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Old 09-04-2006, 05:02
RamGuy RamGuy is offline
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Location: Norway
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Biathlon 2006 Problems... Please help!


I got some problems with this Biathlon 2006 game.
When I fire/start up the game, all seems to work perfect until after the intro movie,
And the loading splash screen the game just close it self.

Why does this happen?

Here is what the fire.txt says:

Fire Engine 2.1.2456 - Win32 - Nov 25 2005 - 09:07:37
Release build

--- System info
--- Number of processors: 1
--- Processor architecture: Intel Pentium Pro or Pentium II
--- Processor Frequency: 2.0 GHz
--- 3D-Now instruction set: Yes
--- MMX instruction set: Yes
--- SSE instruction set: Yes
--- SSE2 instruction set: No
--- Memory load: 44 %
--- Total physical memory: 1023 MB
--- Available physical memory: 567 MB
--- Total virtual memory: 2047 MB
--- Available virtual memory: 2007 MB
--- Total page file size: 2460 MB
--- Available page file size: 2082 MB
--- Operating system: Windows XP Service Pack 2
--- Operating system version: 5.1.2600

--- Reading config file
*** F_VFS::GetFileData Loading of config.cfg FAILED!!!
*** F_VFS::GetFileData Loading of user.cfg FAILED!!!
Dumping all registered variables ...
GUID = 0
hrajvideoraz = 1
r_shadows = 0
BodyVolume = 1
mapname =
r_showFPS = 0
speed = 2000
PlayerName1 =
LODAudienceDistance = 50
developer = 0
ShaderLOD = 2
PlayerName2 =
PlayerName3 =
NPCPeople = 1
foglinearnear = 8
r_brightness = 0
v_trippleBuffering = 0
DontDrawAudience = 0
SoundCategoryMusic = 1
EnvironmentVolume = 1
LODLevels = 10,130,300
viewmode = 1
pauza = 1
gt = 1
NoSound = 0
v_bpp = 32
consoleactive = 0
NPCLoad = 1
r_swapInterval = 0
wnd_handle = 0
showskeleton = 0
v_fullscreen = 1
fogcolor = -1
randx = 0.200000
trackmode = 1
FreeCamera = 1
randy = 0.200000
NoRender = 0
ShaderLM = 1
ComentariesVolume = 1
r_grid = 0
r_useWBuffer = 0
r_perfHUD = 0
LOD = 0
playerShadowColor = AABBCC
ScreenshotName = 1
r_clear = 1
v_width = 1024
r_showOverdraw = 0
r_contrast = 1
tien = 1
TintBlue = 0.200000
TintRed = 0.200000
detail = 1
v_hz = 60
MasterServer =
exit = 0
pbox = 0
r_picmip = 0
ampx = 0.200000
r_pure = 1
ampy = 0.300000
app_hInstance = 4194304
v_multisample = 0
rychlostkamery = 80
gui = 2
MapQuad = -6724.648 6799.663 8580.830 -8505.815
SoundCategoryBody = 1
r_dither = 0
fov = 90
box = 0
particles = 1
ShaderAudience = 0
AiAudienceStateChange = 30
foglinear = 0
LODWorldDistance = 250
Trener = 1
ShowAnimObj = 1
FXVolume = 1
foglinearfar = 8000
ShaderVS = 1
ParticleDetails = 1
PlayersParticles = 1
r_gamma = 1
r_postFX = 0
r_textureCompression = 0
SoundCategoryComentaries = 1
NPCEnvironment = 1
v_height = 768
TintGreen = 0.200000
r_filter = 2
NPCAudience = 1
r_textureBits = 32
language = eng
MusicVolume = 1

