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Old 13-01-2004, 16:08
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Exclamation GameCopyWorld Support forum FAQ; read before posting!

Note: You can submit cracks via a Web-based form. Thank you for your help!

Here's everything you need to know about the support forum. This, along with the FileForums Support forum, is the only forum into which Guests (people who did not finish their registration to the forum or did not register at all) can post. But this does not mean that this forum should be used for any purpose because:

1) This is not a general support forum! The only reason for allowing unregistered users to post into this forum is to let them report technical problems with GameCopyWorld without registering. Technical problems include non-working download links, possible virus/malware threat in downloads, wrong credits given to packages, annoying adverts (redirection, browser crashes) etc.

2) This is not a forum for crack/game-related questions or answers! Don't request or discuss cracks, games etc. because that doesn't belong to this forum. Off-topic threads and posts will be deleted without notice!

3) GameCopyWorld or this forum has nothing to do with GameFix! GameFix suggests its visitors to seek for support on this forum. Please, feel free to ask questions related to GameFix but remember that it is another site and has nothing to do with this site or forum.

Off-topic threads/posts will be deleted without notice!

And now for a very short FAQ

Q) When I want to download a crack, I don't get the little 'disc' icon that you're supposed to click to start the download.
A) Disable any adblocking software like popup killers. Also ZoneAlarm and Norton Systemworks are known to include adblocking capabilities that may be enabled without you knowing it. Again, just disable these and you will get the icon.

Q) On the list of mirrors for a crack I want, there's not a single one that I can use, they're all "offline".
A) With the evergrowing increase of bandwidth needed to keep GCW and especially the file servers running every day, it's becoming harder and harder to find good mirrors. The ones that are left have to deal with ever increasing extra traffic and can get full or overloaded. You can either use the edonkey link to get the crack from that P2P network (and then please share the crack for a while so people can download it from you too), or you can wait for a moment that the servers are less busy. Try to download at different times of the day or even at night. What you should NOT do is come complain about it. We know about the server problems, and we're experimenting with edonkey to see if it can lighten the load.

Q) I never got the registration email on my email account and I still can't login as a normal member.
A) Sometimes FileForums emails get blocked by overzealous spam filters on ISP's mail servers. We can fix this for you, IF you post here describing your problem. That's why you can always log in and post in the Support forum. Also note that the fact that your registration did not succeed is no reason to start posting games/copying/mp3 etc related questions here, it's just not the forum for it and we WILL help you fix the registration instead.

Q) I found a virus/trojan/other malware in a crack/trainer.
A) Please, don't waste your AND our time with reporting that a crack or trainer, that you downloaded from GameCopyWorld, contains a virus, trojan or other malware, including but not limited to "Win32/Keylogger.HotKeysHook.A" related to the "H@tKeysH@@k.dll" file (in many trainers). The vast majority of these are false positives. Read the relevant entry of the PC Games forum FAQ for a list of recommended virus scanners.

Below is an example of how a proper report with actual information should look like. Because unfounded, or downright fake, malware reports scare people off GameCopyWorld, we must take them seriously. Reports without specific information will be deleted on sight and their poster will first get an infraction, then a ban. You have been warned!

In Terminator: Future Shock v1.30 [US] No-CD Patch, TFS130.COM contains malware "KillsYourPCInstantly.Win32.A" according to virus scanner "ScansViriiWell". See VirusTotal's report at: http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/...291-1326112781.
The two most important details are the unambiguous definition (i.e. a link) of the download on GCW and the link to the results of an online virus scanner. Further notes:
The example above is an old no-CD patch by me, there's no malware in it, and the malware/virus scanner names are fictional, too.

Last edited by Joe Forster/STA; 28-04-2013 at 04:34.
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Old 11-10-2006, 00:55
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Grumpy Grumpy is offline
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Ive added a few of the posts which may help people to solve refferer and or Download problems.

For Zonealarm (Posted by Empire)

If you get an empty referrer (e.g.: referrer = ) then this mean you are using privacy software or a download manager which kills the referrer

Turn on referrer checking for dl.gamecopyworld in ZoneAlarm:
1. Goto the ZoneAlarm Control Center.
2. Click the "Privacy" tab on the left.
3. Click the "Site List" tab on top.
4. Click the "Add" button and enter this URL: dl.gamecopyworld.com
5. Click "dl.gamecopyworld.com" in the "Site" list, in the "Entry Detail" part it should say "Site Name dl.gamecopyworld.com".
6. Click the "Options" button.
7. In the "Site Options" window, click the "Cookies" tab (selected by default).
8. Click the "Reset to Default" button.
9. In the "Site Options" window, click the "Ad Blocking" tab.
10. Click the "Reset to Default" button. Or, at least, enable the "Banners/Skyscraper ads" option.
11. In the "Site Options" window, click the "Mobile Code" tab.
12. Click the "Reset to Default" button.
13. When ready click the "Ok" button.

For Kerio Personal Firewall (Posted by Empire)

Check this link (in German but it is easy to follow):

For Norton Internet Security (NIS) or Norton Personal Firewall (NPF), (Posted by thebluegr)

This has nothing to do with cookies, NIS is blocking referrers. Turn off the Privacy blocker in NIS, or instruct it to allow referrers. To do that, check here:
and here:

For Opera (Posted by pArtizAn)

Press F12 and switch on "Enable referrer logging".
Can't find a Game Conversion? Check the 'Conversion INDEX'

Last edited by Joe Forster/STA; 01-03-2008 at 07:02.
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