compromise...
this is very linked to the file.
if you try to srep audio or video files you will not find deduplication (same words, same octet combinasion)
but for texture, in some games there is a lot of same structure, same files, you will have a lot of redundancy and it will reduce the file a lot...

the best method is to experiment, test, try and try again
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Old 15-11-2024, 14:21
jakepaulie jakepaulie is offline
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Hello, I have a question... I want to do Repacks using Inno. But I dont know any tutorials, and some like that... Please help me, or say what tutorials should i watch
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Old 15-11-2024, 14:39
dyren dyren is offline
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Hi, there aren't any specific tutorials for making repacks. Inno is used for making installers, not the repack itself. Making repacks is based on doing research and gaining experience.

Here's a few tools I would recommend for starting out:

DiskSpan GUI - for compressing, aka making the repacks: https://fileforums.com/showthread.php?t=104507
ASIS - for making the installer, so you can unpack the archive DiskSpan creates: https://fileforums.com/showthread.php?t=99481

Additionally, you can browse the 'Best Compression Methods for 'Specific' Games INDEX' thread, to find out what method works for certain games (https://fileforums.com/showthread.php?t=101639)
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Old 29-11-2024, 12:33
jakepaulie jakepaulie is offline
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Okay. I try'd to use the DiskPan, but i have a small problem. It's a bit weird. When i normally create a compressed file, i cant put it in some program. Or can I? Can you please help me?
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Old 29-11-2024, 12:50
Masquerade Masquerade is offline
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What do you mean?
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Old 29-11-2024, 13:54
jakepaulie jakepaulie is offline
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Hello. I was looking at Inno Setup Compiler. I dont know why, but when i do some wizard and install it, the file of the game dont want to open. Maybe some decompress error. But can you please help me with it?
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Old 20-12-2024, 11:28
Ra7eN Ra7eN is offline
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Talking Just catching up

HI not sure if this is the right area..
Im old school back in the days of MYTH, Paradigm etc... So I know now, how they got those files down to size. ripping. Back then is was crucial due to the 2400b - 1440b.. now a days with fiber optics no biggy. So I still like to compress all my games. I don't rip them anymore. but I found this forum and here is what I use:

I do all this in a bat. keep in mind I've used this for some time, so forgive me if it is ancient

This was done with skyrim with all the lang taken out but english. saved about 10gb. Leaving a size of approx 20gb

compress: (all the user input var and other features including escape codes for color and locations have been omited to show just compression)
yes this is line-by-line, I like it that way
PHP Code:
7z a -ttar "%temp_tar%" "%input_folder%\*"
precomp_047.exe -o"%temp_pcf%" "%temp_tar%"
srep64.exe -m3f -a0 "%temp_pcf%" "%temp_srep%"
7z a "%output%" "%temp_srep%" -mx9 -m0=lzma2 -md=512m -mfb=273 -ms=on -bsp1 
Result: 13gb

Another compress from here (chain)
PHP Code:
arc a -lc8 -ep1 -ed --w.\ %archive% -msrep+delta+lzma:a1:mfbt4:d158m:fb273:mc1000:lc8 "%gamepath%\*" 
surprisingly 13gb actually 40mb smaller

Now this works great with just using a .bat. the iss are cool but I love bat stuff. And yes this is just a basic run of the mill I use and does a really good job for the most part.

so getting up to date, are there newer methods that are standard for .bat file compression? Or are these still the tried and true holy trinity :-), I'm old so be gentle on the corrections. I am always looking for new ways of shrinking without ripping.
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Old 21-12-2024, 05:03
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I'd say check out xtool for potentially better pre-compression, can't hurt to experiment with other final compressors like razor or lolz, other than that it's difficult for general advice as the level of research and experimentation for a given title varies greatly I've found.
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Old 21-12-2024, 11:48
Ra7eN Ra7eN is offline
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Hi, thanks for the reply!
I’ve tried a few different tools, and in my experience, when it comes to compressing (not ripping), there’s usually only a minor reduction in size. Using methods like Precomp and SREP with either ARC or 7z, the results typically fall within a 10–20% range, depending on the game and file structure. Of course, larger games might show more variance, but that’s not always the case.

I haven’t used "lolz" yet—I actually thought it was an emoji at first, haha! I’ll definitely have to check that one out.
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Old 21-12-2024, 23:19
Masquerade Masquerade is offline
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Lolz is an archiver designed specifically for game texture data such as DDS (DXT#) images. It's slower than lzma but is multithreaded and will yield smaller ratios. Out of all tools made by ProFrager, lolz is the most stable.

You may see some overlap between the effectiveness of precomp vs xtool on games compressed with deflate, as both tools dupport this algorithm. XTool is superior due to having multithreading and a diverse range of supported algorithms. By default there's zlib/deflate, oodle, lz4 and zstd but you can add further codecs and add plug in other algorithms. Over the years I've plugged in doboz and yaz0, for example.

It's all about finding the right algo. If you try to compress a unity lz4 game without the unity lz4 XTool plugin, you'll get an severely larger result, the same result if you used precomp.
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