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Old 10-12-2022, 19:24
TheGh0stie13 TheGh0stie13 is offline
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Post [Compressor] LZHAM

original link(source) https://github.com/richgel999/lzham_codec_devel
(notes:LZHAM is under public Domain:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ri...master/LICENSE)
this the compiled version
Freearc arc.ini code FOR BEST COMPRESSION )decompression takes a while \/
HTML Code:
[External compressor:lzham]
packcmd   = lzham -m4 -x8 -o -d29 c $$arcdatafile$$.tmp $$arcpackedfile$$.tmp
unpackcmd = lzham -c d $$arcpackedfile$$.tmp $$arcdatafile$$.tmp
For NORMAL best compression
HTML Code:
[External compressor:lzham]
packcmd   = lzham -m4 -d29 c $$arcdatafile$$.tmp $$arcpackedfile$$.tmp
unpackcmd = lzham -c d $$arcpackedfile$$.tmp $$arcdatafile$$.tmp
Syntax \/
HTML Code:
LZHAM Codec - x64 Command Line Test App - Compiled Jan 27 2016 13:09:15
Expecting LZHAM DLL Version 0x1011
Dynamically loading DLL "E:\____INSTALLER\__comp\Resources\lzham_x64.dll"
Loaded LZHAM DLL version 0x1011

Usage: [options] [mode] inpath/infile [outfile]

c - Compress "infile" to "outfile"
d - Decompress "infile" to "outfile"
a - Recursively compress all files under "inpath"

-m[0-4] - Compression level: 0=fastest, 1=faster, 2=default, 3=better, 4=uber
          Default is uber (4).
-d[15-29] - Set log2 dictionary size, max. is 26 on x86 platforms, 29 on x64.
          Default is 26 (64MB) on x86, 28 (256MB) on x64.
-c - Do not compute or verify adler32 checksum during decompression (faster).
-u - Use unbuffered decompression on files that can fit into memory.
     Unbuffered decompression is faster, but may have more I/O overhead.
-t[0-64] - Number of extra compression helper threads. Default=# CPU's-1.
           Note: The total number of threads will be 1 + num_helper_threads,
           because the main thread is counted separately.
-v - Immediately decompress compressed file after compression for verification.
-x - Extreme parsing, for slight compression gain (Uber only, MUCH slower).
-x# - Same as -x, except sets the max # of best arrivals (2-8), higher=better compression
-o - Permit the compressor to trade off decompression rate for higher ratios.
     Note: This flag can drop the decompression rate by 30% or more.
-e - Enable deterministic parsing for slightly higher compression and
     predictable output files when enabled, but less scalability.
     The default is disabled, so the generated output data may slightly vary
     between runs when multithreaded compression is enabled.
-afilename Enable delta compression using the specified seed file.
           The same seed file MUST be used for compression/decompression.
-r - Use randomized parameters for each file.
-h[0-20] - Set Huffman table update frequency. 0=Internal def, Def=8, higher=faster.
 Lower settings=slower decompression, but higher ratio. Note 1=impractically slow.
-b - Force single threaded parsing for higher compression ratios (slower).
-F - Use low memory hash finder (16-bit vs. 24-bit hashing)
-f# - Set extreme parser's "fast bytes" setting (16-257, default=128, lower=faster)

LZHAM simple memory to memory compression test
Uncompressed size: 88
Compressed size: 39
Decompress time: 0.000016 secs
Compression test succeeded.
Attached Files
File Type: zip lzham.zip (1.11 MB, 91 views)

Last edited by TheGh0stie13; 13-12-2022 at 19:47. Reason: fixed spelling,fixed a paremtor for first arc.ini
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ADMIRAL (11-12-2022), Gehrman (11-12-2022), kj911 (12-12-2022), ScOOt3r (11-12-2022), shazzla (11-12-2022)
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