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Old 10-08-2004, 06:20
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Free Windows C compiler and API documentation

Hi guys,

Just wanted to provide the technical people with some links to useful information:

- For a free Windows C/C++ compiler, grab MinGW from http://www.mingw.org/ . It is light weight and it can compile native 32-bit Windows executables. (I use it for small console programs, Unix-style pipe stages.) Unlike CygWin, which uses a custom DLL, it uses the Microsoft Visual C++ run-time library, available at http://support.microsoft.com/default...b;en-us;259403 .

- For a documentation of the Win32 API, see the "Windows API documentation" at http://www.mingw.org/docs.shtml#win32api . It's a 13 Megabyte HLP file, a nice programming reference. Also, you can see the definition of Windows-related API functions and data structures in the header files in the INCLUDE subdirectory of the installed MinGW.

- And, of course, for an excellent hexa editor and disassembler, grab Hacker's View from http://www.serje.net/sen , but you already knew that!

These packages helped me a lot with finding out stuff in Windows executables and hacking them.


P.S.: Sorry, if this is off-topic! (I guess, not...)
Joe Forster/STA
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