--- Initializing renderer
--- Description: NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4800 SE
--- Device name: \\.\DISPLAY1
--- Device type: Hardware
--- Vertex processing type: Hardware
--- Device GUID: {D7B71E3E-41C2-11CF-3757-0EB000C2CB35}
--- Driver: nv4_disp.dll
--- Driver version:
--- WHQL: Not certified
--- Chipset id: 10DE.282.90041462.A1
--- Max texture width: 4096
--- Max texture height: 4096
--- Max texture anisotropy: 8
--- Max texture units: 4
--- Texture compression supported
--- Available texture memory: 236 MB
--- Local texture memory: total 119 MB, free 118 MB
--- Nonlocal texture memory: total 117 MB, free 117 MB
--- Vertex shader version: 1.1
--- Pixel shader version: 1.3
--- Not using point sprites
--- One sided stenciling
--- Occlusion query supported
--- Render to texture supported

More than 64 MB memory for textures
Reading string tables from dir 'data\scripts\strings' for language 'ger'
Loading strings from file 'data\scripts\strings\main.string'
Loading strings from file 'data\scripts\strings\tooltips.string'
--- Creating World
+ GuiElementFactory for type Panel registered.
+ GuiElementFactory for type Cursor registered.
+ GuiElementFactory for type Text registered.
+ GuiElementFactory for type EditBox registered.
+ GuiElementFactory for type Button registered.
+ GuiElementFactory for type CheckBox registered.
+ GuiElementFactory for type ScrollBar registered.
+ GuiElementFactory for type TextSelector registered.
+ GuiElementFactory for type TextSelector2 registered.
+ GuiElementFactory for type ImageSelector registered.
+ GuiElementFactory for type ImageScroller registered.
+ GuiElementFactory for type Table registered.
+ GuiElementFactory for type ProgressBar registered.
+ GuiElementFactory for type RadioGroup registered.
+ GuiElementFactory for type ScrollingText registered.
+ GuiElementFactory for type Model registered.
+ GuiElementFactory for type Figure registered.
+ GuiElementFactory for type Map registered.
+ GuiElementFactory for type ProgressSelector registered.
+ GuiElementFactory for type Mesh registered.
+ GuiEffectFactory for type Scroll registered.
+ GuiEffectFactory for type Fade registered.
+ GuiEffectFactory for type PageScroll registered.
+ Emitter factory for type name 'Point' registered
+ Emitter factory for type name 'Box' registered
+ Emitter factory for type name 'Ellipsoid' registered
+ Emitter factory for type name 'Snow' registered
+ Affector factory for type name 'LinearForce' registered
+ Affector factory for type name 'Deflector' registered
+ Affector factory for type name 'Turbulence' registered
+ Affector factory for type name 'Vortex' registered
Parsing particle script 'data\scripts\particles\environment.particle'
+ Added emitter template sneh_skuter
+ Added emitter template dym_komin
+ Added emitter template delo
+ Added emitter template delo_fog
+ Added emitter template waterfall
+ Added emitter template waterpix
+ Added system template vodopad
+ Added system template dym
+ Added system template skuter
+ Added system template snezne_delo
Parsing particle script 'data\scripts\particles\lyziar.particle'
+ Added emitter template dych
+ Added emitter template zjazd_left
+ Added emitter template zjazd_left_hmla
+ Added emitter template zjazd_right
+ Added emitter template zjazd_right_hmla
+ Added emitter template korculovanie_left
+ Added emitter template korculovanie_left_hmla
+ Added emitter template korculovanie_right
+ Added emitter template korculovanie_right_hmla
+ Added emitter template stromcek_left
+ Added emitter template stromcek_left_hmla
+ Added emitter template stromcek_right
+ Added emitter template stromcek_right_hmla
+ Added emitter template pad_left
+ Added emitter template pad_right
+ Added emitter template pad_fog
+ Added system template dych
