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Old 03-12-2002, 12:12
AMurderOfCrows AMurderOfCrows is offline
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Intro Removing, ISO Header Editor, and More Selfboot-Related Questions

Hello again

since it seems that every other forum out there is dead, i figured i'd ask you all another question or 3

1. I saw on the dreamcast backup FAQ that there are in fact ways to remove release group intros from games, but it only listed one example, and it seemed *HIGHLY* tailored just for that game. Does anyone know a good FAQ on removing Intros/logosx from backups? for some strange reason, Spider-Man's intro screws up the sound in the game about 90% of the time.

2. A lot of the games out there have "ECHELON" as the Disc title when the disc is inserted into a CD-Rom drive. I was wondering, does anyone know of a way to make a disc image and edit the header so that you can change the name of the disc in a CD-Rom enviroment, and reburn it correctly? Something like a Header Editor?

3. If no one knows how to do the above, does anyone know if making a selfbooting game out of a selfbooting game would work? All the tutorials state that you should use a Boot Disc version of the game, but as far as i have seen, no one has addressed taking a game that was already selfbooting and putting it through the selfbooting process again.

4. Assuming that you can re-selfboot an already selfbooting game, which Selfboot format is better to use now: Audio-data (MIL-CD/Echelon format) or Data-Data (Bin2Boot format)? Is it worth converting all of my selfbooting discs from one form to the other to make sure i can play them on any of my friend's Dreamcast systems?

thank you all


Last edited by AMurderOfCrows; 03-12-2002 at 12:18.
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