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Old 07-08-2002, 04:17
akahomeruk akahomeruk is offline
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Arrow sony audiocd protection!!!

as you may no the new 'key2audio' (think thats what it is called) is a new protection that prevents audio cd's being read in a pc.

how this new protection works is each disk has a barcode on it that fools the pc and thus is unable to read it, well that the theory anyway.

however again as you are probally aware this protection has been overcome by simply covering the barcode with a marker pen or felttip, at leat all the reports on the net say that, at first i thought some1 was taking the p*ss but more info came out backing up this theory.

now the reason a pc cant read a gc disk is cause of the bar code, at leat that is what i am lead to beleave, so does ne1 think that maybe ninty are using the same sort of protection on their disks?

PS not libility taken for people drawing on their disk!!!
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Old 07-08-2002, 17:21
nolimit966 nolimit966 is offline
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OK i just drwn on my iss2 for the GCN and i have totally fucked up my disk thanks to you!

Only joking....

Making sure my GCN doesnt read it - COVERED the barcode with a felt tip pen .

But neither will my PC! -- Its just doing what it normally does when i put a GCN disc it.
Thinks its a audio disc. - Nero thinks the disc has 1.35GB of data on it just like it does with all the GCN discs!

BUT - My DVD doesnt read SUB data!

NOW if your DVD DOES read sub data - TRY THIS METHOD above!
But be care full and dont use a ballpoint or permanent marker!
and make sure the GCN doesnt recognise the disc too!
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