+ Added system template particle_zjazd_normal_left
+ Added system template particle_zjazd_normal_right
+ Added system template particle_korculovanie_normal_left
+ Added system template particle_korculovanie_normal_right
+ Added system template particle_stromcek_normal_left
+ Added system template particle_stromcek_normal_right
+ Added system template particle_stromcek_normal_left
+ Added system template particle_pad_left
+ Added system template particle_pad_right
+ Added system template particle_pad_left_mix
+ Added system template particle_pad_right_mix
Parsing particle script 'data\scripts\particles\pocasie.particle'
+ Added emitter template sneh
+ Added emitter template sneh_slow
+ Added emitter template storm_sneh
+ Added emitter template storm_slow
+ Added emitter template storm2snow_sneh
+ Added emitter template storm2snow_slow
+ Added emitter template snow_nice_1
+ Added emitter template snow_nice_2
+ Added system template snow
+ Added system template storm
+ Added system template snow2storm
+ Added system template snow_nice
F_AnimObject: Loading mesh "data\anim\ref_meshe\ref_model1_l1.mesh"
F_AnimObject: Loading mesh "data\anim\ref_meshe\ref_model1_l2.mesh"
F_AnimObject: Loading mesh "data\anim\ref_meshe\ref_model1_l3.mesh"
F_AnimObject: Loading mesh "data\anim\ref_meshe\ref_model3_l1.mesh"
F_AnimObject: Loading mesh "data\anim\ref_meshe\ref_model3_l2.mesh"
F_AnimObject: Loading mesh "data\anim\ref_meshe\ref_model3_l3.mesh"
F_AnimObject: Loading mesh "data\anim\ref_meshe\ref_model2_l1.mesh"
F_AnimObject: Loading mesh "data\anim\ref_meshe\ref_model2_l2.mesh"
F_AnimObject: Loading mesh "data\anim\ref_meshe\ref_model2_l3.mesh"
F_AnimObject: Loading mesh "data\anim\ref_meshe\ref_model_F2_l1.mesh"
F_AnimObject: Loading mesh "data\anim\ref_meshe\ref_model_F2_l2.mesh"
F_AnimObject: Loading mesh "data\anim\ref_meshe\ref_model_F2_l3.mesh"
F_AnimObject: Loading mesh "data\anim\ref_meshe\ref_model_F3_l1.mesh"
F_AnimObject: Loading mesh "data\anim\ref_meshe\ref_model_F3_l2.mesh"
F_AnimObject: Loading mesh "data\anim\ref_meshe\ref_model_F3_l3.mesh"
F_AnimObject: Loading mesh "data\anim\ref_meshe\ref_model_F1_l1.mesh"
F_AnimObject: Loading mesh "data\anim\ref_meshe\ref_model_F1_l2.mesh"
F_AnimObject: Loading mesh "data\anim\ref_meshe\ref_model_F1_l3.mesh"
F_AnimObject: Loading mesh "data\anim\ref_meshe\ref_model_odovzdavac_l1.m esh"
F_AnimObject: Loading mesh "data\anim\ref_meshe\ref_model_odovzdavac_l2.m esh"
F_AnimObject: Loading mesh "data\anim\ref_meshe\ref_model_odovzdavac_l3.m esh"
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\arcade.gui'
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc'
+ Font 'data\gfx\fonts\Neuropol.font' loadded
+ Font 'data\gfx\fonts\Arial.font' loadded
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\athlet_editor.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\background.gui'
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\buddy.gui'
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\buddy_games.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
*** Variable BuddyPlayer1 doesnt exist!
*** Variable BuddyPlayer2 doesnt exist!
*** Variable BuddyPlayer3 doesnt exist!
*** Variable BuddyPlayer4 doesnt exist!
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\buddy_topten.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\career.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\career1.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\career2.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\career3.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\career4.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\career5.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\career6.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\career_final.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\career_select.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\create_profile.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\credits.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\define_profile.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\demo.gui'
