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Old 21-07-2003, 03:46
n_wattam n_wattam is offline
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Dvd Media

Hi have wrote this up as i see many people asking which media is the best, but it's also down to what writer you have as well.

There are 3 main manufaturers of DVD media


All DVD media and CD Media come to that, have a pre wrote track burnt it to the DVD, this holds information on who made the DVD etc and other information including the MEDIA ID code.

The Media ID code, holds settins which some DVD writers need to calibrate the lazer for for them to be able to burn correctly to the DVD, other writers do a self calibration.

PRINCO dont have there own Media ID code, they use other companys MEDIA ID codes... cos there cheap twatts... this causes alot of problems with some writers, as there not calibrating correct hence a crap burn to the DVD.

The Pionner 104 & 105 along with Bulk Paq is a good example.

The Pionner 104 self calibrates the lazer.
The Pionner 105 has to read the Media ID code to calibrate the laser

Bulk Paq used Pro Disk at one piont, but then changed to princo, causing a hell of a lot of problems with the 105 Drives..

Because they use someone elses Media ID "TDK", the lasers where not calibrating to the DVD correctly, hence crap burns etc, ring marks and a hole lot more, this gave Bulk Paq a bad name and still to this day a lot of people wont touch there media.

To tell the difference between the 2 Bulk Paqs is easy...

One type have a white sold ring in the center of the Disk, and the other type have a see-though ring.

See-Though = Princo = Crap
Sold-White = Pro Disc = Good

If you have a 104 then i guess your all ok, and pritty much all media is fine... but if you have a 105 then your options are limited really and i would say stay away from PRINCO.
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