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Old 03-12-2002, 12:12
AMurderOfCrows AMurderOfCrows is offline
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Intro Removing, ISO Header Editor, and More Selfboot-Related Questions

Hello again

since it seems that every other forum out there is dead, i figured i'd ask you all another question or 3

1. I saw on the dreamcast backup FAQ that there are in fact ways to remove release group intros from games, but it only listed one example, and it seemed *HIGHLY* tailored just for that game. Does anyone know a good FAQ on removing Intros/logosx from backups? for some strange reason, Spider-Man's intro screws up the sound in the game about 90% of the time.

2. A lot of the games out there have "ECHELON" as the Disc title when the disc is inserted into a CD-Rom drive. I was wondering, does anyone know of a way to make a disc image and edit the header so that you can change the name of the disc in a CD-Rom enviroment, and reburn it correctly? Something like a Header Editor?

3. If no one knows how to do the above, does anyone know if making a selfbooting game out of a selfbooting game would work? All the tutorials state that you should use a Boot Disc version of the game, but as far as i have seen, no one has addressed taking a game that was already selfbooting and putting it through the selfbooting process again.

4. Assuming that you can re-selfboot an already selfbooting game, which Selfboot format is better to use now: Audio-data (MIL-CD/Echelon format) or Data-Data (Bin2Boot format)? Is it worth converting all of my selfbooting discs from one form to the other to make sure i can play them on any of my friend's Dreamcast systems?

thank you all


Last edited by AMurderOfCrows; 03-12-2002 at 12:18.
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Old 04-12-2002, 01:10
Megalexxx Megalexxx is offline
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1) removing intros isn't that easy. Sometimes, you just won't be able to do that (unless, of course, you disassemble 1st_read.bin and recompile it...). You can find other posts about this subject on this forum. Look around.
(for example...)

2) it's just your CD's label. You can change it easily, by specifying another label before burning your CD. You might be able to change it with CDMage (not sure). Otherwise, extract all files and remake an ISO with your favorite burning tool.

3) I do that all the way, simply because I make modifications quite often (downsampling, changing images or sound, ...). As far as you binhack correctly 1st read file, it's ok.

4) Use any format you want. Data/Data should be supported by newer DCs. It's the one of the differences. Data/Data format also takes less space, so you might save some space (for selfboot purpose for example) using this one.
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Old 04-12-2002, 14:14
terminator terminator is offline
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re-selfbooting is easy if you are familar with the
echelon selfboot manual, kamui´s selfboot batch
or can write a cue file for cdrwin.

if you just copy all files from your disk
to your selfboot\data directory
you HAVE a boot disk version of your game.
ok, not really the same, but all
relevant files are hacked again.

you may need isobuster to extract the
whole game if it contains cdda tracks.

you need it not if there are not more than 2
cdda tracks on your disk.

or you search the web for this :

| |
| |
| |
| SIZE ............ : 27 x 20 MB |
| DATE ............ : 04/07/2001 |
| PLATFORM ........ : Dreamcast |
| COUNTRY ......... : PAL
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Old 04-12-2002, 15:11
AMurderOfCrows AMurderOfCrows is offline
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Originally posted by Megalexxx

2) it's just your CD's label. You can change it easily, by specifying another label before burning your CD. You might be able to change it with CDMage (not sure). Otherwise, extract all files and remake an ISO with your favorite burning tool.

Thanx for the info Megalexxx. As for this issue, you actually can't change a cd label if you make an ISO/CDI/BIN of it....it won't let you specify it. Also, it seems that the Bin2Boot program imprints it's own CD Label on the CDI images it makes, also making hassles for me and my disc organizer...i downloaded CDMage and everytime i attempted to load the DiscJuggler CDI image of Rayman 2, it would give me an "Out of Memory" error after 5 minutes. Any other tools you can suggest?


4) Use any format you want. Data/Data should be supported by newer DCs. It's the one of the differences. Data/Data format also takes less space, so you might save some space (for selfboot purpose for example) using this one.
I think i'd prefer to use Data/Data then, as my concern is making sure the disc plays on *ALL* dreamcasts....is there a tutorial on how to do this manualy, instead of using Bin2Boot?

thanks again all

Last edited by AMurderOfCrows; 04-12-2002 at 16:44.
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Old 05-12-2002, 00:42
Megalexxx Megalexxx is offline
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Terminator : if you have PARADiSO's 1st_read.bin for Spiderman, could you send it to me, please ? (megalexxx********fr)

AMurderOfCrows :

1) you can change a cd label if you make an ISO/CDI/BIN ... if you know hex-editing and ISO9660 file format. ;P

2) CDMage doesn't handle latests CDI file formats... Use CDIRip, ISOFix and then CDMage if you want to extract something

3) no tutorial about "Bin2Boot method". I think it shouldn't be so hard to make it manualy (burn 1 data session mode 2 with all your files, make a 300 sectors empty file, inject ip.bin into it and then burn it as 2nd session, or something like that...).
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Old 05-12-2002, 08:28
AMurderOfCrows AMurderOfCrows is offline
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i actually tried using a Hex editor on the CDI file first. It didn't work. Are you saying that i should change the CDI file to an ISO9660 format before i attempt to hex it?


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Old 06-12-2002, 02:20
Megalexxx Megalexxx is offline
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There might be several strings to change. Look for all your orignal CD labels (say "Echelon") and try to change them all. If you don't succeed, I'll have a look.
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Old 06-12-2002, 02:28
AMurderOfCrows AMurderOfCrows is offline
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i tried it with a cdi image...didn't work....any other ideas?

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Old 07-03-2010, 09:14
pishcakes pishcakes is offline
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working spiderman

hey i got a working spiderman with intro removed
if you want me to post it let me know
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