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\finish_list.gui'
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\game.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\loading.gui'
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\load_profile.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\main.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\message.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\options.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\options_controls.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\options_gfx.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\options_sfx.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\particle_editor.gui'
!!! Bad attribute line: 'spacing 2' for element _ps_scroll_ in overlay
!!! Bad attribute line: 'spacing -1' for element _ps_slider_ in overlay
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\pause.gui'
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\penalties.gui'
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\player_info.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\post_tweak.gui'
!!! Bad attribute line: 'spacing -1' for element _post_slider_ in overlay
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\relay.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\run_training.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\select_player.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\select_track.gui'
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\shooting.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\shoot_training.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\single.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\single_race.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\split_time.gui'
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\start_list.gui'
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\status_page.gui'
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\time_attack.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\tooltip.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\topten.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\training_fun.gui'
Skipping loading gui include: 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\templates.inc as it is already loaded.
Parsing gui file 'C:\Program Files\Biathlon 2006\Winter\data\scripts\gui\wrong_way.gui'
--- Reading shaders from VFS:
--- data\scripts\antholz.shader
--- data\scripts\buddygames.shader
--- data\scripts\divaci.shader
--- data\scripts\editor.shader
+ editor\background
+ editor\foreground
+ editor\up
+ editor\down
+ editor\bit
+ editor\check
--- data\scripts\engine.shader
+ console
+ gfx/2d/bigchars
+ textures\levels\mapky\sneh_cisty
+ textures\levels\mapky\trava
+ textures\levels\mapky\skala
+ textures\levels\mapky\skala_an
+ textures\levels\mapky\skala_kon
+ textures\levels\mapky\water
+ textures\levels\mapky\vodopad2
+ PostEffect1
Effect 'data\scripts\fx\post1.fx' compiled
Valid technique 'T0'
--- data\scripts\flags.shader
+ AUT_a
+ BLR_a
+ BUL_a
+ CAN_a
+ CZE_a
+ EST_a
+ FIN_a
+ FRA_a
+ GER_a
+ ITA_a
+ NOR_a
+ POL_a
+ RUS_a
+ SLO_a
+ SVK_a
+ SWE_a
+ UKR_a
+ USA_a
--- data\scripts\flare.shader
--- data\scripts\font.shader
+ Neuropol
+ Arial
--- data\scripts\gui.shader
+ Kurzor
--- Parsing IFL animation 'data\scripts\kurzor.ifl'
+ menu\white
+ menu\gray
+ menu\button_base_a
+ menu\button_base_d
+ menu\button_base_n
+ menu\button_base_p
+ menu\button_short_a
+ menu\button_short_d
