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Old 19-04-2006, 21:25
*Baldy* *Baldy* is offline
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Call of Duty 2 and the v1.5 patch -- Private Server is broken!

We've all waited for the patch which now offers Punkbuster anti-cheat. However, I've noticed a problem with the official patch and the current "Private Server" patch. Simply stated, once you apply the official patch, the Private Server function will no longer work as the program checks for the same version number in a registry entry. And since the Private Server patch was built on the original version 1.0 of the program, attempting to run the Private Server will now find a version 1.5 entry in the registry.

Under the original Call of Duty (not CoD2), I'm almost positive that one could apply official patches to the genuine game files for online play and continue to be able to use the Private Server game file when desired even though the Private Server game file was built around an earlier different version of the game.

Apparently this new registry version check means that any patched game file must conform to the version listed in the registry. I've tried temporarily changing the registry entry from v1.5 to v1.0 in order to run the Private Server but no joy! Probably some other obscure checks are also being made.

The real solution involves waiting for an updated "Private Server Patch" that is compatible with the official patch v1.5

Anyone else got any ideas?
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Old 20-04-2006, 10:38
AndyMutz AndyMutz is offline
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as far as i can tell, there is no patch 1.5 for call of duty 2.. latest official patch is 1.2.

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Old 23-04-2006, 00:24
*Baldy* *Baldy* is offline
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Oop....my bad.

Oops. OK, my message has been edited to indicated the latest patch as v1.2.

But the problem still remains. The version of the actual file that the "private server" executable is version 1.0. If you install the 1.2 patch to play official online games, then you can no longer ever run the special executable of the "private server" because of the version mis-match.

As I previously said, it was possible to do this with the previous release of Call of Duty (not the current CoD2). Namely, you could apply the official patches to your real executable file so that you can join the thousands of servers and at the same time you could run a "private server" file regardless of the version mis-match with the official file. The new change with the registry entry of the version number prevents this from happening.

So what I'm waiting for is a new hacked "private server" file based on version 1.2 of the game executable. Or instructions on how/what to change in the registry (simply changing the version number doesn't work).
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