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Old 03-07-2008, 08:56
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Joe Forster/STA Joe Forster/STA is offline
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Important note to unregistered users - READ before complaining!

The only reason for allowing unregistered users to post into this forum is to let them report technical problems with FileForums without registering. Technical problems include lack of receipt of the confirmation E-mail after registration, unexpected/annoying behavior of the forum software etc.

However, don't request or discuss cracks, games etc. because that doesn't belong to this forum. Off-topic threads and posts will be deleted without notice!
Joe Forster/STA
For more information, see the FileForums forum rules and the PC Games forum FAQ!
Don't contact me via E-mail or PM to ask for help with anything other than patches (or software in general) done by me, otherwise your request may be deleted without any reply!
Homepage: http://sta.c64.org, E-mail: [email protected]; for attachments, send compressed (ZIP or RAR) files only, otherwise your E-mail will bounce back!

Last edited by Joe Forster/STA; 04-07-2008 at 14:21.
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Old 22-07-2008, 12:39
EMPiRE EMPiRE is offline
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No Confirmation Mail Received - READ before complaining!

First a few notes concerning FileForums Confirmation Emails:
  1. FileForums Confirmation emails are send immediately, so you should receive it within a minute (usually within seconds), unless your mail provider is slow handling incoming emails for its clients!
  2. The FileForums Confirmation system is checked a few times per month and is working perfectly!
So if you registered you ALWAYS receive an email in your mailbox. If you "think" you did not receive one then:
  1. You entered a wrong email address during registration thus you will never receive it.
  2. It was moved to your SPAM box for some reason or another.
  3. It was blocked by your ISP, for some reason or another. Then use another email service!
  4. If you still are not able to find it then search your email for: FileForums
The following mail providers are moving vBulletin confirmation emails to your SPAM box:
  • Hotmail
  • Gmail
  • Yahoo
The following mail providers are blocking vBulletin confirmation emails (so they never arrive anywhere):
  • AOL
Once in a while FileForums gets blacklisted for sending "spam" from certain users through private mail, we are trying our utmost to avoid this kind of spam, but this can not always be stopped in time... This usually results that a number of mail services, like Yahoo & Hotmail, temporary block mails from FileForums (thus confirmation emails are never received).

To receive your Confirmation Email again use this link: http://fileforums.com/register.php?do=requestemail
Old 02-10-2009, 01:30
EMPiRE EMPiRE is offline
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Not able to register @ FileForums.com

We currently have a registration-check in place which checks if the user exists in the Stop Forum Spam database.

If you think you are not a spammer and still you are not able to register then:
  1. The IP Address of your connection is being flagged @ stopforumspam.com to have been used to send out SPAM. This can happen if you are using a Proxy Server, if so then disable this. AOL visitors are always using a Proxy server and therefor can not register if the ip has been flagged...
  2. The UserID you used is being flagged @ stopforumspam.com to have been used to send out SPAM. Use a different UserID to register.
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