+ menu\button_short_n
+ menu\button_short_p
+ menu\button_short2_a
+ menu\button_short2_d
+ menu\button_short2_n
+ menu\button_short2_p
+ menu\button_clearshort_a
+ menu\button_clearshort_d
+ menu\button_clearshort_n
+ menu\button_clearshort_p
+ menu\page_left_01
+ menu\page_right_01
Effect 'data\scripts\fx\menu.fx' compiled
Valid technique 'T0'
+ menu\page_right_02
+ menu\textwindow_left
+ menu\textwindow_middle
+ menu\textwindow_right
+ menu\textwindow_right_a
+ menu\textwindow_right_d
+ menu\textwindow_right_n
+ menu\textwindow_right_p
+ menu\strip
+ menu\strip1
+ menu\ingame\strip
+ menu\RUHPOLDING_track
+ menu\HOLMENKOLLEN_track
+ menu\OESTERSUND_track
+ menu\OBERHOF_track
+ menu\KONTIOLAHTI_track
+ menu\ANTHOLZ_track
+ menu\POKLJUKA_track
+ menu\OSRBLIE_track
+ menu\HOCHFILZEN_track
+ menu\text_edit_left
+ menu\text_edit_middle
+ menu\text_edit_right
+ menu\icon01
+ menu\icon02
+ menu\icon03
+ menu\icon04
+ menu\icon05
+ menu\icon06
+ menu\icon08
+ menu\icon09
+ menu\icon10
+ menu\icon11
+ menu\icon12
+ menu\icon13
+ menu\icon_pad
+ menu\table_topten_left
+ menu\table_topten_middle
+ menu\table_topten_right
+ menu\table_small_left
+ menu\table_small_middle
+ menu\table_small_right
+ menu\table_slider_middle
+ menu\table_slider_top
+ menu\table_slider_bottom
+ menu\arrow_up_a
+ menu\arrow_up_d
+ menu\arrow_up_n
+ menu\arrow_up_p
+ menu\arrow_down_a
+ menu\arrow_down_d
+ menu\arrow_down_n
+ menu\arrow_down_p
+ menu\arrow_add1_a
+ menu\arrow_add1_d
+ menu\arrow_add1_n
+ menu\arrow_add1_p
+ menu\arrow_add2_a
+ menu\arrow_add2_d
+ menu\arrow_add2_n
+ menu\arrow_add2_p
+ menu\arrow_reduce1_a
+ menu\arrow_reduce1_d
+ menu\arrow_reduce1_n
+ menu\arrow_reduce1_p
+ menu\arrow_reduce2_a
+ menu\arrow_reduce2_d
+ menu\arrow_reduce2_n
+ menu\arrow_reduce2_p
+ menu\arrow_reduce3_a
+ menu\arrow_reduce3_d
+ menu\arrow_reduce3_n
+ menu\arrow_reduce3_p
+ menu\table_row1
+ menu\table_row2
+ menu\table_row_selected
+ menu\table_row_title
+ menu\table_line
+ menu\shadow
+ menu\plate_clear
+ menu\plate_buttons
+ menu\tab_blur
+ menu\window_icon
+ menu\window_info
+ menu\profile_name
+ menu\button_info_a
+ menu\button_info_n
+ menu\button_info_p
+ menu\tooltip
+ menu\strips_togther
+ menu\ring1_a
+ menu\ring1_n
+ menu\ring2_a
+ menu\ring2_n
+ menu\ring_clear_n
+ menu\ring_clear_a
+ menu\ring1_a_buddy
+ menu\ring1_n_buddy
+ menu\ring2_a_buddy
+ menu\ring2_n_buddy
+ menu\regulate3_top
+ menu\regulate4_top
+ menu\regulate_gradient
+ menu\regulate_bottom
+ menu\slider_gradient
+ menu\slider_bottom
+ menu\slider_bit_a
+ menu\slider_bit_n
+ menu\buddy_games
+ menu\buddygames_left_a
+ menu\buddygames_left_n
+ menu\buddygames_left_p
+ menu\buddygames_right_a
+ menu\buddygames_right_n
+ menu\buddygames_right_p
+ menu\tracks_map
+ menu\tracks_mapreflex
+ menu\career_bigwindow
+ menu\career_littlewindow
+ menu\career_marker_1
+ menu\career_marker_2
+ menu\career_marker_3
+ menu\career_plane
+ menu\career_plane_corners
+ menu\career_selectbutton_a
+ menu\career_selectbutton_n
+ menu\career_selectbutton_p
+ menu\career_strip_1
+ menu\career_strip_2
+ menu\career_strip_3
+ menu\career_txt_1
+ menu\career_txt_2
+ menu\career_i_fitness
+ menu\career_i_massage
+ menu\career_i_party
+ menu\career_i_private
+ menu\career_i_tourism
+ menu\career_updown
+ menu\table_wc_left
+ menu\table_wc_middle
+ menu\table_wc_right
+ menu\flag_right_a
+ menu\flag_right_d
+ menu\flag_right_n
+ menu\flag_right_p
+ menu\logo
+ menu\profile_cursor_1
+ menu\profile_cursor_2
+ menu\profile_cursor_3
+ menu\profile_strip
+ menu\ingame\table_back
+ menu\ingame\strip_atack_1
+ menu\ingame\strip_atack_2
+ menu\ingame\strip_trening_1
+ menu\ingame\strip_trening_2
+ menu\ingame\strip_trening_3
+ menu\ingame\strip_trening_4
+ menu\load\loader
+ menu\load\line
+ menu\load\podline
+ menu\ingame_stopwatch
