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TippeX is on a distinguished road

TippeX TippeX is offline

zeroes and ones.....

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
  1. MaKenXbit
    19-01-2012 09:24
    Hi TippeX,

    i am sorry to ask for your help again but i can't do it myself.It would be great if you could take a look at the US Bounty Hunter exe some time this year.

  2. TippeX
    04-08-2010 10:50
    in a word.. NO
    read my fucking signature next time and your attitude sucks to begin with... contact the tech support for the game, you've not listened to any of our suggestions
  3. AnimalBear
    04-08-2010 07:12
    Hi TippeX can you help me about FIFA 2002?
    I'm wating here 4 days please .

  4. TippeX
    21-09-2009 06:56
    ah okies, well how would be that they patched out the 'call home' code and possibly the serial check code, easily found by comparing the cracked exe against the private server patch exe...
  5. Taxos
    21-09-2009 06:18
    You tell me to see rule number 6:
    # Give crackers a reasonable amount of time for releasing cracks.
    Don't request or discuss the CD/DVD conversion of any game before its official release date.

    This doesnt have anything to do with my question I asked HOW not WHEN.
  6. TippeX
    19-09-2009 15:36
    no, i simply follow the rules.. you should try reading them sometime
  7. Taxos
    19-09-2009 14:41
    thread left here so other dumb motherfuckers who can't be bothered to read the rules can then be subsequently banned because they are seriously trying my patience

    You feel like a hero dont ya?
  8. TippeX
    30-12-2008 14:26
    nope, you can contact the publisher for a replacment disk (usually they're at a minimal cost.. sometimes just the postage cost).. this saves you having to buy the game 2x
  9. Dracoban
    30-12-2008 13:52
    sorry about that i just dont know what else to do i guess that part of my disc is damaged cause its nto reading that part thats where my install stops i guess all i can do is buy another copy of the game

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    DO NOT PM me with questions, leave that in the forums...ESPECIALLY if i dont know you...


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  • Join Date: 10-01-2003


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