i would really appreciate someone ANYONE contacting me about where to find a "idiots guide to ripping ps2dvd games". I understand alot of the things one must do in order to rip one and i have a few tutorials and i also have used atlantis. For some reason or another it seems non of the games i have ripped so far have actually booted. I would really appreciate anyones help or even directing me to a easy and explictly discriptive tutorial to help me with ripping these ps2 games. I have so far tried to rip onimusha, gta3, and atv offroad fury, non have worked! HELP
dont want no trouble just want to learn! |
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[B]V7 Ps2 Messiah 2 V13 PSTwo DMS4 Pro and HD-Connect(Installed myself)[/B] |
thanks for the help.........sorry to say i have already been there and downloaded a rip kit for gta3 and followed the tutorial to the T and yet the game will not boot. I am soo upset i did it like 4 times 4 wasted cds. Broke guy like me cant afford to keep wastin cds lol ........ any other sudjestion like perhaps somewhere i can chat with someone who knows how to rip these games as in maybe the people who make the kits lol
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dont want no trouble just want to learn! |
[B]V7 Ps2 Messiah 2 V13 PSTwo DMS4 Pro and HD-Connect(Installed myself)[/B] |
Was wondering, since you didn't mention it, what type of mod chip do you have?
[COLOR=blue][B]**V5 PAL** SCPH-30004 R W/[/COLOR][COLOR=red]Messiah[/B][/COLOR][b][color=blue][/b][/color] [color=blue][b]**V7 NTSC** SCPH-39001 W/ [/color][color=red] Messiah 2 [/color][color=blue](Installed by My M8: [/color][color=red]Dust2Dust[/color][color=blue])[/color][/b] :) [COLOR=blue][B]Pioneer DVR-A05 [/color][color=red] (FW 1.30) w/2X Ritek hack![/color][/b] :D [b][color=blue]Lite-On LTD-166S DVD-Rom W/[/color][color=red]Smart-X[/color][/b] [COLOR=blue][B]LG GCE-8320B W/[/color][color=red]8MB Buffer[/COLOR][/B] |
i have a usbmod chip.....looks just like the neokey but its blue....instead of red.....the rip kit i used to rip gta3 said it was tested using a gamesharkv1.3 i have a gameshark2v2 and a usbmod chip....i assumed since the neokey and the usbmod chip are very similar and are installed the exact same way that i should be able to boot the games with the ripkits. Obviously i was wrong. I also ran across a post here of a guy who has had the same problem he used the ripkits and did it several times and yet the games would not boot. Here is the quote of the guy with the same problem his nic was (rawkus).......................................... .
(Quote)i ve got a huge problem. i got myself i new pc. now i am using windows xp and a samsung 232-b burner. i ripped Pro Evolution Soccer 2 with a rip-kit. everything worked fine. as mentioned in the readme file i tried to burn the iso-file with cdrwin. i used all the settings (cdrom xa, mode2 etc..). the game was finished, but it didn't boot. i tried it another time with less burning speed but the result was the same. then i tried nfshp2. i ripped it either and before tried to burn it, i read the readme file and there was mentioned that it won't work with the cdrwin 5.xx i thought - okay i try the older version. but cdrwin 3.8 and 4.0 don't support the samsung burner... also there is an ASPI manager error.... now i want to know if there is another program i can make a working backup from the ripped iso. if there is another one (that hopefully supports my new burner), please let me know the settings also. or is it possible that i can make my burner work with the older cdrwin versions ???? i would be glad if you could help me once again best regards rawkus/(Quote) ..................... i dont have any problems burning the games and im using the new cdrwin version 39b-e .. im buring them with a iomega zip cd 650 burner writes 8x4x32 ... i have tried several different ripkits as well one for the game i have called atv offroad furry .. it also would not boot.. i get no errors and when i use the rip kits i have no problems and it creates the iso just fine even the patch works the dvd checks work everthing was done as specified... no problems burning the iso either..... just wont boot.... i know its not my ps2 or my mod because i have had someone rip my tekken4 game for me and it boots up just fine.. help!
dont want no trouble just want to learn! |
What is the size of the rips after you burn them to cd-r?
If they are over 630mb (i think thats the size) you cannot boot them using the USB mod.......
[COLOR=blue][B]**V5 PAL** SCPH-30004 R W/[/COLOR][COLOR=red]Messiah[/B][/COLOR][b][color=blue][/b][/color] [color=blue][b]**V7 NTSC** SCPH-39001 W/ [/color][color=red] Messiah 2 [/color][color=blue](Installed by My M8: [/color][color=red]Dust2Dust[/color][color=blue])[/color][/b] :) [COLOR=blue][B]Pioneer DVR-A05 [/color][color=red] (FW 1.30) w/2X Ritek hack![/color][/b] :D [b][color=blue]Lite-On LTD-166S DVD-Rom W/[/color][color=red]Smart-X[/color][/b] [COLOR=blue][B]LG GCE-8320B W/[/color][color=red]8MB Buffer[/COLOR][/B] |
well when the kit finishes its rip the size of the iso is 688mb . I cant see that being a problem due to the fact that i am booting the games a friend of mine ripped for me that are bigger in size. My tekken4 rip was 802mb over burned on a 80cd. So i would think that something only 688mb would boot just fine shouldnt it??
dont want no trouble just want to learn! |
Yeah... If you have large rips that boot then that one should also...
I cant remember (I thought is was the USB) which mod chip it was that won't boot rips over 630... I'll do some checking and see what I can come up with....
[COLOR=blue][B]**V5 PAL** SCPH-30004 R W/[/COLOR][COLOR=red]Messiah[/B][/COLOR][b][color=blue][/b][/color] [color=blue][b]**V7 NTSC** SCPH-39001 W/ [/color][color=red] Messiah 2 [/color][color=blue](Installed by My M8: [/color][color=red]Dust2Dust[/color][color=blue])[/color][/b] :) [COLOR=blue][B]Pioneer DVR-A05 [/color][color=red] (FW 1.30) w/2X Ritek hack![/color][/b] :D [b][color=blue]Lite-On LTD-166S DVD-Rom W/[/color][color=red]Smart-X[/color][/b] [COLOR=blue][B]LG GCE-8320B W/[/color][color=red]8MB Buffer[/COLOR][/B] |
A USb mod will boot large rips, A no solder will not boot rips over 640 mb.
Thanks Warlock......... I couldn't remember which chip it was....
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[COLOR=blue][B]**V5 PAL** SCPH-30004 R W/[/COLOR][COLOR=red]Messiah[/B][/COLOR][b][color=blue][/b][/color] [color=blue][b]**V7 NTSC** SCPH-39001 W/ [/color][color=red] Messiah 2 [/color][color=blue](Installed by My M8: [/color][color=red]Dust2Dust[/color][color=blue])[/color][/b] :) [COLOR=blue][B]Pioneer DVR-A05 [/color][color=red] (FW 1.30) w/2X Ritek hack![/color][/b] :D [b][color=blue]Lite-On LTD-166S DVD-Rom W/[/color][color=red]Smart-X[/color][/b] [COLOR=blue][B]LG GCE-8320B W/[/color][color=red]8MB Buffer[/COLOR][/B] |
Welcome BG, We backwoods, inbred, Banjo playing hillbillys have to help each other out
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This site has helped me out to rip ps2 games http://copy-ps2-games-software.blogspot.com/
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