+ menu\ingame_stopreflex
+ menu\ingame_kolo
+ menu\ingame_stopbar
+ menu\ingame_bar
+ menu\ingame_bar_1
+ menu\ingame_bar_2
+ menu\ingame_bar_3
+ menu\ingame_icon_fight
+ menu\ingame_icon_tep
+ menu\splittime_strip_01
+ menu\splittime_strip_02
+ menu\splittime_strip_02a
+ menu\shooting_stop
+ menu\shooting_strips
+ menu\red
+ menu\redring
+ menu\bodka_red
+ menu\bodka_blue
+ menu\ingame_table_left
+ menu\ingame_table_middle
+ menu\ingame_table_right
+ menu\ingame\startbutton_a
+ menu\ingame\startbutton_n
+ menu\ingame\startbutton_p
+ menu\ingame\strip_start_1
+ menu\ingame\strip_start_2
+ menu\ingame\strip_finish_1
+ menu\ingame\strip_finish_2
+ menu\ingame\strip_buddy_3
+ menu\ingame\strip_buddy_4
+ Ruhpolding_high
+ Oberhof_high
+ Pokljuka_high
+ Antholz_high
+ Kontiolahti_high
+ Hochfilzen_high
+ Holmenkollen_high
+ OSRBLIE_high
+ Oestersund_high
+ menu\demo1
*** Variable demo doesnt exist!
+ menu\demo2
*** Variable demo doesnt exist!
+ menu\demo3
*** Variable demo doesnt exist!
--- data\scripts\hochfilzen.shader
--- data\scripts\holmenkollen.shader
--- data\scripts\kontiolahti.shader
--- data\scripts\lyziar.shader
+ textures\lyziar\dress01
+ textures\lyziar\dress02
+ textures\lyziar\dress03
+ textures\lyziar\dress04
+ textures\lyziar\dress05
+ textures\lyziar\dress06
+ textures\lyziar\dress07
+ textures\lyziar\dress08
+ textures\lyziar\dress09
+ textures\lyziar\dress10
+ textures\lyziar\head01
+ textures\lyziar\head02
+ textures\lyziar\head03
+ textures\lyziar\head04
+ textures\lyziar\head05
+ textures\lyziar\head06
+ textures\lyziar\head07
+ textures\lyziar\head08
+ textures\lyziar\head09
+ textures\lyziar\head10
+ textures\lyziar\cop01
+ textures\lyziar\cop02
+ textures\lyziar\cop07
+ textures\lyziar\cop08
+ textures\lyziar\cop09
+ textures\lyziar\cop10
+ textures\lyziar\w_glass
+ textures\lyziar\gun01
+ textures\lyziar\ski01
+ textures\lyziar\ski02
+ textures\lyziar\ski03
+ textures\lyziar\ski04
+ textures\lyziar\ski05
+ textures\lyziar\ski06
+ textures\lyziar\ski07
+ textures\lyziar\ski08
+ textures\lyziar\ski09
+ textures\lyziar\ski10
+ textures\lyziar\startnum01
+ textures\lyziar\startnum02
+ textures\lyziar\startnum03
+ textures\lyziar\startnum04
+ textures\lyziar\startnum05
+ textures\lyziar\startnum06
+ textures\lyziar\startnum07
+ textures\lyziar\startnum08
+ textures\lyziar\startnum09
+ textures\lyziar\startnum10
+ textures\lyziar\startnum11
+ textures\lyziar\startnum12
+ textures\lyziar\startnum13
+ textures\lyziar\startnum14
+ textures\lyziar\startnum15
+ textures\lyziar\startnum16
+ textures\lyziar\startnum17
+ textures\lyziar\startnum18
+ textures\lyziar\startnum19
+ textures\lyziar\startnum20
+ textures\lyziar\startnum21
+ textures\lyziar\startnum22
+ textures\lyziar\startnum23
+ textures\lyziar\startnum24
+ textures\lyziar\startnum25
+ textures\lyziar\startnum26
+ textures\lyziar\startnum27
+ textures\lyziar\startnum28
+ textures\lyziar\startnum29
+ textures\lyziar\startnum30
+ textures\lyziar\startnum31
Effect 'data\scripts\fx\ghost.fx' compiled
Valid technique 'T0'
+ textures\lyziar\ghost
--- data\scripts\oberhof.shader
--- data\scripts\oestersund.shader
--- data\scripts\osrblie.shader
--- data\scripts\particles.shader
+ dych
+ vlocka1
+ stopa
+ snowball
+ vodopad
--- data\scripts\pokljuka.shader
--- data\scripts\reklama.shader
--- data\scripts\ruhpolding.shader
--- data\scripts\sipky.shader
--- data\scripts\skybox.shader
--- data\scripts\static_pi.shader
--- data\scripts\torino.shader
--- data\scripts\trees.shader
--- data\scripts\vlajky_game.shader
ShaderMng: 392 shaders in memory
!!! Error loading texture '$rendermap'
!!! Error loading texture ''
!!! Error loading texture 'menu\background_02'
!!! Error loading texture 'menu\track_window'
!!! Error loading texture 'textures\menu\snow'
TextureMng: 451 textures in memory

