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Old 04-03-2002, 08:52
Pushpaka Pushpaka is offline
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Hi I bought Legend from the UK and I need to get it's vertical working

Hi, this question is for anyone familiar with
Pal/NTSC formats and familiar with the game

I purchased Legend from the UK as something for
my collection (It would have been Knights of
Carnage in the US but got cancelled). It is
definitely an original and I wish to be able
to fully play it. I have a NTSC machine
capable of playing Japanese and US NTSC games

Right now the game runs but it looks like it has
no Vertical hold. Also on a somewhat related
note, is that I ran the game on my friends
PAL Japanese console and man did it look UGLY!

The color was badly faded (and everything was
mostly a dull yellow with some red & blue
and there were these vertical lines of empty
space going through almost everything. Note
that this was also the same result when we
tried Psychic Force also bought from the UK.
How do I solve the vertical hold problem and
the ugly graphics problem (there's no way the
game is supposed to look like this, heck it's
just a step up from EGA graphics, but I've
seen other pictures of the game and the
graphics+colors are supposed to be pretty sweet).

Last edited by Pushpaka; 04-03-2002 at 08:54.
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