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Old 26-06-2004, 07:58
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Craxation 4.0.0 Release

You can now ftp with craxation

here is the release note's

Release Notes
Version: 4.0.0
Release Date: 6/23/04
Previous Version: Craxtion 3.1
Lead Developers: Fedge & LepPpeR

System Requirements:
Windows 98 or Higher
Installation of the .NET Framework. (http://msdn.microsoft.com/netframewo...t/default.aspx)

New Features

* Complete Redesign from Bottom Up
Craxtion 4.0.0 has been re-written completely in .NET - The current standard for programming
design in the Windows Environment

* Faster routines and procedures with more capabilities than were provided in previous versions
of Craxtion which were written in Visual Basic 6.0.

* All functions and tools (ISO Extraction, Creation, etc) rewritten for optimal performance and
faster response times.

* New Parent/Child Window Design.
Now you can perform many tasks all at the same time, each task is provided with its own
Child window inside Craxtion.

* Internal File Explorer reduces the need to locate files from Windows Explorer!

* FTP Capability
Craxtion now has the capability to communicate with your XBOX console when connected to a network!

No need to use a separate FTP Program. You can drag and drop files between your computer and your
XBOX all from inside Craxtion!

With this new capability comes features such as:

- File transfer to/from your XBOX console
- Information Retrieval from your XBOX console
- Numerous new features and tools involving transfer to your XBOX console.

* XDVDFS Creator
Our very own ISO Creator built into Craxtion to reduce dependency on external ISO Creators. Our ISO
Creator has been coded for exception creation time, as fast if not faster than any other ISO Creators
currently available with all the same reliability!

* Additional Tools
We've taken Craxtion beyond ISO Creation/Extraction and Multigame Capability. With added tools such
as Game Save Managers and XBOX Restore Utilities so you wont need 10 programs to manage all your XBOX
Needs - We've got all the bases covered with Craxtion 4!

* Cross-Dashboard Compatibility
All of Craxtion's features and tools are compatible with all dashes currently available. No need to
install a specific dash to take advantage of all of Craxtion's features!

Feature List:

* ISO Creation
With our own ISO Creation Engine, you can create ISOs in XDVDFS format at blazing speeds without having
to use any external ISO Creators!

* ISO Extraction
Same ISO Extraction reliability from Craxtion 3.x re-written in .NET allowing error free ISO Extraction
no matter how large the ISO file is. Previous versions of Craxtion written in VB6 imposed limitations
on Size that would produce occasional errors. All limitations have been lifted for error free Extraction!

** Extraction to the XBOX!
No need to Extract then FTP, You can extract your ISOs "on-the-fly" directly to your console via
Craxtions FTP Engine.

** Extract from RAR!
- Extract your ISOs from their Rar Files without having to extract the Rar's beforehand.

- A special ICON for Rar files containing ISOs is displayed next to Rar files in File Explorer!

* ISO Explorer
Completely redesigned ISO Explorer with Error Free opening of ISO's. Due to continued research of XDVDFS
ISO Structure, our ISO Explorer will open any *VALID XDVDFS ISO to allow you to view the contents of your
ISO file without having to extract it!

** New features included in our ISO explorer allow you to:
- Search for Files!
- Extract individual files or select multiple files to extract
- Preview files directly from the ISO! Just double click on a file inside ISO Explorer and the
file will be opened by its associated program!
- Analyze ISOs with a click of a button (See Below)
- Patch XBE's in the ISO with the click of a button!

* XBE/ISO Patching
- New XBE patching capability allows you to select a directory and all XBEs in that directory and all sub
directories will be patched!
- ISO Patcher patches all XBE files inside your ISO without the need to extract the files first. A report
is also auto-generated to display the results of the patching process!
- Patch at blazing speeds capable of patching a 4.7 GB ISO in seconds.

* File Explorer:
- New Built in File explorer makes finding your Folders and ISOs easier than Ever!
- Drag and drop between file explorer and all applicable tools inside craxtion such as ISO Creator,
Extracter, Explorer, Multigame Wizard, and Patcher!
- Full display of XBOX Console contents!
- ISO Explorer also includes a Explorer Style view of your XBOX console when connected via a network
connection - Browse your files right from Inside Craxtion!
- Drag-N-Drop files and folders between your PC and your XBOX console inside the new File Explorer!

