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Old 01-05-2003, 18:07
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I need help backing up my original HD, PLEASE!!!

Ok, so now after several weeks of questions and thought I sit with a 120G hd 7200 rpm hd, a xecutor 2 lite a crossover cable and the evox dash and other software needed for the ftp process however here is my question.

Please keep in mind I am learning this as I go. Quall has an excellent tutorial but I have yet to find a tutorial that will help me back up my XBox HD and how to format the new one?

I am sorry if this is a dumb question but I am learning as fast as I can and really appreciate any help you can give.
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Old 01-05-2003, 19:43
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* EvolutionX 1.8.2594 or higher dashboard. (for legal reasons I can't place a downloadlink on this site)
* A modchip/bios with the HDD-swap hack. (check our modchip tables to make sure your modchip/bios has the hdd swap feature).
* A new HDD (normal PC IDE drive upto 138gb - if you use a larger HD , xbox will only be able to use 138gb). NO need to zero(hdprepare) the drive anymore. Just use a new blank drive.
* A CD-RW/DVD-RW (or anything that reads fine in your xbox).
* EvoX dashboard installed on your current HD. (tutorial)
* Know how EvoX Dashboard works (ftp , transfering files , configuring ini file , ...).

2. Backup your settings

Boot your Xbox.
Under "Systems Utils" , select "Backup". (this is the location of the backup utility if u didn't change the menu structure in the original evox.ini file).
This should have made a backup of some important settings of your xbox.
If everything worked fine it made a directory /backup in the C drive of your Xbox HD.

3. Backup your drives

Connect with FTP to your Xbox and copy the whole "C" and "E" drive to your PC HD. ("C" is pretty small , the size of "E" depends on what u uploaded there already).
Make 100% sure you have a FULL backup of the Xbox C & E drive on your PC.
Also check that in C you have a directory /backup with 5 files in it. If you don't have this it means something went wrong in step 2.

4. Make a EvoX Install HD disk

These are the files you need on your Evox Install HD CD :

* The EvoX XBE file , should in the disk root and called "default.xbe"
* The "evox.ini" should be changed , open it in notepad.
Make sure the network settings are set correctly for your home network.
Under "[Misc]"
put "UseFDrive" to "Yes"
Delete everything what's under "[Menu]" it and replace by this :

For EvolutionX version 1.8.2594 till v1.8.3285

Section "Install Menu"
Item "Install New drive",@210
Item "MS Dashboard",@3
Item "Reboot",@5
Item "Power Off",@10


Info "Install HDD - Xbox-Scene"
Warning "This will format all drives"
Warning "Make sure you have a backup of C & E"
Progress "Formatting drives"

ConfigSector "\backup\disk.bin"
Format c:
Format e:
Format f:
Format x:
Format y:
Format z:

For EvolutionX v1.8.3682 or higher (newer)

Section "Install Menu"
Item "Install New drive",@210
Item "MS Dashboard",ID_MS_Dash
Item "Reboot",ID_Quick_Reboot
Item "Power Off",ID_Power_Off


Info "Install HDD - Xbox-Scene"
Warning "This will format all drives"
Warning "Make sure you have a backup of C & E"
Progress "Formatting drives"

ConfigSector "\backup\disk.bin"
Format c:
Format e:
Format f:
Format x:
Format y:
Format z:

You might need to change the network settings of the evox.ini for your configuration. (use the same network settings as on your EvoX dashboard installed on your original Xbox HD).

* You should also add the complete /backup directory from the C drive on your Xbox.

* So , the complete CD should contain :

default.xbe (the evox dash)
evox.ini (the evox ini file)
/backup/bios.bin (from /c/backup on Xbox HD)
/backup/disk.bin (from /c/backup on Xbox HD)
/backup/eeprom.bin (from /c/backup on Xbox HD)
/backup/hddinfo.txt (from /c/backup on Xbox HD)
/backup/hddkey.bin (from /c/backup on Xbox HD)

First make a xiso of the disk content (tutorial) , then burn it with PrimoDVD (tutorial) or Nero (tutorial) on media compatible with your xbox (cd-rw/dvd-rw/dvd-r).

5. Replace HD

Open your xbox (tutorial) and replace the HD. Make sure your new HD is set to "cable-select" and don't forget to plug-in both the electricity-cable & IDE-cable.

I strongly suggest to keep your old harddrive untouched... you might need it later if something goes wrong.

6. Try booting the CD & FTP

Boot your Xbox (it will give a red light after some secs) and put the Evox Install HD disk in the drive.
Power off your xbox and restart it (with disk in the drive).
Evox should boot.
Now make sure that your network settings (in the evox.ini file) are correct ... try to FTP to your xbox. (if it doesn't work, correct evox.ini and reburn a new evox Install HD disk)
If EvoX doesn't even boot , it means :

* you used media your xbox can't read.
* your evox dashboard isn't called default.xbe
* you made an error in the evox.ini
* you didn't make a "xiso" before burning.
* you didn't burn the "xiso" correctly
* your modchip doesn't have the HDD-swap feature
* the disk has no /backup directory with 5files

7. Format the drives

If everything above is OK , just select "Install New drive" and then confirm ("Yes").
The software will now format the drives.
When finished , it will return the EvoX dashboard.

8. Transfer C & E

Now connect with FTP to your xbox. You should see all drivenames.
Transfer the whole C & E backup u made on your PC to the C & E on your new Xbox HD.
Remove the disk from your Xbox , and reboot.
The Xbox should now reboot from your new xbox HD.
If not , you probably did something wrong while restoring the drives.
Just boot the Evox Install HD disk and you can FTP to your xbox again and check what might have gone wrong.
If needed you can always reinstall your old xbox HD.

9. Change evox.ini on C
Under "[Misc]"
put "UseFDrive" to "Yes"
else you can't use the F drive correctly.

Your new xbox HD is installed :-)

Tutorial written by : XanTium
[SIZE=1]NTSC Ver1.0 XBox w/ [URL=http://www.gameshopusa.com/]X2.3 Lite[/URL] flashed with X2 4981.06
120GB WD 7200RPM 8mg cache
Samsung SDG-605B
* All stuffed in a beautiful translucent green case

UK PAL Ver1.4 XBox ([i]not chipped yet[/i])
Stock 8gb WD
Philips 6035/21
* All stuffed in a beautiful Crystal Clear case[/SIZE]

[I]Having a BMW that says “Made in the USA” is like having a Rolls-Royce that says “Made in Japan”[/I]
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Old 01-05-2003, 20:52
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xbox-scene i presume?
so far ive moddded xboxes with:
2 Matrixes
3 Xbits

My xbox!:
-250 gig
-4981.06 x2
-orange led for light, matching beautifully with the orange x in the splash screen
-Component cable

my problem...solved?!:
-one of my friends says he can get about 450 files off it!... and now i havent seen him for about 4 months..and ive written him like 11 emails.. WHERE THE HELL IS HE?! :mad:
[B]OWNED! <3 TylerDurden![/B]
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