--- All particle systems initialized ---
Registered particle emitter factories: 4
Registered particle affector factories: 4
Loaded particle system templates: 19
Loaded particle emitter templates: 30
Total particle systems count: 11
Total particle emitters count: 13
Total particle affectors count: 5
Systems created from template 'dych' : 1
Systems created from template 'particle_korculovanie_normal_left' : 1
Systems created from template 'particle_korculovanie_normal_right' : 1
Systems created from template 'particle_pad_left' : 1
Systems created from template 'particle_pad_left_mix' : 1
Systems created from template 'particle_pad_right' : 1
Systems created from template 'particle_pad_right_mix' : 1
Systems created from template 'particle_stromcek_normal_left' : 1
Systems created from template 'particle_stromcek_normal_right' : 1
Systems created from template 'particle_zjazd_normal_left' : 1
Systems created from template 'particle_zjazd_normal_right' : 1

Shader name | size | freq | bits | channels | refc
*** chyba pri ziskavani infa o buffery!

The same happens when I fire/start up the Summer Biathlon.
As far as I can see, the problem has to be this:

--- Reading config file
*** F_VFS::GetFileData Loading of config.cfg FAILED!!!
*** F_VFS::GetFileData Loading of user.cfg FAILED!!!

Why can’t the game read these files?
I have searched through my whole computer several times, and even reinstalled the game a few times, but it seems like I never get those files. Like they wont get installed or something. Is this the problem? How can I fix this?

If you want it, this is a copy of my system info:

System Information
Time of this report: 4/9/2006, 12:59:32
Machine name: RAMGUY
Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519)
Language: English (Regional Setting: Norwegian (Bokmål))
System Manufacturer: NVIDIA
System Model: AWRDACPI
BIOS: Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG
Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2400+, MMX, 3DNow, ~2.0GHz
Memory: 1024MB RAM
Page File: 478MB used, 1981MB available
Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.2180 32bit Unicode


So what is wrong? Why wont the game run? It it because I miss those file or what? Please help me someone...
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Old 10-04-2006, 04:23
Joe Forster/STA's Avatar
Joe Forster/STA Joe Forster/STA is offline
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I'd recommend you send all this to the publisher instead. Beforehands, you could have a look at which exact file it's trying to open; grab FileMon (and RegMon, too, if you're already there) from http://www.sysinternals.com.
Joe Forster/STA
For more information, see the FileForums forum rules and the PC Games forum FAQ!
Don't contact me via E-mail or PM to ask for help with anything other than patches (or software in general) done by me, otherwise your request may be deleted without any reply!
Homepage: http://sta.c64.org, E-mail: [email protected]; for attachments, send compressed (ZIP or RAR) files only, otherwise your E-mail will bounce back!
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