* Startup Wizard
- New startup wizard to help you compete your tasks with the greatest of ease! Menu loads when
Craxtion is run and provides you with one-click options to get your on your way to Create ISO's,
Extract ISO's, Patch ISO's, and all the other features that Craxtion has to offer!

* XB System Restore - Craxtion is the first to offer this one of a kind utility!

- A one-of-a-kind utility that allows you to back up all your XBOX system files to your PC with
a click of a button.
- Creates restore points which are dated and time-stamped each time your create a back up point.
- Restore your XBOX back to any of your check points with one click!

* XB Game Manager - Craxtion is the first to offer this one of a kind utility!

- Generates a list of all Games and Apps on your XBOX hard drive showing you each game/app
folder location!
- Auto-Rename all folders to the name of the game/app which is extracted from its Default.XBE file!
- Most Disc-Rip utilities will name the folder a generic name and with XB Game Manager, you can find
where all your games and apps reside and rename individual folders to your preference or let the
Manager rename all at once!
- Delete games/app directories directly from Inside the XB Game Manager!

* ISO Analysis - Craxtion is the first to offer this one of a kind utility!

- Generate a HTML report which displays the contents of your ISO files.
- No need to extract the ISO or even use ISO Explorer to view the contents, you can run an ISO Analysis
on the ISO resulting in an HTML File displaying a table with:
* File Names
* Sector Location
* File Size
* File Type
* Default name inside all XBE files in the ISO!

- Resulting HTML file shows you the complete structure of your ISO files!
- Use for comparison or whatever other purposes you can think of!

* XB GameSave Manager
- Built in GameSave manager unlike any other!
- Displays detailed information of all your Game Saves both on your XBOX and your PC!
- Extracts the image for each game and displays it in Large Icon style for each game save found!
- Drag and drop game saves between your XBOX and your PC inside the GameSave Manager.
- Import GameSaves via the Internet with Craxtions Internet Game Save Database search!
- Simply click Import, Type in the name of the game you are seaching for and in seconds
a list will be populated of game saves with detailed descriptions. With one click,
Craxtion will automatically download the game save and import it to your PC, ready to be drag-n-dropped right to your console!
- Imports Zip format game saves on your Hard Drive including the most popular format from

* Multigame Wizard
- ReDesigned Multigame wizard to create your Multigames in 3 simple steps!
- Increased support for CDX multigame format!
- Included Back button to go back and correct your mistakes!
- Auto-Patching option allows you to include folders and ISOs without having to worry about patching
them before you make your multigame!
- Easy design lets you choose your Multigame Format and Theme all in one wizard (Previous versions of
Craxtion had two separate wizards for each type of Multigame Format)
- Directory Structure Only Output
- Option allows you to create the directory structure of the Multigame disc without creating the ISO

* Disc Ripper
- Rip the contents of a Game Disc loaded into your XBOX Console tray directly from Craxtion via
a network connection!
- Reduce the need to run a Ripping Utility on your XBOX then FTP the files over - You can accomplish this
entire task in one easy step with one click of a button!

* Theme Manager
- Redesigned Theme Manager allows you to import your themes without having to download them first!
- Import from local file or from Online Craxtion Database without having to download then extract
the Theme. Theme Manager handles the downloading and extracting for you!

* Feedback/Error Reports
- Additional Contact form allowing you to communicate your feedback and errors without having to email us!
- Fill in the form and press submit and your feedback/error report will be automatically sent to us for review!
PS2 v12 with Matrix Infinty
X-BOX Crystal LE Pal with X-BIT
P4 3.2HT with 1 gig ram, GeforceFX 6800GT and Pioneer 109
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Old 26-06-2004, 13:50
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Very cool, Im gonna download it now.

[B]V7 Ps2 Messiah 2
V13 PSTwo DMS4 Pro and HD-Connect(Installed myself)[/B]
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Old 26-06-2004, 16:19
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used it today and it seems faster also looks a load better
PS2 v12 with Matrix Infinty
X-BOX Crystal LE Pal with X-BIT
P4 3.2HT with 1 gig ram, GeforceFX 6800GT and Pioneer 109
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Old 11-07-2004, 05:53
killa killa is offline
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Are we able to ask where you can get this from? If not ignore the previous sentance
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Old 11-07-2004, 09:17
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--v1.0 [COLOR=Gray]case modded[/COLOR] Xbox with a [COLOR=DarkGreen]160gb[/COLOR] HDD upgrade[URL="irc://irc.efnet.net/fileforums"] [/URL]
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