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Old 01-10-2006, 15:42
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BF2 1.4 Crack Online Issue

The battlefield 2 1.4 crack cause's problems online for me.

it allows me to join my usual servers etc...but it kicks me soon after and i get a message from punkbuster saying my file memory is corrupt.

i dont get this without the crack using my original disc.

is punkbuster scanning for hacks and finds the nocd exe has been modified..therefore suspecting hacking and kicking me?

is there anyway around it without having to play on non punkbuster severs?

i dont wanna have to use a mini image because i cant be botherd to mess around with all teh anti black list tools,i prefer just to go straight in game and would ratehr use my original disc.
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Old 01-10-2006, 16:12
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You can NOT play online with any cracked .exe as the hash won't fit what punkbuster expects you to have.

Its a part of scanning for hacked files and other cheats, so stick with mini-image if your not up to using your disc.
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Old 01-10-2006, 19:41
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not true.

every single game i own...as you can see by my signature comment is cracked in some way.

99% of them using nocd cracks. (for convienience reasons...why use the disc when you dont have to)

EVERY single game i OWN that is cracked and online compatable WORKS online.

ive had this argument before.....i'll give you some examples...

nfs most wanted,fifa 07,quake 4 before the protection was removed,same for XIII and unreal 2004,ghost recon advanced war fighter,cod,cod 2,raven shield,r6 lockdown,far cry,star wars republic commando,star wars jedi acadamy,atar wars battlefront 1 + 2,battlefield 1942 and vietnam,medal of honor aa,pa,doom 3,prey,toca 3,sof 2,splinter cell pandora tommorow and chaos theory,pro evoltion 5....and many more.

now if all of those work...and most use punkbuster also...

why doesent this work?

i honestly think it is that crack in particular (considering i played 1.0 with a crack for months).
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Old 02-10-2006, 00:53
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Most of those games werent really online specific games, unlike BF2 which is designed to be played online.
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Old 02-10-2006, 01:43
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The thing is that punkbuster do checks the hash of the .exe file and a LOT of other files in the game dir. If it finds a file thats not the correct size it will kick you out from the game. Punkbuster DO CHECKS the .exe file in Battlefield 2.

If you don't believe that, well have fun getting your cracked bf2 to work...

Add the fact that when it comes to MP games its a little up and down with cracks. Some games will allow it, others won't. Games designed for MP (BF2) have CD-check and hash-check. Both to prevent hacks and to make people use the cd. Thats just how it is.

Trust me, in this case you'll need to use the mini-image or stick to SP playing.

Well you could of course do some work on the cracked .exe file and fool it into having the same hash as the original, good luck with that though.

The reason BF2 1.0 worked with crack were that the punkbuster checks on the .exe files were added in later versions. You can however use a cracked file now too if you don't play on punkbuster enabled servers...
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Old 02-10-2006, 06:48
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looks like its back to the original disc :P

i could never get the mini image to work with this no matter what method i tried.

@ dab hand

quake 4,battlefront 1 + 2,unreal 2004,battlefield 1942 + vietnam,doom 3, and arguably the cod and moh series are all mainly online games,infact i dont think i have ever played any of them offline.

Last edited by glenbo; 02-10-2006 at 06:50.
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Old 02-10-2006, 08:44
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Originally Posted by glenbo View Post
...i dont wanna have to use a mini image because i cant be botherd to mess around with all teh anti black list tools,i prefer just to go straight in game and would ratehr use my original disc.
It's simple.
1. Install Alcohol120% in ExpertMode (you can click on expert in the setup)
2. setup will ask you for two names. i took "glhbus" and "glhscsi".
3. simply mount the mini image by BLeH! in a Alcohol-VirtDrive.
4. You don't need to turn on any of the emulations in Alcohol.
5. Play the game.
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Old 02-10-2006, 09:40
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doom 3, and arguably the cod and moh series are all mainly online games
I wouldnt say these are 'mainly' online games! Yes the Unreal Tournament games and the Battlefield games I would say are 'mainly' online games but definately not the ones i mentioned above.
The ones I mentioned all have a full single player element and are very challenging, the others still have a single player element but are just plain boring in single player.
Even Quake 4 has a huge single player game.
BF2 I have played in single player but only to get familiar with the maps before I went online and again BF2 is just plain boring in single player but is one of the greatest games when played online.

