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Old 17-05-2005, 12:41
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Official Xbox 360 info thread (other posts will be removed or merged)

Hey, the xbox 360 will be released in about 6 months. So this thread is to discuss features or games about it. All threads will be removed or merged into this one if they are posted!!!

Xbox 360 images:


link 1

The E3 Event (1 hour 20 mins..a recorded stream):

High (still very poor quality)
Low (for dialup)

Various Infor gathered from different sources:

Originally Posted by xbox-scene
Here are the Highlights of the event:
* No exact launch date and price yet, but it will be launched this year (christmas holiday season 2005) and simultaneously (within 6 weeks) in US, Europe, and Asia.
* Between 25 and 40 games for the system launch (within first ~90 days) and +160 in development.
* The Xbox 360 will be backward-compatible with top-selling Xbox games. Forbes.com kinda broke that story already - see previous news item. It's unknown yet which Xbox games will or will not be compatible.
* Square Enix, a longtime partner with Microsoft rivals Nintendo and Sony, will be bringing Final Fantasy XI to the Xbox 360 and Xbox Live. (another story broken by forbes a few hours ago).
* More Xbox 360 games from Square-Enix are expected in the future! They showed footage of what seemed to be an unnamed Xbox 360 game.
* Xbox 360 users will be able to play Square-Enix Live-enabled games against PC players.
* Electronic Arts will have the largest commitment of games at launch in console history. At least 6 will be out this year: Need For Speed: Most Wanted, The Godfather, Fifa 2006, NBA Live 2006, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 and Madden NFL 2006. They have +25 games in development for Xbox 360, with more to come.
* Exclusive titles for the Xbox 360 currently include the likes of Dead or Alive 4, Call of Duty 2, Gears of War, Perfect Dark Zero, Kameo: Elements of Power, Project Gotham Racing 3, and Lost Odyssey.
* Every game will have a minimum of 720p resolution (some will have 1080i), 16:9 aspect ratio and 5.1 surround sound.
* Microsoft will have 2 million Xbox Live Subscribers by the end of this fiscal (June).
* Xbox Live memberships will transfer seamlessly from Xbox to Xbox 360 when the new system launches.
* The free Xbox Live 'Silver' level will include Xbox Live Marketplace to download demos and trailers along with new game levels, maps, weapons, vehicles, skins, classic arcade games, card and board games, community-created content, and more to the detachable Xbox 360 hard drive. Players can also voice chat with friends as well as send and receive text and voice messages.
* The paid Xbox Live 'Gold' subscription will add online multiplayer gaming, online tournaments, Spectator Mode (example: watch a PGR3 race) and exclusive, original programming.
* P. Moore proposed a PGR3 tournament where thousands of gamers could pay $10 to compete in a race tournament for the chance to win $million.
* All Xbox360 owners will get 1 month of Xbox Live 'Gold' for free.
* Microsoft expects to connect half of all Xbox 360 consoles to Xbox Live.
* Xbox Live Arcade (with 'old school' games for casual gamers) will still be there (free?).
* iPod and PSP integration! Unknown yet what exactly you will be able to do.
* Xbox 360 is "digital entertainment amplifier" for other devices. You will be able to connect many digicams and music players to transfer/stream your pictures and music to your Xbox360. The console will also interact with Windows Media Center-equipped PCs. (Stream HD music/video, ...)
* J. Allard: "Xbox 360 is also the product that's going to push gaming back into the mainstream"
* Microsoft premiered footage for the anticipated 3D fighter Dead or Alive 4 (Xbox 360 exclusive), it 'wowed' the audiences with crisp, clean visuals running at 60 frames per second. Read More
* They talked about and showed several Xbox360 games, xbox.com has a short overview of each game and TeamXbox.com has High-Res trailers of some games.
* The original Xbox will get 200 new titles this year, with hundreds more in 2006 and later.
--v1.0 [COLOR=Gray]case modded[/COLOR] Xbox with a [COLOR=DarkGreen]160gb[/COLOR] HDD upgrade[URL="irc://irc.efnet.net/fileforums"] [/URL]

Last edited by Quall999; 17-05-2005 at 12:43.
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Old 17-05-2005, 12:45
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Also, on a side note, Square-Enix has been confirmed to join the x360 line up and its first game will be Final Fantasy XI http://www.fileforums.com/images/smilies/eek.gif.

Better late than never I guess. http://www.fileforums.com/images/smilies/smile.gif
--v1.0 [COLOR=Gray]case modded[/COLOR] Xbox with a [COLOR=DarkGreen]160gb[/COLOR] HDD upgrade[URL="irc://irc.efnet.net/fileforums"] [/URL]
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Old 17-05-2005, 14:49
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Good initiative... All discussions in one thread only..
Read earlier that it is finally settles with the backwards compatibility on xbox360! Not all games but some of the games will be supported (like Halo2 I figure)... Can't understand why they won't make all of them compatible...

Something that got me a little disturbed when watching some E3 footage today was the fact that some games shown up on the xbox360 did not had a stabile framerate! Like the Q4 video was real bad sometimes...
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Old 17-05-2005, 15:44
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well, it may just be a conflict with the camera recording, but we shall see. With all the technology though, I don't think that there should be any problems. Long ago I said that I would not get the next xbox if MS does not get some better companies and more RPG's out. It looks like they want to compete in japan and have indeed, done so. So the x360 will be my next console, untill I get enough cash to but the PS3 (sry, the next Nintendo is out)

Also, this topic is probably going to be moved to the general gamers chat forum. AX and I are discussing if we should keep this a backup only forum, and all rumors and talk of the future systems out. I must say that I have to agree with him.
--v1.0 [COLOR=Gray]case modded[/COLOR] Xbox with a [COLOR=DarkGreen]160gb[/COLOR] HDD upgrade[URL="irc://irc.efnet.net/fileforums"] [/URL]
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Old 17-05-2005, 21:43
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Sweet! I like seein Qual steppin up.

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Old 18-05-2005, 08:44
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ANd Kosmiq, you were right. Frames were indeed sluggish and that was not the camera conflict. However, there is some good news to this. The console used was still in beta form and not the finished product. According to MS, it was only running between 25-40% maximum speed.
--v1.0 [COLOR=Gray]case modded[/COLOR] Xbox with a [COLOR=DarkGreen]160gb[/COLOR] HDD upgrade[URL="irc://irc.efnet.net/fileforums"] [/URL]
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Old 19-05-2005, 06:57
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Phew... Lucky one there...
Would've been awful if it was to be the real performance...
And come to think of it the engine may not be finished either so well still some optimizations to do there too...
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