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Old 12-03-2001, 13:12
boba fett boba fett is offline
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boba fett
PS2 Game Title Problems

Hey Everyone, I was hoping that someone might have a suggestion or a way I can fix these backups that aren't working out for me.....I have the NTSC U.S. version of the Playstation2 and just about have all my games backed up and working properly except for these titles:

Madden 2001
NHL 2001
Ready To Rumble Boxing Round 2
Donald Duck Goin' Quackers

I use CloneCD with a HP9100 series CD burner.....
On the Playstation I have the Neo2 modchip installed and bootup with the gameshark2 disk.....
When I bootup these titles listed above it seems to begin the loadup process for about 3 seconds, the disk spins, then everything goes silent and all I get is a black screen....I've tryed the hold down the power button and swap out gameshark2 disk with the EASports titles; but no luck (same results)....I was thinking about using CDRWIN with these titles to see if anything might help out; but didn't want to burn anymore coasters till someone got back with me with some feedback......has anyone else out there seen this problem with these titles or something similar to this....and if so what can I do the fix this......thanks
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Old 12-03-2001, 14:41
topcat topcat is offline
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hey i have had problems with these too
you can burn them as much as you like it wont change them........i get them to load and play them all the time........when they freeze up just press eject then eject again wait a few seconds and disk should start spinning then it loads if it doesnt work first time give it a few goes it works all the time for me.........good luck

bizzare though init
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Old 12-03-2001, 15:26
boba fett boba fett is offline
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boba fett
Hey Tomcat, I've tryed and tryed to boot these titles up with the gameshar2 disk....when I get to the point where its time to take the gameshark2 disk out and swap it with the backup....I then hit X and sometimes it will either go to black screen and then the disk stops spinning or it stops spinning and locks up on the gameshark blue menu screen that reads: please wait..loading game......I've tryed and tryed; but I'm thinkin' theres something wrong with the way I burned them.....anyways, I appreciate the advise, thanks.....
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Old 12-03-2001, 16:12
topcat topcat is offline
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soory i cant help you with it then m8
i use clonecd and have no problems...
the only thing different i have is i use the action replay 1.3 ....hope you get it sorted.....T.C.
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Old 12-03-2001, 17:48
LilAbner LilAbner is offline
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Word is that there's trouble getting any EA or Midway game to work, but it should be ok if you use the patch before burning.

There's a short bit about it at the bottom of this page: http://www.playthegames.com/ps2_step7.html

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Old 12-03-2001, 23:02
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for US PS2 there is another way to play
backup gamez, the first way as we all know
we switch the disc when Game Shark2 ask us
to but it won't work for EA games and MIDWAY
games, because they are protected. The way
to boot EA games and MIDWAY games is load
the Gameshark 2 disc in and hold the reset
button until the PS2 is turn off, then hold
the reset button AGAIN (the ps2 will turn on)
HOLD IT until u see the GameShark2 menu
(thats when the disc inside stop spinning)
as u let go, the disc tray will come out
for 4 seconds....yes 4 seconds, now its ur chance to load the backup in. Now all you
have to do is go "Start game" "without code"
and press X again (dont' open tray)
there you go ppl this will work for games that won't boot w/ the normal booting
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Old 14-03-2001, 22:05
boba fett boba fett is offline
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boba fett
OK guys, thanks for all the advise; but I finally got the backup of those titles working.......and you wouldn't believe how easy it was after I got my hands on that Napalm patch.....that was the key to the whole thing.....

I use one of my computers with cdrwin to copy the files to a bin & cue then I used the napalm patch......burnt the cue & bin files using fireburner on my burning station and presto.....

then you just load using the hold power button, load up with GS2 disk, and swap in 4 seconds technique.....thanks for your input and will have more questions for ya later....now I have all those titles working; but having trouble with these:

TopGear Dare Devil
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