And I havent played the Battlefront games so I cant comment on them.
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Old 02-10-2006, 11:20
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I just installed Daemon-Tools, latest version back then, 4.00 perhaps and before that too. Got the BleH! mini-image, mounted that and played away.
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Old 02-10-2006, 16:23
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Gonna try again..

my comment on 'cant be botherd to mess around with the anti blacklist tools' was derived from previous fights to get this damn game to work.

seems it works perfect for others but not for me..

i tried every mini image i could get my hands on,tried my own,tried every applicable anti black list tool i could find and i always got the same thing...'please insert dvd'.

to add to that..i have never had this problem with any of the other games i own. (that are known to work with mini images).

i havent tried with the latest daemon toolz..ima give it a whirl now.

im just thinking maybe it may be diffrent because my version of the game is the deluxe edition? the version that has the special forces expansion on the same disc...maybe that needs a diffrent type of mini? i dunno.

as for the online game thingy...c'mon honestly you can seem my point,theres no need to nick pick...espeacilly not 2 of you.

even if i wasent 100% correct (i wasent trying to be) you cant tell me you dont see the resemblance in the way sw battlefront 1 +2 and battlefield 1942 + vietnam play online to bf2.
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Old 02-10-2006, 17:27
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Originally Posted by GLH View Post
It's simple.
2. setup will ask you for two names. i took "glhbus" and "glhscsi".
cripes, you're obviously using an antique version of alcohol
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Old 02-10-2006, 20:38
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as for the online game thingy...c'mon honestly you can seem my point,theres no need to nick pick...espeacilly not 2 of you.

even if i wasent 100% correct (i wasent trying to be) you cant tell me you dont see the resemblance in the way sw battlefront 1 +2 and battlefield 1942 + vietnam play online to bf2.
I am not 'nit' picking I just dont agree with what you said.

I am not referring to Battlefront games, like i stated i havent played them, and yes BFV and 1942 are just like BF2 for online play.
But they were not the games I disagreed with, the ones i disagreed with, should not be in the same catagory as BFv, 1942 or BF2.
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Old 03-10-2006, 00:38
DABhand DABhand is offline
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Originally Posted by glenbo View Post

@ dab hand

quake 4,battlefront 1 + 2,unreal 2004,battlefield 1942 + vietnam,doom 3, and arguably the cod and moh series are all mainly online games,infact i dont think i have ever played any of them offline.
Quake 4 was single player, and was advertised as such
As was Doom 3
And COD and MOH.

Yes they have Multiplayer elements but they are essentially when bought single player.

Like for example Mage Knight Apocalypse, it has MP elements but its mostly a SP game.

Since the SP games have some MP elements then most wont have much online protections.

Except for the MP specific games, like BF's and HALO's and Unreal Tournament's. These will have these checks to make sure, people have the real deal, and they arent using any mods and 3rd party programs that would give them an advantage.
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Old 03-10-2006, 04:34
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Originally Posted by DABhand View Post
Quake 4 was single player, and was advertised as such
As was Doom 3
And COD and MOH.

Yes they have Multiplayer elements but they are essentially when bought single player.

Like for example Mage Knight Apocalypse, it has MP elements but its mostly a SP game.

Since the SP games have some MP elements then most wont have much online protections.

Except for the MP specific games, like BF's and HALO's and Unreal Tournament's. These will have these checks to make sure, people have the real deal, and they arent using any mods and 3rd party programs that would give them an advantage.

halo is much a 'online' game as quake 4 is.

halo has a massive single player mode.

the fact is if you look at the xfire board that logs games stats you will see that cod games and quake 4 are amongst the top played online games AHEAD of unreal 2004 the battlefront games...so my point has some substance...if the games are that heavily populated online then the servers will infact have good protection...ie punkbuster.

but just to end this silly debate,punkbuster is punkbuster..cod use's it..pretty sure all popular online games use it,so my point is not irrealevent,its just a example.

btw i tried your method,it didnt work. im now using my original disc again *sigh*
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Old 03-10-2006, 04:44
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Battlefield and the Unreal Tournament games are purchased 'purely' as online games, you wouldnt purchase them unless you intended to play online as single player mode is just pointless.
The same cant be said for the other games you mentioned. I have purchased, Doom 3, Quake 4 and all the MOH games yet I never purchased them to play only online, and I have never played them online. I have however played them on LAN but thats not why I originally purchased them.
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